When will I have a long tassel?

Chapter 91 A Centennial Plan

Happy days always pass quickly, and everyone just feels that it is already time to go to work before they wake up from the hangover. Everyone exchanged New Year greetings and happily walked into the workshop or office. What greeted them was a "Solicitation Form" handed over by the unit leader.

"Asking for advice? What advice?"

Everyone was inexplicably confused, but after they read the words at the beginning of the opinion form, they all became excited.

In the explanation of the opinion form, the first sentence was "Education is a century-old plan." Then it was claimed that the factory had received feedback from many employees, criticizing the factory's teachers at Zidi Middle School and Zidi Primary School for being disorganized, performing perfunctory work, and failing to teach. Low quality.

Some teachers lack basic teaching ability and enter the school to teach in children's schools based solely on their connections. There are also some teachers who not only work as tutors in their spare time to make money, but often take time off to go to other schools in society.

The opinion sheet stated that children's schools are related to the future of the next generation of all factory workers. Even those old workers whose children have graduated from middle school still have problems with the education of the third generation. Since the children's education cannot be delayed, the factory affairs committee decided to immediately start rectifying the atmosphere of Zidi Middle School and Zidi Primary School and solicit the opinions of all factory employees on this issue.

"Why are you asking for your opinion? Every one of those teachers at Zidi Primary School will be fired without injustice!"

"Finally, some leaders are paying attention to their children's schools. Damn it, the factory leaders have the ability to send their children to the city's schools. All the children of us poor workers are being delayed!"

"Support! If the factory can improve the children's school, I will send a banner to the factory director!"

"What I didn't say is that Lao Zhou is willing to care about his children's school problems. I will have no objection to what Lao Zhou says in the future!"

More than half of the 6,800 employees of Linyi Machinery have children of school age. Among them, less than 10% can afford to send their children to schools outside the factory. Most of their children are in the factory. The children go to school.

The basic education system in the 1990s was relatively chaotic, and each region had its own local policies.

In Linhe City, the compulsory education stage adopts the method of dividing and lump-suming. If a subordinate enterprise like Linyi Machinery wants to send the children of employees to a school in the city, they must pay a "borrowing fee" to the school. Each person per year Up to 2,000 yuan.

Linyiji has its own primary and secondary schools, so it will naturally not pay this money to its employees. The employees' children will either go to the school for children in the factory for free, or they will have to pay the 2,000 yuan themselves to go to a school in the city. How many employees can afford the burden of 2,000 yuan a year?

At the high school level, there are two situations. There are several key high schools in the city that are completely free of charge, provided you can pass the exam. If you fail to pass the key exams and go to other high schools, you will also need to charge money.

As Yu Xiaohui told Tang Zifeng, due to poor teaching quality, no one from Linyiji Middle School has been admitted to the key high school in Linhe City for several years. The children can only go to the high school in the factory, and The quality of factory high schools is even worse, which directly affects the college entrance examinations of factory children.

Nowadays, the importance of education has been increasingly accepted by Chinese people. Going to college means being able to get ahead, while failing to go to college means having to do manual labor and earn a low salary.

When workers in the factory usually get together, two out of three sentences are about education. Especially for parents whose children are facing the high school entrance examination, their anxiety can be said to be moving.

Those whose children are still in elementary school have also been infected. They are all thinking in advance whether they should bite the bullet and spend a lot of money to send their children to junior high schools in the city.

At this time, the factory suddenly proposed that it should pay attention to the children's school. How could everyone's emotions not be aroused.

For a time, no one cared about issues such as production and bonuses anymore. The topic of discussion in every workshop team and every department was how to rectify the school for children.

Looking further down, the content on the comment form is very specific.

The idea in the factory is to first hire two retired senior primary and secondary school principals with high salaries to serve as principals at Zidi Middle School and Zidi Primary School respectively, and then hire a number of outstanding retired teachers to serve as directors of teaching and research offices and grade groups at Zidi School. long.

Next, the existing teaching staff of the children's school will be evaluated. Those with poor teaching ability, poor student evaluation, and those who take leave every three days and do not attend class will all be transferred to the waiting position. Only half of the basic salary will be paid for the time being, and all performance wages will be deducted. . Faculty and staff who can avoid the fate of being laid off will also be divided into three, six or nine grades, with grades linked to performance pay.

In addition, there are some other policies, such as linking bonuses to the admission rate, linking students' winnings in various competitions in the city to the performance of their instructors, etc.

"Great, I should have done this a long time ago! Let's see if that bitch Zhao Jingjing can still jump this time!"

In the milling workshop, Wang Ying waved the opinion form in her hand and said to her companions with excitement.

Her son is currently in fifth grade at Zidi Primary School. According to her own evaluation, he is talented and smart and will have no problem getting into Tsinghua University or Peking University in the future. As for the present, of course, it is because the teacher's level is so poor that my son's intelligence has not been brought into play, so that in the final exam of last semester, the total score of Chinese and mathematics was only 61 points...

Wang Ying went to Zidi Elementary School more than once to make trouble about her children's academic performance, but what was the use?

The Zhao Jingjing she was talking about was her son's former class teacher, a middle-aged woman with similar fighting ability to her.

The two of them once had a big argument outside the Zidi Primary School. Wang Ying accused Zhao Jingjing of being irresponsible at work, while Zhao Jingjing claimed that Wang Ying and her husband must be close relatives and that her son was born mentally retarded.

When Wang Ying was fighting with the workshop director Hu Quanmin, she was good at crying, making trouble, and hanging herself. However, these three axes were useless in front of Zhao Jingjing, because the other party was even more aggressive than Wang Ying, and her body was a bit fatter than Wang Ying. He is the kind who can crush Wang Ying with his strength.

As a result of the quarrel, Wang Ying and her husband had to go to the principal of the elementary school with cigarettes and alcohol to ask the child to change classes. The new class teacher is an amiable middle-aged man who cares about his students in every possible way. He is not angry when a fifth-grade child takes a cigarette from his pocket and even lends him his cigarette butt to light...

What's going on with this special meow!

"Xiao Wang, regarding the rectification of Zidi School, the factory is going to hold a consultation meeting and ask some people from each workshop to participate. Aren't you usually the most opinionated about Zidi School? Or you can be considered a representative."

Hu Quanmin walked over with a smile and said to Wang Ying.

Wang Ying patted her chest and said, "No problem, Director Hu, no one knows more about Zidi Elementary School than me. I must report it to the factory leaders!"

Since the rectification of the children's school must be completed before the start of school, the factory's opinion consultation meeting was held on the afternoon of the day when I went to work after the holiday. The meeting took place in the factory's large conference room, which could accommodate seventy or eighty people. Wang Yingxiong walked into the conference room arrogantly and saw his old enemy Zhao Jingjing sitting in the conference room.

"Why are people from the school here too?"

Wang Ying asked Xu Wenlan beside her. She was completely unaware that more than 70% of the representatives from various workshops and departments who came to the meeting today were "problem employees" in each unit.

"I heard that the factory wants teachers and parents to confront each other face to face. This time the factory is going to rectify primary and secondary schools, and some teachers will be put on the job. They are not convinced and say that the factory leaders are bullying them." Xu Wenlan said that this news was also true for her. Heard it from other people.

"They still dare to dissent?" Wang Ying was annoyed. "Others don't know about the things they did, but I don't know about it either? If they don't accept it, I can refute them speechless without the factory leaders saying anything." Word."

"Yes, yes, I know Xiao Wang, you are the best." Xu Wenlan encouraged her by gently clapping her hands.

"Comrades, please sit down and stop talking."

Seeing that all the participants were present, deputy director Zhang Shu walked up to the podium and spoke into the microphone.

Everyone fell silent, waiting for him to speak.

Zhang Shu first made an opening statement, nothing more than attaching importance to education. Then he went straight to the topic and talked about the problems existing in the children's school and the factory's suggestions for rectification. When he talked about the problem, the school representative started to get a little restless. When he talked about his suggestions for rectification, the restlessness turned into a noise.

"Director Zhang, we can't accept what you say!"

The first one to jump up was Zhao Jingjing. The fat lumps on her face were trembling, and she looked extremely angry:

"We admit that the teaching quality of Zidi Primary School is not good. But can we be blamed for this? How much investment has the factory put into Zidi Primary School over the years? In primary schools in other cities, teachers receive bonuses every month, and arrangements can be made during winter and summer vacations. Traveling, we have a problem!"

"Why don't you say you are just shits!"

On the employee's side, Wang Ying stood up suddenly, pointed at Zhao Jingjing, and said loudly: "Don't I understand you? You even got your high school diploma by acting like a fool. You teach Chinese and you just open your mouth. Saying 'Guan Lushan is stormy' is going to blow your head off. As a worker, I know it's Nian Waterfall. A student pointed it out to you, and you scolded the student. Can you tell me if this is the case?"

Zhao Jingjing immediately turned her gun and pointed it at Wang Ying: "How I got my high school diploma is none of your business! You still have the nerve to say that you are a worker. Who doesn't know that you are a full-time family planning cadre in the milling workshop? , are you a miller? Are you a washer who washes other people's butts?"

"I didn't mislead anyone!"

"Is there anyone else who misunderstood your stupid son? His parents are closely related!"

"You and your husband are close relatives!"

"My son is not as stupid as your son!"


After sending it, go catch the train! ! !

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