Nearly forty years have passed since Qi Feibai's civilization revitalization.

On this day, we received extremely exciting news.

······Please ask for flowers·····

Your Excellency Fei Bai, the number of magisters in the world of gods has exceeded one million!

Tissini shouted excitedly.

Really, Tissiny?

Wow, did you break one million so quickly?


All the Holy Spirits gathered around.

The Moon Goddess also came.

There is joy on the face of every Holy Spirit.

Millions of magisters!

This was an extremely hot topic on Yuewang when it was first born.

The magicians at that time were all very excited about this matter.

Some magicians are speculating on when millions of magicians will be realized.

........ ........ ........

In the God Realm, this matter has also caused widespread discussion.

At that time, many gods heard about it and thought it was a fantasy.

Although as time goes by, Qi Feibai's knowledge of the God of the God Realm continues to be refreshed.


These gods still find it too difficult to give birth to millions of magisters.

After all, if you want to give birth to one million magisters, that means that the number of official magicians in the entire continent of gods must reach at least several billion.

Only a sufficient base can support so many magisters.

The number of magicians does not just increase, there must be soil.

With the previous level of civilization development on the Gods' Continent, it was simply impossible to support such a large group of magicians.

Nothing develops in a single way.

Qi Feibai's civilization revitalization plan, combined with the Moon Network, allowed the development of magic to be so rapid.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to achieve one million magisters so quickly with only Yuewang.

This is no ordinary swiftness.

Unexpectedly, only a few decades have passed, and it has been realized so quickly! Mountain.

195 The divine world is shaken, the Lord of the Divine Court is coming

The data is basically very good.

Now in the continent of the gods, even the teaching in the magic academy relies heavily on the Moon Network.

in addition.

All magicians need to inject spiritual power when using the moon ring. The magic contained in the moon ring can roughly judge the strength of these magicians through their mental power.

Judging by the intensity of mental power is basically accurate.

Of course, accidents cannot be ruled out, but accidents are in the minority after all.

Therefore, the data given by Tisini is basically accurate.

Soon, through the backend of Yuewang, Qi Feibai saw the statistical data.

Now in the entire continent of gods, the number of magisters has indeed exceeded one million.

Of course, most of these magisters are just magisters.

After all, there are only a handful of magicians who become the Great Magician's 893 masters.

As for the Grand Mage and above, there are even fewer.

In a few decades, it would be very good to have millions of magisters.

Even so, this is already an extremely remarkable achievement.


Bai, are there millions of magisters here?

Soon, other goddesses got the news and came one after another.

When they heard that there were now millions of magisters, every goddess was extremely happy.

This is a staged success, and an extremely huge success.

This means that the magic of the entire continent of gods has completely flourished.


On this day, the goddesses gathered happily in the kingdom of the Moon Goddess.

Including the three goddesses of the Sun God System and the Goddess of Gold are here.

Bai, I have noticed that in one or two years, the Golden Law will be able to support the main god-level existence.

The Goddess of Gold said.

She was very happy.

The laws of the entire world of gods are strengthening, including the laws of gold.

If nothing else happens, in a year or two at most, she can become the first main god of the gold system.

As the first main god, the benefits gained by the Goddess of Gold are huge.

She can occupy the main law.

A kind of law is naturally not just one, but is equivalent to a huge river with some tributaries.

The first main god can occupy the main river, while those who come after can only occupy the tributaries.

And the tributaries are not enough to support the main god, so the main god will have to wait.

The Goddess of Light and the others are facing this situation now.

The Law of Light is indeed powerful, but now there are several main gods on it, as well as the Lord of the Divine Court, the main god who occupies the largest section.

All they can choose are some branches.

Of course, as long as they become the main gods, they may not be unable to turn the branch into the mainstream.

Now, the appearance of millions of magisters is a sign.

This means that in a year or two, not only the Golden Goddess.

The three goddesses of the solar system can also become the main gods!

Millions of wizards!

This is an extremely huge increase for the laws of the world of gods.


Soon, Qi Feibai announced the news through the moon network.

What, the number of magisters has exceeded one million?

On the continent of the gods, a white-haired magician couldn't help but be surprised and happy when he received the news.

He is not young anymore.

The life span of a magician is longer than that of ordinary people, but before entering the level, the life span will not increase much.

A high-level magician, even one from the life system, only has a lifespan of twenty or thirty years longer than an ordinary person.

If it is not a life system, then it can only live ten years longer than ordinary people at most.

And if you are an advanced magician, even if you are not a life-based magician, your lifespan will be twenty or thirty years longer than ordinary people.

The real qualitative change is the Magister.

As long as you become a magister, your life span is basically two or three times that of ordinary people, and can reach more than two hundred years.

This magician is just a high-level magician.

His magic talent was so average that even with the help of the Moon Net, it took him so long to become a high-level magician.

Now, he is extremely old.

I didn't expect that I would be able to see this scene in my lifetime!

The magician burst into tears.

When Yuewang first appeared, he was one of the first batch of users and witnessed the growth of Yuewang...

When the Million Magister proposed it, he was looking forward to it very much.

I thought I would never see this scene in my lifetime, but I didn't expect that it would come true so soon.


Hahaha, I didn't expect Yuewang to actually achieve one million magicians!

Yes, the Lord of Civilization and the Moon Goddess are so great!

There are other goddesses, they have also put a lot of effort into Yuewang~


On the Internet, there was a big discussion immediately.

All the magicians became excited.

Today, for them, they have witnessed history.

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