Then, Chen Xu plunged the follower through the gills into the head of the freshwater shrew.

After he was executed, he quickly cut a hole on each side of the fish body and the fish belly.

After a delay of about half a second, the bright red fish blood slowly flowed out of the wound.

"With such a big **** smell, I don't believe that the ferocious freshwater creatures are not hooked!"

Chen Xu grinned, and then re-stringed the freshwater tadpole's body on the fishing line, and then threw it into the lake again.

"Most ferocious freshwater creatures like live prey. This is the same as lions and wild wolves like chasing prey. Because they are ferocious, they like to eat flesh and blood, but also enjoy the thrill of killing."

"For this reason, when we use dead fish as bait, we must always shake the fishing line. In fishing, this is called the Lua fishing method, also known as fake bait fishing. The purpose is to imitate small creatures to cause large creatures to attack. Way! "

He swiped the wood pulp twice, and continued to move towards the center of the lake. At the same time, he continued to communicate with the audience some techniques for hunting large freshwater creatures in the wild.

After swimming a few hundred meters forward, he began to fix the fishing rod at the front of the raft, and then reached out and picked up a shuttle dart.

"To be honest, my fishing gear is very LO, and I have no ability to catch large freshwater creatures at all, so I didn't expect this fishing rod to play a big role at all."

"As long as it can help me bring in large creatures and hold it for half a second, it will give me a chance to throw the shuttle dart out, even if the task is completed!"

Picking up the shuttlecock again, the audience couldn't help but look at it twice.

Under the craft of lv4 level tool manufacturing, his shuttle dart is already very much like a weapon, especially the construction of the dart head. It looks beautiful and has strong lethality.

"Hunting on water uses a shuttle dart differently than land."

Chen Xu picked up the shuttle darts with both hands, holding the stick in front of one hand, and holding the tail of the stick with one hand. "Because there is enough space on the land for us to run up or perform large-scale movements."

"But it does n’t work in the water. We do n’t have that much space to move around, so using a shuttlecock to shoot in the water should be like me, standing on the raft in one place, holding the front with one hand and the back with one hand, and twisting with the waist Make a force, drive your right arm, and push the shuttle dart out. "

"This principle is somewhat similar to firearms. Shuttle darts are bullets that are responsible for killing. The waist and abdomen are rifled and are responsible for power. The right arm is a striker that shoots the bullets. The front supporter is the barrel and corrects the position.

"So, why do I emphasize that the dart's gun stick must be straight, because the curved dart will deviate from the arc when it is pushed at high speed, so the accuracy of hunting will be greatly reduced!"

Although it is a professional commentary, he uses easy-to-understand vocabulary and rich metaphors to make almost everyone in the live broadcast room understand very clearly.

What's more, it is worth mentioning that Chen Xu is now like this, with a bare and strong upper body, holding a shuttle dart in both hands, and staring at the lake with a look of seriousness, it really looks like a handsome and hot jungle hunter.

But it may be that I had run out of luck when I was fishing for freshwater baiji, this time, after waiting for more than twenty minutes, nothing came.

Just because Chen Xu couldn't afford to be distracted.

All fierce creatures, whether crocodile or large fish, are extremely fast when attacking. With a little attention, they may have already attacked and sunk into the depths of the lake with food.

Therefore, the time left for him to react was only half a second.

In half a second, if you do n’t project the shuttle dart, there is no hope and you will fail!

This is why Chen Xu prepared five shuttle darts.

No one can make a hit, maybe this dart only hit the target's back without hurting the key, and at this time, you need to make up another dart in time while the other party has not responded!

At this time, it is Indonesian time, more than one o'clock in the afternoon.

The sun is the most poisonous and hottest time.

He stood on the empty lake water, which was directly bearing the "burning" of the scorching sun, and he also lost the preparation that he applied the resin of borneol tree on his body.

Otherwise, in less than half an hour, his bare skin will be sunburned and cracked.

"It shouldn't be. I opened three mouths to bleed. There can't be no creatures that can't feel it!"

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Chen Xu frowned.

"Unless there is no carnivorous creature in this water, but this is impossible. Such a large lake has all the basic living conditions and it is impossible to have no large biological activities."

"It's like in a region where the city's infrastructure is complete and everything is there, there must be someone to live there. The reason is the same unless ..."

Except what?

Many viewers immediately asked.

"Unless there is a very powerful large carnivorous creature in this water, it will drive all competitors away, establish a territory, and monopolize it, which will greatly reduce the probability of me encountering large creatures. No creatures have been hooked for so long. "

As soon as Chen Xu said this, he couldn't help but make many people "suddenly".

What kind of existence is it that can dominate such a large area of ​​water?

Is it estuarine?

Many audiences are beginning to worry about the safety of Ye Xu Xu Ye. After all, creatures of the estuarine crocodile level can no longer be countered by manpower. In case this place lives a gull crocodile group, wouldn't it be dead? ?

Not to mention, he is still on the water, his home court!

When Chen Xu saw the barrage, he smiled slightly: "Thank you for your concern. The estuarine crocodile has a social habit, but most of them are in the dry season. They are called estuarine crocodile and crocodile because they often stay there. The entrance to the river ~ ~ or near the bay. "

"Because the estuarine crocodile has strong salt tolerance, it can survive in the sea for a period of time, and in the rainy season, the water level in the estuary soars and the waves are rough, they will disperse and enter the inland."

"So, no accident, even if there really are adult estuarine crocodile in this lake area, there will only be one."

His explanation reassured the audience a lot.

Subsequently, Chen Xu continued to observe the lake carefully.

An experienced hunter, or sniper, has the patience to wait for his prey, and so does he.

2 pm Indonesia time.

During this period, Chen Xu and the audience popularized the knowledge of Borneo's waters while staring at the target. "So, it's mostly in the eastern part of Borneo ..."

And just as he was talking to everyone.

Suddenly, there was a small splash in the lake in front!

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