Whispering Verse

Chapter 994: Offerings to the Old Gods

"Spell item? Oh, yes, of course it is."

Holding the teacup, the priest introduced with a smile:

"There are two basic characteristics. Based on the characteristics of 'angels', they praise death, and then inject their own spirit to actively stimulate, forming a special area within 30 feet (approximately 9.15 meters) centered on the badge. It can attack evil spirits Evil creatures such as demons and demons cause relatively powerful attacks. Even if they cannot be defeated, they will definitely not attack you under the light of the emblem."

Because it is impossible to experiment in the church now, otherwise he really wants to resuscitate the bones and let Xia De try it.

"Based on the characteristic of 'death', when this badge directly touches the wound of a flesh and blood creature for more than five seconds, the object will be cursed with death. In the next period of time, organs will fail, muscles will atrophy, and various The probability of disease is greatly increased. Although it cannot be said that you will die, in general, you will definitely not be able to live. Of course, when you call on the power of death when you fight, this badge can also help you, but for you This enhancement is not obvious, after all, it is not as good as the blessing I personally gave you."

Priest Augustus is not worried that Shad will use this badge to do bad things. If Shad wants to do bad things, he doesn't need this at all:

"You have to pay attention, don't let it touch your wound when you are injured. In addition to these two characteristics, this badge also has [the wearer will not become an undead], [the wearer will not be actively attacked by the undead] , [resist instant death attack], [strengthen undead and angel-related thaumaturgy spells] have small effects, but it doesn't matter to you."

Compared with relics and thaumaturgy spells, this badge has no side effects at all, and it is almost free to use. This is the real magical item of the ancient gods, and it is quite valuable even for Shad.

Of course, this morning I went to find Priest Augustus specifically, not only to ask why the priest appeared in Saint Teresa Square on Wednesday night, but also to inquire about the information on the Old God Order that the priest was commissioned to search earlier this week. In the fifth era 5177, the content of the second test of the old **** [the Uncertain Wise Man] was to offer a sacrifice to the god, and the sacrifice must be some kind of "water". Shade hoped to find the identity of the past sacrifice through the priest material.

Although Priest Augustus is very busy at the end of the year, it is not a waste of time to search for information. After all, the information provided by Xia De is very comprehensive. He did not take out the information, but dictated what he saw.

The Old God [Uncertain Wise Man] is actually a very famous ancient god. This is because this **** did not leave until the end of the Fifth Epoch, and on the other hand, because this wise man’s sect was formally established later. The Church of God [God of Creation and Destruction] partly absorbed, and most of the knowledge and history of inheritance were kept and preserved by the Church of Creation.

Priest Augustus had a great face in the local area, and had a good relationship with other heretics in the Church of the Five Gods, so he easily obtained the information that was made public within the church.

Just like the great witches of the Fifth Epoch knew, the believers of the old **** would usually offer "clear lake water, morning dew, and the tears of a newborn baby" as sacrifices, because this is the most Pure and immaculate water. The process of offering sacrifices is not just about placing the offerings in front of the shrine or the holy emblem. Sometimes it is necessary to decorate the container with purple sage, eight-leaf lily-of-the-valley, or petals of green chrysanthemum.

The entire sacrificial process has been recorded and passed down to modern times. This sacrificial process itself is also a kind of ritual. Repeating this process in the modern age when the old gods have left can allow the ritual holders to improve their wisdom and inspiration within a certain period of time. A more basic ritual.

"Apart from these materials, is there nothing else? Like special offerings?"

Shade sat on the chair and asked curiously. Priest Augustus, who was holding a teacup, stood in front of the window looking at the snow and the children chasing and playing. The elderly always liked to recall the past:

"Yes, I asked someone to find some information that ordinary priests like us can't see. But you should not be able to find those sacrifices in a short time. For example, the spring water of the angel-level relic 'Fountain of Youth'. "

Xia De touched the cat and sighed. Mia looked up at Xia De and made a sigh.

The relic [Fountain of Youth] originally belonged to the Council of Witches and was the common property of the Great Witches of the Council of the Fifth Epoch, but it was lost during the era change. The great witches of the sixth era have been thinking about this relic, but they just couldn't find it. Miss Galina complained about it to Shad.

Unlike the "mermaid's elixir of youth" that Xia De once sold to Miss Galina, although the spring water of the angel-level relic [Fountain of Youth] is also impossible to grant immortality, it is more effective in maintaining appearance.

"However, Ms. Violet, the Witch Emperor, I don't know if she has this kind of spring water with her."

He guessed.

"what else?"

"Liquified Philosopher's Stone."

This is even more impossible to find. If Xia De, Miss Violet, and Miss Teresa have the Philosopher's Stone, the first test will not require the three of them to write papers.

"Is there something a little simpler?"

Xia De hugged the lazy cat and asked again, the priest thought carefully for a while:

"The information I have seen is all information that can be disclosed internally. If you want to find more secret information, I am afraid that you have to find someone in the Holy See of [Creation and Destruction Church], or wait for me to contact the former old man. It's going to take a while, my friend. But don't you know the ring magicians from the Church? I think you can ask your friend to try his luck."

After bidding farewell to Priest Augustus, Xia De braved the heavy snow and went to the Blackstone Security Company. Even riding in a horse-drawn carriage can feel the chill of a snowy day. The very talkative coachman chatted with Shad about the winter in Tobesk from the small window in front of the carriage, and thus let Shad know that the area in the city that can pay the unified heating fee is less than one-tenth of the total area of ​​the city .

"Then how do you keep warm in winter?"

"The mining area in the north of the city sells loose coal, and we will prepare some firewood ourselves. The steam pipeline company allows families to modify the pipeline and connect it to their own stove. My father, when my father's father spent the winter in this city, there was no The current conditions. Thirty years ago when I was only in my teens, at least a few hundred people would freeze to death in the city every winter.”

The coachman turned his back to Xia De and said, then shook the bell to remind the pedestrians in front to pay attention to dodge.

It is necessary to pay an extra tip for riding a carriage in snowy weather. When Xia De got off the carriage, he gave the driver an extra shilling. The coachman smiled and wished Xia De all the best today, and then he was called away by others. His business will be very good in this kind of weather. Earn extra money to get through the long winter before deep winter hits.

In order to protect the secret that "the second wise man's pyroxene has appeared", the rest of Yin Luna's team did not know what the ordinary Xia De experienced on Wednesday night. Therefore, when Shade pushed open the downstairs door of the security company, the wife of the receptionist was not surprised by his appearance.

Seeing that Xia De came to find Yin Luna, he asked them to talk in the reception room on the first floor. After closing the door, the seventeen-year-old girl looked very happy:

"Xia De, how is your health? Oh, I was really worried when I saw you really passed out at your home."

She didn't know that at No. 6, Plaza Saint Teresa, it seemed that [Thief Jack] and Xia De were fighting, but in fact it was a whole group plus a cat who were fighting against the thief. But before Xia De woke up, Yin Luna got the truth of that night from Luvia.

Of course, the purple-eyed girl did not disclose the identities of the rest of the group, Yin Luna only knew that Xia De had been hypnotized.

"Just slept for a long time and woke up feeling good."

Xia De pointed to the document bag that he casually put aside, which contained the document signed just now:

"I have already reached a deal with the Prophet Association, and I can get [Founding Knowledge] before the end of this year. I heard from Miss Galina that you gave the church the proposal? Thank you very much, you have been a great help."

"Eternal God Emperor"

"You don't have to thank me, I have to thank you for the [Mandela Snake Nest vial]."

Yin Luna felt a little blushing, and she tried hard to control her expression:

"I heard from Luvia that you used your chance to get a relic to help us get back the lost relic."

After speaking, he pursed his lips.

"It was you who caught the thief, Yin Luna, you did a good job on Wednesday night."

It's not that Xia De is exaggerating the facts, if it weren't for Yin Luna's cooperation, things would have been very troublesome that night.

Hearing Xia De's praise, the seventeen-year-old girl finally couldn't help showing a heartfelt smile:

"It's just a small matter. Oh, Xia De, do you know? We don't have to write reports and reviews. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Fortunately, my report only wrote the beginning. I still had a headache a few days ago What to do. But the captain is very unlucky, his review and report are almost finished, when he heard that our punishment was cancelled, he was silent for a long time."

Yin Luna and Xia De were talking about the things around them, and when Xia De asked about the [Uncertain Wise Men] sect, she became serious:

"Yes, I have found some information. But the sacrifices required are really harsh. Many materials that are very difficult to obtain in the Fifth Epoch don't even exist in the Sixth Epoch. A few can still be found It is almost impossible for us to get the materials."

"Fountain of Youth, Stone of Philosophy?"

Xia De asked, and Yin Luna nodded. As the chosen one, she has more authority, and she has found more information:

"Besides these two liquids, there are many kinds of pure liquids that were consecrated to the old god. As the **** of the lake, most of the sacrifices she accepted were similar materials."

Yin Luna took out her notebook and handed it to Xia De, plus the Fountain of Youth and the Philosopher's Stone, the list has a total of 9 special liquids. Among them, Xia De is more familiar, and there is also "Water of Moonlight".

The reward for completing the key in 5177 of the Fifth Epoch includes "Ritual-Moonlight Water", but the problem is that Xia De must find the sacrifice to complete the task, and to complete the task, the sacrifice must be found.

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