Whispering Verse

Chapter 1272: Randall Valley Masons Association

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Elf girl Emilia doesn't intend to stay long in Randall's Valley tonight:

"Tonight it's my turn to sort out the chocobo feed. If I sneak out, if I don't go back as soon as possible, I'm afraid I won't be able to go back to the dormitory until early in the morning. Then Aunt Susan in the sixth ring of the dormitory will scold me tomorrow morning." of.…"

With a worried expression on her beautiful face, she copied the ancient elf poetry, and Xia De and Luvia watched her leave again on a unicorn. The cold wind of winter night passed through the trees, the soft white figure gradually disappeared, and Luvia's whisper sounded:

"I have already contacted the local correspondence group, and learned from them that this Miss Elf has been appearing since three years ago, on average once a month. I checked the local records, and nothing major happened here three years ago. She It should be the discovery of a passage that has existed since a long time ago. "."

"Give yourself a vacation every month?"

Xia De muttered, thinking about the impact that obtaining a "passage" that can go to St. Byrence at any time can bring to himself. Unconsciously, he missed those people who still missed him in the Fifth Era. Ladies.

Starting this Tuesday, the next few days will be a little quieter. Miss Benanis's followers went to investigate the whereabouts of the three auction items. Luvia, who had obtained the clue of the sublimation language, was busy planning her own plan to obtain the spirit rune. so that Shade often could not find her at the Wilde Opera House.

Of course, Xia De did not completely relax during this period. He was invited by Queen Diana in Tobesk to attend a wedding ceremony for the duke's daughter on Wednesday night. Because Miss Galina and Shad have almost made their relationship clear, the queen hopes to strengthen her relationship with the increasingly independent Duchess Galina by wooing Shad.

There was also a little hiccup at the banquet on Wednesday night. At that time, Xia De was holding a wine glass, talking about his detective story with Queen Diana, three princesses including Rezia, and two ladies he didn't know.

Queen Diana put down the wine glass containing orange juice, suddenly smiled and said to several people:

"Speaking of which, there's a good thing I can tell you in private, I bet you wouldn't have guessed that... one of us is giving birth to a new life."


Xia De subconsciously wanted to see Rezia, but Rezia recalled in a panic whether it was his own or Dorothy's. Of course, no matter who it is, she will be responsible to Xia De.

But then Queen Diana pointed at herself again, and said with a smile: "The next generation of the royal family will have a new heir."

"That's great."

Adelina and their younger sister, Alice Cavendish, said together, as others sent their well wishes. Xia De secretly praised His Majesty the king's health in his heart. The Cavendish royal family had an already huge population, and there was actually another one. "Flame Leaper" Larus III is definitely the king who gave birth to the largest number of descendants since this era was recorded.

[Two, twins, two boys. 】

"Huh? You can even see that?"

On Thursday, Shad finally had time to visit the local stonemasons' association in the Randall Valley. Although it is no longer necessary to determine who the stone statue in the church is, he still wants to investigate the rumors about the "moving sculpture" of the Stonemasons Association.

Because this matter is not in a hurry, after breakfast, Xia De lingered at home for a while, waiting for a possible client to come to the door. He didn't go to the distant city alone until after ten o'clock, and it was already eleven o'clock in the morning when he arrived at the Stonemasons Association.

The full name of the association is "Randall Valley Stonemasons Guild", and its location is not in the urban area of ​​Randall Valley City, but in a slightly remote northeast of the city. Two blocks away from the association, there are train tracks connected to the quarry in the mountains, so that stonemasons can go to the quarry at any time, or transport suitable stone.

The northeast of the city is the old town of Randall Valley, where the buildings are quite old, and the alleys and streets are quite narrow. If the western suburbs of Randall Valley are more like a booming big city in the age of steam

City, then the time of the old town is still in the embryonic stage of the steam age.

And this style of the old city exists, no matter in Lengshuigang, Fort Midhill or even in Tobesk City. This is the memory of the city.

I got off the carriage at the entrance of the narrow street and looked at the tall and ancient stone buildings on both sides. Because the old city is closer to the factories and mining areas that emit exhaust gas outside the city, the fog is particularly thick. In addition, the streets are narrow, and the buildings on both sides block the sun. Walking on the streets, it seems to have entered a dark foggy world during the day.

The street where the Stonemasons Association is located is called "Stonemason Street", and it is one of the oldest streets in the Randall Valley. Most of the merchants on the entire street are engaged in businesses related to sculpture and stone trading. The released stone sculptures looked a little scary in the thick fog where the vision was not clear.

But here is not deserted at all, merchants from all over the old continent gather here to purchase works carved by local stonemasons. The "City of Masons" got its name because of this street. In the old era of the Sixth Epoch before the Steam Age, this street was the center of the Randall Valley.

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