All of them are beautiful and extremely perfect. Even if their faces are covered with veils, they have undoubtedly become the center of attention and attracted the attention of many people.

Among them, Qi Feibai became the envy of people.

It's not like no one wants to come up and ask for a V letter or something, but even if they restrain their aura, as the main god, they still can't restrain the faint divine power they carry.

Even if some people see it, they will subconsciously feel ashamed of themselves.

Naturally, no flies came up.

My Lord, even if you were in another world, it would be funny if you were still harassed by some ordinary people.

This kind of thing will naturally not happen.

Wow, this dress is so beautiful~.~

A very large clothing store was booked by Qi Feibai.

There are many styles of clothes here, and each floor has a different style.

The goddesses looked at the clothes inside, and they all liked them quite a bit.

The material of these clothes is naturally ordinary cloth.

However, what the goddesses appreciate is the style of these clothes. After they obtain them, they can make them with better materials.

If Qi Feibai hadn't led them, they might not have been so interested.

But with Qi Feibai, their moods were completely different.

The goddesses all happily chose their clothes.

Adele, this dress suits you very well~

.〃 Lois, you look great in this outfit~

The seven goddesses recommended clothes to each other.

Bai, does this look good on me~

Qi Feibai didn't get any free time either, because the goddesses liked to ask his opinion in the end.

Especially the Storm Goddess. Whenever she puts on a new piece of clothing, she will jump in front of Qi Feibai and ask Qi Feibai to comment on it.

The Storm Goddess is suitable for lively girl-style clothes. When choosing clothes, she can still grasp her own style very well.

Women are indeed born to be shopaholics. This side of the seven goddesses was discovered by Qi Feibai. Almost half of the store was bought by the seven goddesses.

Qi Feibai's portable space was filled with a lot of them.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Feibai took them for a walk in Rongcheng.

After letting the seven goddesses enjoy shopping for a whole day, after nightfall, Qi Feibai took them to space.

Looking down at the entire earth from space.

Blue Planet.

The goddess of life looked at the huge earth and felt the powerful vitality surging on the earth.

In the world of gods, except for the divine stars, all places that carry life are in the form of continents.

In fact, there is not much life on the divine star.

The environment on the divine planet is a standard restricted area for ordinary life.

Ordinary life has no way of surviving on it.

The size of the earth is much larger than some divine stars.

Today's earth itself is constantly getting bigger.

The goddesses were also a little surprised when they learned that there were more than 30 billion people on the earth now.

Now, the goddesses somewhat understood why Qi Feibai said that the population of the world of gods could be increased at least ten times, or even twenty times, and it would not be crowded anymore.

178 That’s me, the most special Bai

The huge earth rotates slowly.

One side is light, the other side is darkness.

In space, on an asteroid, Qi Feibai sat there with the goddesses, admiring the moving beauty.

The goddesses listened to Qi Feibai's story about the planet's past, as well as some touching myths and legends. Everyone listened with special concentration and seriousness.

Unknowingly, the Moon Goddess nestled on Qi Feibai's shoulder.

On the other side, the Storm Goddess also held Qi Feibai's arm.

Since she often does this action, the goddesses are used to it, but no one thinks it's anything.

The goddesses were all quite envious, envious that the Storm Goddess could do this in public.

Even though there was the Moon Goddess on the other side of Qi Feibai, her movement seemed extremely natural.

Bai, does Sun Wukong really exist?

The Storm Goddess asked, listening very fascinated.

Qi Feibai shook his head and said, I don't know.

It has been quite some time since the earth entered the extraordinary era. The strongest extraordinary beings on earth have reached the supreme level.

Comparable to late fourth level or even peak gods.

But so far, there are no traces of myths and legends.

I have discovered some ancient ruins, but they have been greatly obliterated by time, and there are not many useful things in them.

It is possible that the myths of this world are just myths, and it is also possible that the current development of the earth has not yet reached that level.

It is also possible that some myths and legends originally incorporated some elements of all races, and the earth was once visited by all races. For example, the ghost race contributed a lot of legends about ghosts.


In this way, Qi Feibai and several goddesses stayed in space for a whole day.

Starting from the next day, Qi Feibai took several goddesses on a sightseeing tour.

Fulfilling his childhood dream of traveling the world.

However, when he was a child, Qi Feibai fantasized about traveling around the world alone, or with a loved one.

This time, there were six of them.

Moreover, these six goddesses are all the main gods who are beautiful and fragrant in the country and captivate the country.

Qi Feibai did not use his spatial ability, but moved forward in a conventional way.


Although the six goddesses are the main gods, they are also happy to travel with Qi Feibai like this. This is also a very rare experience in their lives.

Every day, the goddesses 880 had a great time.

This happiness largely comes from Qi Feibai.

On Qi Feibai's communicator, Wan Qingqiu would report on the movements of Wanzu every one or two days.

As the day for the opening of Xu Ming Star gets closer and closer, the movements of all races are also constant.

Over the past year or so, the offensive of all races against the earth has actually weakened.

A weakening is normal.

A new supreme being was born on the earth, and the top powerhouses of all races will return in at most ten years.

There is no need for some races that are hostile to the earth to fight against the earth now.

After the top warriors from all races return, wouldn't it be easy to destroy the earth?

Although the top experts from all races have not yet returned, this time the Void Star is open, and some powerful races are bound to win.

The Origin Stone is very critical and is the strong foundation of some races.

The space stone is also crucial. Every time a new space crack is opened, the energy of the space stone needs to be consumed.

Without enough space stones, it would be inconvenient for many powerful races to launch external offensives.

Therefore, every time Xu Mingxing opens, it is a highlight.

This is the fifth ranked spiritual star.


The Earth side is also making preparations.

Senior, the Supreme Being is still in seclusion, so I'm afraid I won't be able to go. This time the East will be led by a powerful person, but I heard that the Half-Step Supreme from the West will be dispatched.

Wan Qingqiu also reported the movements of the earth to Qi Feibai.

The most powerful!

That should be equivalent to being above the Ghost Emperor, but not at the level of the Supreme.

The ghost emperors of the ghost clan are also divided into several levels.

The gap between the ninth-grade ghost emperor and the first-grade ghost emperor is huge.

The most powerful person on earth should be equivalent to a third-grade ghost emperor or above, or even a first-grade ghost emperor.

That is to say, it is roughly equivalent to the peak of the third-level god, and to a certain extent, it may also be on the edge of the fourth-level god.

It's hard to compare specifically because the power system itself is different.

Even if a god at the peak of the third level were to fight against a most powerful person, it wouldn't explain much.

The analogy of a power system, one or two battles, doesn't explain much.

And one and a half supreme beings on earth, one supreme being comes from the east.

There is also half a supreme being from the west.

This time (bfeb), the Supreme of the East attacked the main god level with all its strength, but could not go to the Void Star, so the strongest one led the team.

The number of the most powerful people is not large, and they cannot leave the earth easily. Like the last trip to Netherworld Star, the strongest Elder Leng was not yet considered the most powerful person.

There is still a long way to go before becoming the most powerful.

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