Whispering Verse

Chapter 1023: Saint Byrence at night

There was no special reason for Miss Daniste to find Xia De this time, she just wanted to ask him about the progress of collecting the aura.

In fact, Shad hasn't made any progress at all, but at least he has established a relationship with Princess Margaret, and has established a relatively friendly relationship with Sir Priscia in the reading salon.

The sorceress with the thirteenth ring was a little dissatisfied with Xia De's progress, but she also understood his difficulties, so she didn't press too much.

Instead, Shad asked a question, and then got a surprising answer:

"Miss Daniste, when I was doing background checks, I found that Sir Priscia's family is quite old. It was rumored that it was a well-known ring magician family many years ago. I don't know if this is true."


The lady on the sofa nodded. Although it was almost late at night, the St. Byrence Library tonight was not quiet at all. The Moon of Sleep is the last month of the year. As the exam week approaches, the students of the college are also catching up on the little time left this year to supplement the final knowledge for the most important upgrade exam at the end of the coming year.

The library even lit up more lights for this purpose, and at this time the huge star map above his head was emitting a soft light. Above the rows of bookshelves, the golden candlesticks were scattered in the air holding candles. It seemed that many people could not sleep tonight.

"In fact, many surnames that have been passed down for a long time in the contemporary era have had their own glory in the last century or even older."

Miss Dennist was not surprised by Shad's question at all, she seemed a little lazy:

"When I did background checks on Lykins Priscia, I looked up their family history. Before Lykins Priscia, the last ring wizard that actually existed was born about 300 years ago, but there was no He joined the church and the three major colleges, but unfortunately died of a relic out of control incident when he was in the second ring."

She shook her fingers, and poured black tea for her in the white porcelain teapot decorated with gold and silver in the shape of stretched mandala flowers:

"Going forward, about every three or four hundred years, a ring warlock will be born. Although the probability is a little higher, it is not too exaggerated. And if you go back to the Fifth Epoch, there will be a lot of specious news. If If you are interested, I can tell you about it, but I don’t think it will help your mission, and most of the rumors from the last century are not true.”

"If it's convenient, you can talk to me."

Xia De pretended to be quite curious, and Miss Daniste nodded:

"The knowledge you are exposed to now has already involved elves, mermaids, vampires and other alien species. Although these alien species have no longer appeared in human society in the sixth era, at least in the early fifth era, the relationship between humans and alien species Intermarriage is still very common. According to legend, the Pulisha family has a bloodline of a different species, and the source of the bloodline is the feathered race. Yes, it is the kind of race that is extremely curious but has extremely weak mental endurance."


"Of course, there is another theory that the Priscia family's magical bloodline originated from an even older era. They inherited the power of a certain angel, but the power of the bloodline has long since disappeared due to the time gap... .There are even stranger rumors besides Yuren and Angels, but I don't think we need to waste time on those stories."

The sorceress looked at Xia De with a teacup:

"Because of trade negotiations, Marguerite Anjou's delegation will probably extend their visit to Tobesk, but they will also return to Carson Rik before the end of the year. You need to complete the task before then .”

"For a week, I brought the aura."

Shad said that within a week, he will try to find out Sir Priscia's attitude towards the chosen one and the poem. During this period, he must definitely get in touch with the other party, so he must complete:

"But I need more information. Does Sir Kings Priscia have any extraordinary talent? In the worst case, I might have to fight him."

"I have received news from the Higher Medical College of Serkses, he is very talented in reading, and the level of the Ring Warlock is also improving very quickly..."

After a pause, he glanced at Xia De:

"Of course, it's incomparable with a true genius like you. Lykins Priscia is extremely proficient in the power of enlightenment elements, especially the power related to knowledge and books. But I can't get the more specific ring magician system You know, he is only a correspondence student after all, and Serksace himself may not necessarily know all of his abilities."

Xia De nodded:

"I still have some discoveries, and Kings Priscia is very close to [Apner Library]."

He did not directly say that the other party was an academic spy.

Miss Denist thought for a while:

"This involves Serksace's own affairs, we don't have to take care of it."

It seems that Serksace himself is also suspicious. After all, St. Byrence can suspect Dorothy, and the Higher Medical School, which is one of the three major schools, has no reason not to notice the real academic spies.

"Also, if I get the spiritual light, and I can really help us decipher the secret of that book and find the location of [Silver Moon Library], then how can I come to St. Byrence?"

Xia De asked again, the projection state would weaken the aura, and it would be impossible for the real aura to shine on the secret black book. He also held the idea of ​​coming to St. Byrence himself to find the last stone tablet that recorded the knowledge of time augmentation.

"If Kings Priscia's aura is really appropriate, I'll take that book to Tobesk myself."

The female sorceress of the thirteenth ring said in a relaxed tone, Xia De was stunned for a moment before he realized:


He just didn't think of such a possibility.

"You are all in Tobesk, why don't I go there. Moreover, there have been some problems in your city recently. The college has sent several professors, and I can apply for the second batch."

Her eyes looked at Xia De's expression:

"In the autumn, Mr. Pigman, the principal, also went to the city under the jurisdiction of the church for some things. This time I applied for support, and there is no problem."


This sounds like a pretty good idea, but it's not a good idea for Shad alone. He wanted to object, but the reason given by Miss Dennist was so unassailable that he thought for a long time but couldn't figure out how to object.

"In short, the most important task at present is to collect spiritual light."

So the sorceress said, and Shad nodded. Even if the slate representing the "Red Moon" has not been unsealed, he must not stop searching for the last slate suspected to be in St. Byrence. Even if there is no chance to go to St. Byrence this time, but if he really helped Miss Dennister find [Silver Moon Library], he offered to help him come to St. Byrence again to "feel the atmosphere of the school", The lady with the thirteenth ring will certainly not object.

After talking about these things, Xia De was about to say goodbye, but he hesitated and asked again:

"Ma'am, I actually have another question."

Miss Daniste smiled and nodded:

"Is it an academic problem? Just ask. Although I am not in charge of the courses of your history school, I am also a lifelong professor of St. Byrence."

Xia De shook his head:

"It's not an academic problem. It's like this. I bought an old book on the local black market a few days ago. It mentioned a name from the fifth era. I want to ask if you know that person."

"what name?"

"Schulz Teresa."

Shade and Miss Galina mentioned this name when they talked about the key in 5177 of the Fifth Era. An inconspicuous tenth-order witch.

At this time, the adventure in 5177 is completely over. If there is no accident, the witch emperor Miss Violet, who is extravagant and wasteful but unexpectedly reliable in some aspects, and Miss Teresa, who worked hard for her graduation thesis but has a strong personality, will never be there again. will appear in the lives of strangers.

"This name is very common. Are there any other clues? For example, the age of life, or the major things he has done."

Miss Daniste asked slowly, Xia De nodded:

"The owner of this name probably lived at the end of the Fifth Epoch. He is a student of the Higher Medical College of Serkses and is a distant relative of a certain Witch Emperor."

Miss Dennist frowned beautifully and thought:

"In my impression, there is indeed one who fits your description, but your description is too broad. Serkses was already one of the largest thaumaturgy academies at the end of the fifth era, and countless ring warlocks graduated; and the Witch Emperor Our distant relatives are too many to count, just like the 'distant relatives' of the contemporary royal family can cover almost all nobles."

She beckoned, and three seconds later, a book with a red cover flew into her hand with a "swish" from a gap in the bookshelf in the distance. Miss Dennist opened the book, then pushed it lightly, and the book slid towards Shad in the air:

"Schulz Teresa, at the end of the Fifth Epoch, served as the principal of the Higher Medical College of Sussex for 20 years. Because of the loss of information caused by the change of the era, even the Higher Medical School of Sussex itself can't say no. Know the details of this lady's life."

Among the pages of the book unfolded in front of Shad, the description about "Schulz Teresa" is only half a page on the right side. The text is not dense, and it briefly describes the information that can still be found today.

While Shad was reading, Miss Dennist continued:

"Which witch emperor's distant relative is she, we don't know anymore, but it is said that she has been blessed by the gods and possesses extremely high wisdom."

"The First Clan"

"So, she graduated successfully."

Xia De sighed softly in his heart, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he took the book and put it on the coffee table:

"This shouldn't be the lady whose name I saw, the description I saw...she just follows her aunt, a girl who hates writing papers and has ordinary talents."

Xia De hoped that when he said this, there would not be too many traces of sentimentality on his face:

"So farewell, Miss Dennist... see you in a week."

"I'll see you in a week. I wish you a smooth operation. If you need help, please feel free to contact me. Finding [Silver Moon Library] is very important to us."

The sorceress said, watching Xia De get up and disappear on the opposite chair:

"Schulz Teresa..."

Looking at the black tea in the white porcelain cup:

"The demigod who has completed the thirteenth-level secret technique 'Undead Witch', Schultz Violet Teresa."

She muttered softly, imagining the power of the great witches of the previous era.

After tasting this cup of tea, I looked up at the silver-blue astrolabe above my head, which also has the function of indicating time:

"It's all this time."

He put down the teacup and summoned the students, and asked the elf girl in the robe to ring the big golden bell at the entrance of the big library. The sound of crisp bells spread throughout the brightly lit library, and spread throughout the castle complex and steeple of St. It is a huge city shining brightly on the extreme northern snow field.

The elves playing the lyre in the night forest, the mermaids playing in the semi-frozen lake, the winged men playing in the snowy sky, the blood-sucking species illegally trading pig blood in the narrow lanes of the western steam city, quite medieval fantasy The dwarves playing Rhodes in the style tavern, the humans sitting on the benches wearing college uniforms and talking about love by the fountain in the central college square, the half-dragon maid cleaning the top of the eastern clock tower, shaking the test tubes in the cemetery and The Lich who was doing experiments with the apprentices of the undead, the centaur who checked the sleeping conditions of the chocobos at night in the northern grasslands, the semi-mechanical creatures in the sewers who maintained the steam pipeline lines... Countless people have heard this spreading bell. .

The blizzard raged outside the transparent film outside the city, and the rolling snow-capped mountains looked like giant beasts crawling under the darkness of night. Although the scenery in the extreme north is magnificent, the curfew time for the junior students is approaching, and if they fail to return to the dormitory in time, points will be deducted. The bell of the St. Bailens Library is also the rest sign of the late night arrival of this Academy City. The librarian is also one of the rulers of the city.

St. Barrence Comprehensive College represents not only the college itself, but also a home in the extreme north where heterogeneous creatures, humans and all kinds of wonderful life coexist.

The night is dark, and March is shining brightly. It was founded by the demigod and witch Mana Felianna. It is located on the northern ice cap and has inherited two eras. In this blizzard, it ushered in a new peaceful night.

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