Wine and Gun

Chapter 114

Albarino continued in a hoarse voice, looking directly at the blue eyes that were looking down at him above him.

"The pianist's work has always been an abnormal contempt for qiángjian. In the case in April this year, you cut off Tleip Caroan's genitals and stuffed him into his genitals before he died. The man in the abdominal cavity."

“So, who of the two was the one who sexually assaulted you? Or are they just ruthless bystanders, and the real mastermind is the missing priest. When your unemployed father is addicted to alcohol and your mother doesn’t know it Do you prefer to spend your time with the church in the years you tracked—"

Before Albarino could finish speaking, Herstal's third punch hit him in the abdomen. He hit him hard, and his suppressed body trembled in severe pain and tried to curl up. Albarino was in him. There was a burst of breathless gān vomit under his fingers. Herstal didn't pay much attention, the blood slapped his eardrum like a giant làng.

Because, of course, Albarino didn't really need to ask him to determine which of his family members were drinking. This person has so many connections, and even has so many friends who work in the police station. There are some black police officers in Westland who can help the other party find out the bottom of others for a little money.

Herstal put his weight on his calf, stretched out his hand roughly and tugged at his hair, forcing him to raise his head. Albarino had wet red marks around his eyes, his eyelashes trembled, and his lips were full of blood; but he was still smiling, and the expression, struggling from pain, covered his face as seamlessly as a mask.

Herstal felt his voice close to a roar: "That's why you—"

"Did you betray you to Elliot Evans?" Albarino smeared the blood on his face with the back of his hand, the bright red rubbed off his face like a strange paint, "You can't think of it. How easy it is to pull him out of a city, if he didn't make a move but he couldn't come out, suspecting that a woman would laugh at him and then use force on him, I might not be able to find him - you As you can imagine, Herstal, how vulnerable and easily induced. How easy it would be for him to pick a victim who already played by his rules, I didn't even need to say yours in front of him name……"

"You're doing this just to—"

"Curious." Albarino answered crisply.

Then he quickly lifted Herstal's belly above his head, which must have been pressed to the edge of the long wound under his ribs. Albarino heard the other party hiss, and he quickly broke free from Herstal's restraint.

The two of them tumbled and scuffled on the ground, and briefly, Albarino pinned Herstal to the floor at one point, pressing his forearm down his throat. As he leaned down, he could feel the blood dripping from the corners of his mouth, slamming under the other person's eyes.

"You can't imagine how you look in the eyes of others, pianist," Albarino hissed, he could feel the other man struggling under his own brutal suppression, of course he would, that's what it was The nature of the segment relationship. "—that kind of living cruelty, wild madness. I'm curious, I wonder how you would react if I did that, and would your nightmare repeat itself on you?"

——And the other party did not disappoint him.

Of course, that wasn't elegant enough, and it wasn't elegant enough either. The moment when they stood in Elliot Evans' basement, looking at the young man's broken corpse soaked in blood - but it was closer to the Westland pianist's true nature, which was The true face of cruelty, which he wrapped under the beautiful paper of irony and display, was his original purpose for making these bloody murders.

Pleasant to the eye.

The next second, Herstal tossed him off himself. In these respects, this lawyer is very inconsistent with the impression of ordinary people on their profession. For example, his movements are really agile and a little scary. Of course, it is also possible that the rage and adrenaline in his blood are mixed. masterpiece.

Albarino staggered to his feet, his nose bleeding in addition to his cracked lips and bruised cheekbones, the blood staining the front of his shirt red. Almost as soon as he stood up, Herstal charged at him, and he didn't take a defensive posture - or had other intentions - in short, he was immediately slammed into the wall by the opponent, Something on the cabinet next to it was knocked over and hit the ground with a loud bang.

This is also one of the advantages of living in the wilderness. If there is such a disturbance in the city, the neighbors may have called the police.

Herstal grabbed the end of his hair and slammed it against the wall several times. Albarino was not counting. The muffled sound was really scary, but it was also fast-although the speed of murder was average. Quickly too—until the blood ran down his hair, soaking it into strands.

Albarino couldn't stop himself from sliding down the wall, thanks to Herstal's hand gripping his collar tightly. Albarino grabbed Herstal's wrist, he could feel the warm touch of the blood sliding down his cheek, he blinked the blood from his eyelashes and smiled vaguely.

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