Then, he began to introduce.

The Lord of Shenting also knows about Yuewang, but it is certainly impossible for Qi Feibai to know more about it.

Even if Qi Feibai once gave her a moon ring, it was just an ordinary moon ring.

You can also browse the moon network. Compared with the magician's moon ring, the only difference is that the moon ring removes the prayer restrictions.

I believe that the Lord of the Moon has already learned about the Yuewang section. Let me introduce the users of the Yuewang to the Lord.

Qi Feibai introduced.

What the Lord of the Divine Court is interested in should be the user's data.

Currently, the Moon Network has a total of 15 billion users, of which 1.5 billion are magic apprentices, and the rest are all official magicians.

Qi Feibai said.

Hearing this data, Evie's face showed obvious surprise.

Fifteen billion magician users!

This data is really amazing!

Although after knowing the millions of magicians, we can deduce how many official magicians there are by a little backward reasoning.

But this number is still beyond imagination.

You know, before the birth of the Moon Network, there were only 20 to 30 million official magicians in the entire world of gods.

In the past few decades, the number has increased dozens of times!

It is not difficult to imagine that after a while, the number of magisters will grow crazily.

Because becoming a magister takes time.

Some people with poor magic talents need time to accumulate, and decades may not be enough.

Another ten or twenty years will be enough.

By then, the number of magisters will explode again!


PS: Barbie has Q, she seems to be positive! .

197 Taking the Lord of the Divine Court and the Goddess on a tour of the Continent of the Gods

Are there so many magicians?

Evie was in a daze.

Your Excellency Fei Bai, may I ask, what is the approximate ratio of magicians to ordinary people?

Evie asked again.

This is also what the Lord of the Divine Court wants to ask.

Qi Feibai said: In terms of ratio, the entire continent is currently about three hundred to one. If you include magic apprentices, this ratio can be within one hundred.

A ratio of three hundred to one!

This ratio is a bit astonishing!

Counting the larger number of magic apprentices, the ratio of magicians to ordinary people can still be less than 100!

In other words, among a hundred people, there is one magician who is at least a magic apprentice!

This ratio is not amazing, but terrifying!

Think about it, in the past, there was only one magician among thousands of people.

In a more remote place, it would be difficult for ordinary people to meet a magician.

In some small cities with a population of only a few thousand, there are even no magicians.

Now, among a hundred people, there is one magician!

Is magic already so prosperous in the Continent of the Gods?

Evie became more and more confused.

Next to her, the face of the Lord of the Divine Courtyard was still shrouded in a faint light. Her expression could not be seen, but it was 100% that the Lord of the Divine Courtyard was also surprised.


If magic is prosperous, it means that the total population of the entire Gods Continent may also usher in a wave of great growth.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to achieve such a big improvement without consuming the stock.

Your Excellency Feibai, my Lord noticed that some time ago, there was a law that had grown to the level of the Lord God's Law, and it seemed to be controlled by others. And that law seemed to have just been born. My Lord wants to know, is that you?

Evie quickly calmed down and asked again.

She is now acting as a mouthpiece for the Lord of the Divine Court.

Has the Lord of the Divine Court noticed the changes in the laws of civilization?

The Law of Civilization was indeed born not long ago, only a few decades.

In a matter of decades, a law of heaven and earth has grown from scratch to the strength of the law of the Lord God.

This speed is simply ridiculously fast.


This is also the reason why the Lord of the Divine Court cannot sit still.

Think about it.

How long does it take for the birth of a Lord God?

Even among the great goddesses, the shortest one took thousands of years.

The evolution of the laws of heaven and earth takes a long time.

Even if the Lord God deliberately guides it, it won't be that fast.

Laws do not exist alone, but are intertwined and form the cornerstone of the entire world.

The laws of heaven and earth, strictly speaking, are not designed to be attacked by gods.

This in itself is part of how the entire world works.

However, after being controlled by God, God can exert his power.

Regardless of whether it is magic or divine magic, in essence, it is not used for fighting.

Like flame, its main function is to burn, bring light and momentum, or energy conversion, but it is too powerful and is used as a means of attack.


But now, in just a few decades, a brand new law has been born.

The key is that this law is still growing wildly, and it has quietly grown to the point where it can support the Lord God.

This is indeed a bit outrageous.

This makes the Lord of the Divine Court, the great master god, how can he sit still.


At this time, although the face of the Lord of the Divine Court was foggy, Qi Feibai could see her gaze.

There was inquiry in her eyes.

Qi Feibai said: Yes, that is my law of civilization.

The laws of civilization!

As long as the Lord God is willing to explore, he will eventually be able to detect it.

It just takes some time.

Therefore, Qi Feibai did not hide anything!

The laws of civilization... It took decades to create something from scratch. Sir Feibai, how did you do it?

Evie asked curiously.

There are some benefits for the Lord of the Divine Court to bring her to serve as his microphone.

Evie can ask some topics that are inconvenient for the Lord of the Divine Court to ask directly.

After all, she has a pretty good relationship with the goddess of wisdom, and she has met Qi Feibai more than once.

The method is very simple, just promote the development of civilization in the entire continent of gods.

Qi Feibai said.

The development of civilization... We have learned that many countries on the Continent of the Gods are developing vigorously. There have been great changes in the past few decades. Are these all the work of Lord Feibai?

Evie asked.

Qi Feibai's civilization revitalization was mainly carried out in countries that were not illuminated by the divine light.

That is to say.

The kingdom of God, Qi Fei (bfeb) Bai did not develop.

In the world of gods, being illuminated by God’s divine light and belonging entirely to God’s kingdom itself is only a small part.

In a country that does not belong to gods, although each god has more or less many believers, these believers have limited sources of information, and it is certainly impossible for them to understand the scale of Qi Feibai's entire plan.

However, the Light Divine Court is hugely powerful, and if the Lord of the Divine Court is willing to investigate, he will definitely learn more than other gods.

This is probably why she came today.


Qi Feibai admitted.

I see, Your Excellency Fei Bai's handiwork is not ordinary. My Lord is very curious about the situation in the Continent of the Gods. I wonder if Your Excellency Fei Bai can introduce the current changes in the Continent of the Gods?

Evie said.

After finishing speaking, she added: Don't worry, Mr. Feibai, my Lord definitely has no ill intentions.

Qi Feibai thought for a while and looked at the Lord of the Divine Court: I wonder if the Divine Lord can come to the Continent of the Gods?

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