Wow, there are so many magic items~

In a very large supermarket, Evie's voice sounded.

This supermarket is a royal supermarket. It occupies a very large area and is very lively with people coming and going.

There is a floor here dedicated to selling magic products.

These magic products are various and not expensive.

For example, in the women's section, there are some magic sachets that can repel mosquitoes when worn with you. Even in summer, if you carry the magic sachets with you, you will not be bitten by mosquitoes.

There is also a magic ice bag that can store cold air inside. It can be said to be an artifact in summer. Take one with you when you go out in the summer. Even if you go out at noon, it will feel like you are carrying a portable air conditioner.

There are also some magic masks, magic necklaces and the like.

There are many types and prices vary from cheap to expensive.

It can be said that magic products have truly entered thousands of households.

In cities, there are also specialized maintenance or recharging centers where repairs can be carried out even if it breaks down.

······Please ask for flowers·····

If you have no energy and don’t know how to recharge it, you can also enter the charging center to recharge it.

Can even ordinary people use magic products?

Evie saw that many ordinary people came here to choose magic products, just like buying ordinary things, and took them to the cashier to check out.

The Eternal Night Empire is too rich.

Evie couldn't help but think.

In the past few decades, the Lord of the Divine Court has not cared much about her own country. In her country... many civilians still don't even have food to eat.

Compared with the Eternal Night Empire, the Lord of the Divine Court's own country is like a beggar, while the Eternal Night Empire is like an emperor sitting on countless wealth.

Moreover, Ivie felt that not only the Evernight Empire was as rich, but also the countries where Qi Feibai initiated the revitalization of civilization.

No wonder, Lord Feibai's law has soared to the level of the Lord God's law so quickly.

Evie couldn't help but wonder.

She couldn't help but glance at the Lord of the Court, and found that the Lord of the Court was also looking at everything in the supermarket.

His eyes were full of curiosity.


The goddesses took a look at the magic products here. Some of the magic products here were invented by them.

Here, the goddess of magic has the greatest contribution.

There are also a large number of magic products invented by the alchemists and magic pattern masters on the continent of the gods.

........ ........

After spending some time in this supermarket, Vivian continued shopping with the goddesses.

Your Excellency Vivian, is there only one supermarket like this in the Yongye Imperial Capital?

Evie asked.

In her opinion, this kind of supermarket selling magic products must be very high-end.

However, she was soon slapped in the face.

Because, not only supermarkets, but also roadside convenience stores have a lot of various magic products.

It can be said that it can be seen everywhere.

The daily necessities in these supermarkets and convenience stores are even more abundant.

In addition to magic products, there are a wide variety of daily necessities, many of which even Evie, an angel who once lived in the Continent of the Gods, has never seen before.

These supermarkets and convenience stores are clean and bright, and the storefronts are completely different from the small shops in the cities that Evie remembered.

It can be said that one is heaven and the other is earth.

There is not just one such shop, but many.

On the streets, people were coming and going, and many ordinary citizens were chatting about what movies they were going to watch today.

All of this made Evie feel as if she had entered another world.

Immediately afterwards, Vivian also took them to visit some residential buildings.

In the Yongye Imperial Capital, every household has access to electricity, and each household has a large living area.

Some homes are fully furnished and have some small appliances, such as magic refrigerators and magic radios.

As for home appliances such as TVs, they are not yet popular.

But movies have become widely popular.

There are a large number of cinemas throughout the Yongye Imperial Capital, and there are also many open-air cinemas in some squares.

This scene made Evie, the little angel, feel as if she had walked into the Grand View Garden, giving the feeling of a countryman entering the city.

The goddesses who have never been to the earth are also quite surprised, and the goddesses who have been to the earth also notice the difference.

In the world of gods, Qi Feibai did not copy the technology on the earth, but used a lot of magical means to make the entire city more beautiful and more livable.

Many problems have been solved, such as air pollution and noise.

In some residential buildings, there are special sound insulation barriers, which are cast through magical means, which can effectively isolate noise, but at the same time, it does not isolate all sounds.

Your Excellency Vivian, most of those who live in the imperial capital under certain conditions are descendants of nobles, right?

Evie asked curiously.

In her opinion, how could ordinary people afford to live in the Yongye Imperial Capital that had changed so much, developed so much, and prospered so much.

Vivian shook her head and said: 99% are civilians.

99% of civilians!

How could civilians live in such a nice imperial capital?


PS: It’s so uncomfortable to be yang-yang, please try not to be yang-shan.

199 The discovery of the Lord of the Divine Court

At this time, Evie had not realized that the entire social system of the Gods Continent had undergone extremely huge changes.

The Lord of the Divine Court also has an empire.

Her empire is not small, with a population of two to three billion.

Generally speaking, God’s own kingdom is maintained within the range that the divine light can just shine.

It’s too big and has no meaning to God.

This is also the default rule of the God Realm.

It can also prevent some gods from quarreling with each other due to kingdom disputes.

As the main god, the Lord of the Divine Court will naturally not break this unspoken rule.

However, Eight Nine Three is precisely because as the main god, the Lord of the Divine Court is greatly less dependent on the country.

Now, her kingdom is not managed by herself at all, but is managed by the angels of the Court of Light, and she rarely pays attention to her own kingdom.

In fact, even the angels of the Divine Court of Light will not interfere too much with the kingdom of the Lord of the Divine Court.

The power of the Lord of the Divine Court has reached its peak, and he has been trying to go further. He doesn't pay much attention to the continent of the gods.

In the past few decades, the Lord of the Divine Court is probably still busy further integrating the power of the abyss and finding a balance of power.

Under such circumstances, the Lord of the Divine Court may not pay much attention to his own country at all.

Therefore, the Lord of the Divine Court was also unaware of this.


It's just that she observes more than Evie.

She noticed that the changes in Yongye Imperial Capital were not only changes in various infrastructures throughout the city, but also more changes.

For example, there are newsstands everywhere on the streets, selling a variety of newspapers.

Business is surprisingly good.

Some people will buy one when they pass by.

When you take the bus or the magic rail car, it is full of people reading newspapers.

This means that the literacy rate of people in the Yongye Imperial Capital is already very high.

Otherwise, how could there be so many people reading newspapers?

In addition, the topics people talk about are not like the people in her country, which revolve around land, food, and whether they have enough to eat.

It’s about work, art, news, where to travel on the weekends, etc.

Everyone's face is filled with confidence and calmness.

The mental outlook of these people is many times better than that of the most prosperous city in her country.

The number of magicians in the Yongye Imperial Capital also surprised the Lord of the Divine Court.

The ratio of magicians here is so high that they can be seen everywhere.

The streets are full of magicians wearing magician robes.

If the ratio of magicians to ordinary people in the Gods Continent can reach one hundred to one.

In the Yongye Imperial Capital, it can reach ten to one.

Among ten people, there is one magician.

This is simply a city of magicians.

In the view of the Lord of the Divine Court, perhaps it was so many magicians that contributed to the prosperity of the Yongye Imperial City.

Your Excellency Vivian, how many people and magicians do Emperor Yongye have?

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