Alice comes inside.

In her hand was a wooden tray.

On the tray was a bowl of yellow porridge, a spoon and a glass of water.

“… .”

When she came inside and saw me, she moved without a word.

Reflexively, he got up and came closer to me, who sat down, and set the tray down next to me.

she stood in front of me I feel a strange feeling.

Worry, sadness, anger.

and a sense of betrayal. She felt a deep sense of betrayal.

He felt betrayed that he had left him alone in a safe place and jumped into the limb.

she asked me

When you go to a dangerous place, you want to go with you.

I couldn’t ignore it, so I locked her, one of her, in a safe place.

Yes, if that was all, that alone would have made her feel betrayed.

Returning from the war, I was in a dying state.

Though she couldn’t come back intact, she was carried in the arms of a soldier without even opening her eyes.

How did she feel then?

I couldn’t feel it, but it certainly wasn’t a good feeling.


“… .”

No answer.

Seeing that I can feel her breath, it is right that she is in front of me.

But why are there no words?

She stared down at me and turned around.

And I was about to leave the door.

“Are you going to leave?”

“… .”

don’t stop walking

I really thought it was going to go that way, and I wondered what words I could say to stop her.

“I can’t see my eyes.”

“… !”

Standing- she stops.

I felt my body tremble and react violently.

“No, don’t joke.”

her voice trembles

A joke, she hoped what I was saying was simply a joke.

I wish he had said something to stop himself.

“I’m not kidding.”

“You recognized me.”

“Because I can’t forget your smell.”

I should have said it was incense.

I’m a woman, so I thought it was a bit like the smell. Words that have already been spoken cannot be undone.

But fortunately, she didn’t take the blame any more, as if that answer wasn’t just wrong.

He spoke in a slightly trembling, worried voice.

“Are you sure you can’t see it? Aren’t you kidding?”

“I’m not one to joke around with things like this.”

“… Who the hell are you… !”

she bites her lip

At this point, you know I’m serious, and I’m not lying.

In the first place, I don’t even know if I’m closing my eyes or opening them.

From her point of view, it would appear that I keep my eyes open or close.

This is because there is no sense in the eyes, so it is difficult to close or open them.

I think it’s the opposite.

“Then what should I do? If you can’t see, you’ll be uncomfortable living in the future, but you should at least call the Count… no A request to His Majesty… .”

“Now, wait a minute. Alice, calm down.”

“How can I calm down now!”

she exhales, screaming.

It was as if there was something wrong with my senses, and there were tears in her eyes.

Staring at me, she gets angry.

Why the hell would a person like you do that?

Are you only thinking about yourself, what the hell are we?

What do you want to achieve by using your body like that?

She poured out her resentment on me for a long time, as if the doom that had been blocked for so long bursts.

I almost never see her do this, so I had no choice but to listen to her while bewildered.

“… Whoa… .”

she exhales heavily.

For a long 30 minutes, she shouted and argued with me non-stop.

He even cried, begging me to please.

Her voice hoarse as if she had been refreshed after pouring it out for a long time, but she seemed much better.

“Are you calming down now?”

“… Yes.”

She nods.

I fumbled and moved the chair next to the bed to come in front of me.

Then he reached out to her, grabbed her by the wrist, and made her sit on the chair.

She moved meekly into my hand.

“first of all… Sorry.”

I knew she was dissatisfied.

Even in the Elf Forest, and before that, she was angry with me.

I begged you please don’t do that.

And I’ve never heard of it.

To be honest, I only looked forward and ran.

It was not a place to care about the surroundings.

Right now, myself is important, but it was hard to look around.

So there was also her displeasure, her sadness, and her feelings themselves ignored.

No, it wasn’t just her.

To all who were with me and who followed me, I was a fellow.

what did i think of them

Looking at it now, it seems that I was simply looking at them as words to protect me and as a tool to act for me.

They are also a person and have thoughts, but it was like ignoring their thoughts and personalities.

“I know what your complaint is. I know you’re angry, and I know what you want to say to me.”

“then… .”

“But I can’t say that I will listen to that. I can’t guarantee that your request will solve your complaint. I don’t think I’ll listen to you, no matter what anyone says to me. Even the king, even the emperor of that mighty empire, will not be able to stop me.”

“young master… .”

“Not even God can stop me.”

Look up at the sky.

I wish I could face the god who sent me here.

Then I want to get at least one punch in the face.

If you sent me here, all you had to do was send a message without showing my face once, but now I don’t even do that.

To be honest, I don’t have that many complaints.

Rather, when the message popped up, it was cumbersome and uncomfortable.

I’d rather not care because it doesn’t look like it does now.

“why… What are you doing that for? You can take a little, very little break and go.”

I shook my head.

Of course, it wasn’t that I didn’t think so.

In fact, I did train in the beginning, but I didn’t lead a tight life like I do now.

Rest when resting, move when moving.

But not now.

As it is, I was so busy that I couldn’t be fine anywhere, and I moved with difficulty.

Didn’t stop.

The scariest thing is a car that lost its brakes.

I was exactly that pair.

While stepping on the accelerator, on the contrary, I couldn’t step on the brake and tore it off.

If there is a wall in front of you, you will not be able to stop or turn properly and you will have an accident.

‘And that accident happened this time.’

Being powerless right away and losing sight in an instant.

And there were a few more, but those need to be more accurately figured out.

‘Because I still got something.’

got power

Even though it was half power, power was power.

No matter how few Aura users there were, there were quite a few top-notch experts across the entire continent.

And they want to cross the wall, but they have not been able to become masters because they have not attained enlightenment.

Shall we say that seeing the Master once is like consuming all the luck of a lifetime?

That level of authority and enlightenment was hard to come by.

‘But I didn’t have anything to call enlightenment… To be honest, I don’t really remember what happened then.’

I just simply wanted to break free from the chains that confined my existence.

At some point, those thoughts disappeared, and he became a trance, and then the power was born.

No matter how much realization comes like the wind, it’s a ghost that disappears if you don’t catch it, but in my case, I was quite lucky.

I said everything about fighting alongside the masters and engaging in direct combat with the masters.

It was like having a chance that others couldn’t get even if they went their entire lives.

“young master?”

“Oh sorry… I have something to think about for a while.”


I had very different thoughts with people in front of me.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

She still looks at me anxiously.

‘I think I’ll see it soon.’

The darkness was lifting very, very little.

It feels like a fingernail-sized light spread widely in the black darkness.

“I think it is difficult right now. We haven’t reached our goal yet.”

“What is that goal? For what the hell… .”

“Sorry, I can’t tell you right now. I’ll let you know when the time is right.”

How can I say

That the existence of Ahar is trying to exterminate mankind.

And how can you explain how you came to know about it?

To explain it all, I have to explain who I am.

In the first place, she will have doubts.

The path I’ve walked so far has been a series of situations that no one can explain, and that is difficult for one person to go through.

From obtaining a wild dog, solving the elves’ troubles, and ending the war.

Yes, let alone wild dogs, war is not impossible since there are two Masters.

However, it is hard for anyone to believe that I left everything behind and healed the world tree, the guardian tree of the elves.

In the first place, elves have a closed disposition, so their information cannot be released.

Moreover, I had no connection with the South.

This was my first time in the South with no means of contact.

However, I solved it as if I knew everything too well.

A situation that anyone would have doubts about.

“… All right.”

But Alice didn’t ask more.

He held my hand tightly, saying he would believe me that he would explain it to me someday.

All I could say was thank you for that.


It’s just a word, but I’m so grateful that people believe in me just because I said something to believe in.

“Then you should rest. You’re not feeling well.”

She returned to her usual voice.

I nodded, and she took the tray next to me into her arms.

Then he lifts the plate and scoops the porridge with a spoon and serves it to me.

“Eating well is also important when recovering. Oh, do it.”

I was a little taken aback by her behavior.

I could eat enough by myself, but she was acting like feeding a child.

“I can eat.”

“I can’t see, how can I do that? Just accept it without saying anything for now.”

“I… .”

“Ah, do it.”

At her firm words, I let out a light sigh and opened my mouth.

No matter what I said, her will didn’t seem to be broken, and it was even harder to reject her words because I had done something wrong.

As if she liked the way I accepted and ate it, she said ‘I like it’ and spread the porridge.

And when it got on my mouth, I picked up a handkerchief and wiped it off before I could do anything.

It’s comfortable, but it feels weird.

For a while, the only sounds in the room were rattling and swallowing porridge.

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