Because time is tight.

Therefore, the speed of Chen Xu's mountains along the way was deliberately accelerated, but even so, because of the annoying stones under his feet and the viper snake that may sneak at any time, his speed was not as fast as driving on the plains.

After half an hour, he suddenly stopped and pointed at a plant next to him, sighing with relief. "Huh ... Fortunately, I have always been paying attention to the surrounding environment, and my arm was almost scratched by it."

"This is poisonous celery, also known as wild celery and poisonous ginseng, mostly distributed in the northern temperate zone, but it also grows in the central region. It is one of the highly toxic plants. Its toxicity is close to that of poison arrow wood. It can instantly paralyze the motor nerves of humans and inhibit the medulla oblongata. In the center, only 120 milligrams are needed to kill! "

"When I was a kid, people in my home village often went to the mountains to collect cress. As a result, I could n’t tell the difference, and I ate this poisonous celery by accident. As a result, all four of my family lost their lives that night, so there was no time to treat them. Be sure to remember its shape, to avoid accidental eating in the wild! "

The audience in the live broadcast room was startled, because the poisoned celery in front of Xu Xu apparently looked like the celery often eaten at home!

"My mother, isn't it too scary?"

"In all of Xu's taunting stories, this really scares me!"

"Plus 1, I ca n’t laugh at the story of Grandpa Xu for the first time, the family died so terribly!"

"I decided that I would never eat celery again!"

In order to emphasize the seriousness of the matter, Chen Xu also explained: "If you observe carefully, there is still a clear difference between cress and poison celery. You can see that its stems are all fluffy pieces, and we all know Is not fluffy. "

"Also, the poisonous parsley will emit a foul odor. As soon as you get closer, you will obviously feel like, well, we quickly avoid it and look for other food!"

After speaking, Chen Xu bypassed the poison celery and continued to walk up the mountain.

About an hour later, he found a dead body in front again.

However, the corpse was significantly larger than the previous antelope.

"This is a male elk, a large herbivore, at least a hundred kilograms or more. It can hunt this type of animal. Only South China tigers and flower leopards, but only 50 to 80 South China tigers. It is basically extinct, and the leopard is more likely. "

As he spoke, he went to the other side.

Similar to that antelope, the body of this elk was completely hollowed out, but there may be a lot of flesh left on it because the leopard was not eaten.

Chen Xu leaned in and smelled, waved his hand, and coughed twice: "Cough ... this body has a foul odor, and this meat is no longer eatable!"

"However, an elk is different from an antelope. Its skeleton is very large. Maybe we can find good food in its hind legs!"

So he went behind the elk, took out the stone axe, and slashed at its thigh.

After a few strokes, the femur fell.

Then Chen Xu found another big rock and smashed the bone. After the outer bone was broken, a layer of white oil was exposed inside, and some yellow paste.

Many viewers immediately felt some nausea:

"Master Xu, shouldn't you be eating the elk's bone marrow?"

"Why can't we eat it? I like to eat pork bone marrow for hot pot in our house. It's old!"

"Isn't Asahi saying that this elk has been dead for a long time, has the meat deteriorated, is the bone marrow still edible?"

Chen Xu began to explain: "There is nothing to eat. The beasts have reduced requirements for hematopoiesis in adulthood, so the red bone marrow in the bones will turn into yellow bone marrow."

"Ninety percent of the yellow bone marrow's components are all fats, which are oils and oils. They are also sealed in the bones. They are not easily exposed to air and are less likely to deteriorate than meat."

"Although I have never eaten raw bone marrow, in theory, raw meat can be eaten, and so is it!"

The next second, he dug out a piece of bone marrow with his hand and stuffed it into his mouth. After chewing twice, he pouted:

"It's different from what I imagined. It doesn't have the greasy feeling of fat, the taste is very light, and the taste is a bit like tofu, maybe it has something to do with raw eating."

He then consumed all the bone marrow of the entire thigh bone.

Then, in the same way, the bone marrow of the other leg bone was also consumed.

"After eating so much yellow bone marrow, the energy intake should be terrifying enough to tolerate it tonight. If I lie in bed now without exercising, I may even get fat."

Chen Xu made a joke towards the camera.

"This elk is full of babies. Look at the deerskin. It's thick and big enough for me to make a coat. After all, this bark robe on my body is still a little too heavy."

"And the antlers. The stag's antlers are very hard and extremely sharp. They are a natural weapon that even lions and tigers are afraid of. I have to find a way to take one away. This is much better than a stone axe!

Next, Chen Xu began to take out the obsidian knife and carefully cut the entire buckskin.

Compared to antelope, elk's skin is thicker. Although the obsidian knife is very sharp, it is still much worse than a real dagger.

It took almost twenty minutes before he stripped the entire elk skin.

After being stretched, the entire skin is oily brownish yellow, which is extremely beautiful.

"No wonder so many poachers dare to kill it at the risk of breaking the law, I believe it will become a very beautiful coat!"

Chen Xu grinned.

For the remaining antlers, the method he used was relatively simple and rude.

Picking a better-shaped right corner, he picked up a boulder and smashed into the corner.

Antler bone density is significantly larger than leg bones and very strong.

Chen Xu smashed it a dozen times before breaking it.

It is gray-black in color, about 20 centimeters long, **** thick, and a slightly thinner branch at one third of the corner tip.

Both sharp corners are very sharp ~ ~ Hold it with a backhand, the corners rush down, and the arc is similar to the Nepali saber.

"666, I have horns on my head, horns ~"

"Elk: Nima, was eaten before his death, and will be divided after death!"

"Well, if you want to use this horned chrysanthemum, it will be so crooked!"

After finishing the antlers, Chen Xu looked at the surrounding sky. "It's already evening and the sun is about to go down. We need to hurry down!"

The so-called uphill is easy to go down, and the mountains in Shennongjia are all stones. They are very slippery. If you are not careful, you can easily fall down and roll down.

To this end, he deliberately found a dead wood, as a mountaineering battle, used to stop the pace at any time.

In this way, the way down the mountain, the sky became darker and darker, and he immediately turned on the night vision mode.

When Chen Xu just passed through a jungle, two bright blue lights in front of him and in the bushes made his spine cool!

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