Texas:? ? ?

The girl was driving the car, her faint eyes casting her faint gaze at the man and woman on the right from time to time.

They are like lovers from past lives meeting each other in this life.

Even though we just met yesterday, we can have a lively conversation today.

As long as the capable angel has one-tenth of Tallulah's initiative, Texas has even ordered the bridesmaid's dress.

Sigh... The support tried its best, but the shooter didn't live up to expectations!

"To be honest, I am actually from Longmen. I came to Ursus because of some things. It has been more than ten years ago. Can you tell me what Longmen is like now?" Tallulah asked.

"No problem." Su Yun took out his cell phone and clicked on the photo album, "Hearing is believing, seeing is believing. I took these pictures myself. I'm sorry for my poor skills."

"Really? I think they're all pretty good. Have you ever studied photography?"

"Hahaha... you are exaggerating."

Tallulah looked at the Longmen on her phone, which was very different from what she remembered, and felt infinite emotion in her heart.

Who would have thought that the child kidnapped by Kosiche would now become the leader of an infected organization and kill his enemies.

I don’t know if my sister is doing well now...

Just when Tallulah was recalling the past and worried about Chen Huijie.

An invisible, dark poisonous snake spit out her snake letter, looked at the softness of her heart, and bit her.

[They should have forgotten you. 】

Tallulah retorted in her mind: "No, it won't!"

[When 'I' was still the Duke of Cosiche, I paid close attention to the movements on the Longmen side. Wei Yanwu not only did not organize a rescue operation, but also took the initiative to downplay the matter. 】

"This is the sensible and right thing to do."

[But it is also painful and easy to forget. Tallulah, let me ask you, do you still remember your friends in Longmen? 】


How could you still remember?

Tallulah was only ten years old at the time.

More than ten years have passed, and she can't even remember the faces of Chen Huijie, Wei Yanwu and Mrs. Wenyue...

[So, forget it, carrying too much will only make you exhausted. 】

Black Snake is a well-deserved conspirator. She is good at using some specious words to tease people's cognition.

Others have forgotten Tallulah, so should Tallulah forget others?

of course not.

Who she remembers and who she doesn't remember is Tallulah's freedom, and no one can interfere.

But she just wanted Tallulah to give up her past self and Longmen's self little by little.

Gradually fall towards her and become her.

Tallulah saw through Black Snake's thoughts at a glance.

But at the same time, she was also afraid. She was afraid that one day, she would return to Longmen, only to find that there was no place for her to stand in Longmen.

If no one in Longmen knew her, Talulah, then what was the difference between Longmen and other cities?

Where did she, Tallulah, come from and where is she going?

If everything will eventually turn into dust, why should she work hard today?

"No, they won't..."

If it weren't for the fact that it was insubstantial, Black Snake would have wanted to express its gratitude to this handsome young man. He had shortened the time for him to capture Tallulah by at least a full year.

[How about you ask the boy next to you? Maybe he knows something. 】

Black Snake struck while the iron was hot, preparing to destroy Tallulah's last hope for Longmen.

If Tallulah carried on without asking and left a hope for herself, she could continue to rely on this hope when Su Yun left in two days.

But Black Snake would not give her this chance.

Tallulah pursed her lips and asked cautiously: "Su Yun, do you know Chen Huijie?"

She knew what Black Snake was thinking.

But if she didn't ask, it meant that she didn't dare to ask, she was afraid, and she also thought that her sister far away in Longmen had forgotten her.

In this way, it was exactly what Black Snake wanted.

"I know."



To Tallulah and Black Snake's surprise, the young man in front of them actually knew about Chen Huijie's existence.

Black Snake originally expected that Su Yun didn't know, and then continued to harass Tallulah while she was uneasy. He had already thought of the words, but ended up not using them, which was a waste of her emotions.

I thought it was bronze, but I didn't expect it to be gold.

It's not a big problem. It just gives Tallulah another breath. She will be his own sooner or later.

"You, you know?" Tallulah suspected that she heard wrongly, and confirmed again, "Er Dongchen, the afterglow, pure white."

"Yes, Governor Wei's niece."

Su Yun replied.

Black Snake saw an opportunity and decisively came out to deal a wave of damage.

[Wei Yanwu is now the governor of Longmen, and his niece's status has naturally increased. Tallulah, you can have something better, and you don't have to suffer in the bitter cold land... Go back, Tallulah, you are my 'daughter', and I have reserved the position of duke for you. 】

154. Come to cheat, come to sneak attack, don’t show martial ethics!

Su Yun was originally thinking about how to lead the topic, but Tallulah took the initiative to ask, so he had to turn into a chatty talker and chat with her.

"Sister Chen is now the Superintendent of the Guards Bureau. She works overtime until early morning every day. Although many people say that she wants to be promoted to Senior Superintendent, in fact, people who are familiar with her know that when she was still an ordinary police officer, This is how I work overtime every day.”

Tallulah asked: "Did you call her Sister Chen?"

"Yes, I am her subordinate."

Tallulah couldn't help but feel happy and asked in her heart: "Black Snake, what else do you have to say?"

[A man’s mouth is a liar. How do you know that what he says is true? 】

What a mistake... Black Snake never expected that Su Yun was going to be in the gold promotion competition, and he had the strength of half a platinum level.

Come to cheat, come to sneak attack, she is an old black snake who is thousands of years old and has no martial ethics!

She chooses a jungler and squats in the bushes, and comes up with a set of combos. She also gives Tallulah a shot of milk by the way, which makes all her efforts these days come to nothing.

Fortunately, she had already mastered level 290 and level 9, and had also upgraded to level 3 module. Given the gap in strength, Tallulah would be hers sooner or later.

Su Yun didn't know Tallulah's inner conversation with Black Snake, and thought she didn't believe it. He took back his phone, flipped through it, and found Chen's photo.

"Look, there's still a time watermark on the photo."

In the photo, Chen is wagging his tail and hiding from a little girl. The little girl got lost and was sent to the Guards Bureau. In order to comfort her, Chen played "Eagle Catching Chicken" with her.

Tallulah looked at the photo and could no longer hear the black snake's noise in her ears.

The blood flowing in her veins told her that this was Chen. What Chen would look like when he grew up was so similar to her.

Su Yun knowingly asked, "Hey~ do you look a bit like Sister Chen?"

Texas pouted.

At the beginning, Su Yun began to deceive the "ignorant girl".

Men are indeed big hooves.

Tallulah took the opportunity to admit her identity: "Well, actually I am Chen Huijie's half-sister. I came to the snowy field because of some things, and I haven't been back for more than ten years."

"So this is ah."

"Didn't Hui Jie tell you about me?"


Su Yun shook his head.

Tallulah's expression darkened.

Black Snake secretly rejoiced.

What if we know Chen Huijie's current situation? She has forgotten about you a long time ago!

Su Yun added: "I'm just very concerned about the case of missing children in Longmen. I always dig out the files of a girl abduction case more than ten years ago and look over it. It's just that the case is related to the senior officials of Ursus. Chief Wei has never been interested." Agree with her to start investigating.”


If you don’t have my ID number, Tallulah’s has it, right?

God *Usus swears* abducts girls!

It was obviously a murderous and heart-wrenching magic hand that he used after he was defeated by Wei Yanwu. How could he fall into his mouth and become a trafficker?

The force pattern fell down "squeezing".

Tallulah beamed with joy.

Hui Jie still remembers her, Wei Yanwu must also remember her, and Mrs. Wenyue will naturally not forget her.

The black snake's attack on the heart will be defeated by itself!

"Su Yun, thank you for telling me this." Tallulah said with sincere gratitude.

A wanderer who is away from home knows that she still has a home in Longmen, which is a great encouragement to her.

Tallulah is also a human being. Her journey to this day was indispensable without the support of faith, Alina's encouragement, the recognition of patriots, and the hope in the eyes of the infected.

Now, she has one more reason to keep going - go home!

The black snake was angry.

Is this half-step platinum? This is obviously a trick!

Is there any heavenly principle? Is there any royal law?

Pooh! Shame on you!

If Su Yun found out about this, he would have to ask Black Snake, if you are in Tallula's body now and trying to compete with her for her account, isn't that just cheating?

Not to mention, in the original plot of Ark, you possessed Tallulah and called each sister Chen Huijie. Isn't it embarrassing?

Does your late emperor know that you are so arrogant outside?

Su Yun said: "You're welcome. It's a fate arranged by God for us to meet you. I really didn't expect that I could meet Sister Chen's sister here. How about I call you Sister Tallulah too."

Texas looked at the two people who quickly closed the distance, feeling uncomfortable in his heart.

Inadvertently, the tire hit a large rock.

The car was fine, and the supplies on the car were well preserved, so they were fine too.

But Su Yun and Tallulah are in trouble.

Although the passenger seat is folded down, it was originally designed for people to sit and lie down, so it retains a certain degree of curvature.

And Tallulah was sitting on this slanted "chair".

The car hit a rock, and her body inevitably slid forward with the inertia.


She could have controlled herself and fell forward, but Black Snake forcibly stopped her movement and allowed her to fall into Su Yun's arms.

Following Su Yun's hand, a wisp of black Originium skill invaded his body.


This physique...

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