Wine and Gun

Chapter 151

——There is a person in the world who understands your heart so well, but never cares about the harm that words cause to your heart. This is the tragedy of reality.

At this point, the car had driven through many streets and was still far behind the Beetle of Sharp. The other party didn't seem to notice them, everything was going well, and it was this calm that made the silence even more difficult.

Apparently, Albarino chose to keep talking.

"Running away from the problem says a lot, I guess it doesn't just mean that you don't want to reminisce about the tragic past. You're not the type to never get out of the past, it'll give you nightmares, but it won't stop you , otherwise you would be just who you are today.” Albarino replied, “You empathize with Billy, but you don’t like Billy, do you? You even hate him, and you hate his weakness as much as you hate him back then. All powerless self."

Herstal's lips were drawn into a line, and Albarino was suspicious that he would stop the car and punch himself in the face - but he didn't, because he obviously wouldn't be in the process of stalking anyone. Parked abruptly.

Since he didn't answer, Albarino could justly stare at him, watching the man's profile immersed in the hazy glow of the streetlights.

Hestal is handsome, but not the kind of handsomeness that fully meets the public standards. In such a dimly lit environment, it will appear that his eye sockets are too deep, the eyebrows are slightly higher, and the eyelids are completely immersed in pitch black. In the shadow of his shadow; coupled with his slightly thin lips, his face naturally appeared cold and mean.

But that's not what he's really about -- it's a miracle that he wasn't what he was when he was a Westland pianist.

In the end, it may be that Herstal finally got tired of his gaze, and answered brittlely: "You get some kind of pleasure from digging up my unbearable past, don't you?"

"It's not like that, I'm not the same type as Shi Haibo." Albarino replied crisply, his smile sounded strangely warm, "but: for now, I have deep feelings for everything about you. Be fascinated by the parts of yourself that are acceptable to you, or the parts you deeply hate."

"Is that what you used to lure your successive friends with such sweet words?" Herstal obviously couldn't believe a word, and he asked rhetorically.

"For a partner, you only need to be gentle and considerate, and you can spend money generously. If you are handsome enough and work well, of course the icing on the cake." Albarino narrowed his eyes and raised his voice frivolously. , "You deserve everyone's attention, pianist."

Herstal snorted coldly, and did not comment on this sentence. At the same time, they saw Sharp's car pull up in a street, followed by Herstal, who, with a neat swipe of the steering wheel, backed the car into a nearby alley. In this way, sitting in the car, they could still vaguely see Sharp's every move across the corner of the alley.

Sharp got out of the car quickly, his steps wobbly, and he somehow seemed angry. But that's not surprising—the man not only lost his job, but is said to have taken on a huge debt to find himself a good lawyer. In the end, although he was not in prison for any crime related to sexual assault, he also had a large amount of money to pay back, and the part of the crime he was convicted basically meant that it was impossible for him to find a job in any educational institution. .

Life was getting tougher for Anthony Sharp, and his days of escapism and drinking made him look more and more sullen.

They watched the man climb the steps in front of an apartment on the side of the road step by step, and began to ring the doorbell persistently, but there was no response.

Sharp kept knocking on the door for a while, until a neighbor impatiently opened the door of the adjacent apartment and shouted at Sharp angrily. It was nearly one o'clock in the morning, and it was understandable for the neighbor to be angry, and Sharp pointed his middle finger at the neighbor.

The angry neighbor cursed and slammed the door shut. Ten seconds later, a window that had been open on the first floor of the neighbor's house was closed angrily, a silent protest against Sharp's rudeness.

The apartment occupants finally got overwhelmed and opened the door just as Sharp was apparently about to start knocking on the door for a second round.

That is--

"Billy?" Albarino said, more or less surprised.

That's right, the pale, disheveled face peeking out of the door was the same Billy they had met at Sexual Assault Trauma Anonymous. He said something to Sharp, but because they were too far away, the two people in the car couldn't hear them clearly, but seeing Billy's body language, he seemed to want to hide himself in the depths of the room. , or let Sharp leave now.

——Neither of these two visions were realized, because Sharp suddenly reached out and pushed Billy and stepped into the door, and the figures of the two disappeared from the door.

There was silence in the car, and Albarino still looked at Herstal with interest, as if he was not interested in the other two guys, and Herstal in front of him was a problem that surpassed Goldbach's conjecture.

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