Wine and Gun

Chapter 160

Albarino pulled out his finger, and a red tooth mark was printed on the base of his index finger, like a trace of an ornament. He pressed his fingers to the corners of Herstal's mouth, teasing the saliva-soaked skin, and said, "You are far above him, and he's not even worth your time to hate."

" don't understand." Herstal gritted his teeth in between the excessive pleasure, the pressure of Albarino's fingers piercing his skin like a string of electric currents, and he angrily tapped Albari with the heel of his shoe Ballino's back, but this did not slow down the rhythm of the opponent's attack.

"I understand." Albarino's voice was low like a snoring, he leaned down again, and his lips brushed the corners of Herstal's wet lips. "I understand where your anger comes from, I understand where your sins come from, and I know your disgust, although I don't approve of it, and I'm afraid I don't have the ability to understand it. But since—"

He kissed Herstal on the lips again, and it was almost a gentle, pure kiss by itself.

"Your sin is on my lips," he murmured.


[1] Your sin is on my lips.

--See Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.

Chapter 43 Dionysus in the Tomb 01

"One day you will grow old, and your bones will shrink; then one fine day you will lie down, and when all is laughing and merry, you will be like the withered grass, which will never grow again. "

Albarino's mother, Shana Barris, read, her fingers on the heavy cover of the fairy tale book, her voice soft and soft. Her son, who was only five or six years old at the time, was trapped in the soft bed, trapped in the halo of his headlamp.

"I don't believe what the priest says, and think there's a life behind the grave - it's just a beautiful imagination, a fairy tale for children; it can only be when you can imagine it Intrigue. I'm not living in a dream, I'm living in reality. Come with me and be a real person!"

"Living in reality?" the child asked.

"Yes, Al, it's the things you have to experience and do." Shana replied, she reached out and touched the child's temples, the hair was thin and soft, curly, showing a deep gold. Blonde kids at this age have a good chance of turning into a darker brown as they grow, and this part of the future can be expected.

The child looked at her, blinking sleepily, and asked in a low voice, "What must be done?"

"I can't tell you what you have to do, because everyone has to do something different." Shana leaned over and kissed the child's cheek and said, "Darling, you will experience it yourself when you grow up. of."

Art is a sorceress who takes us into vanity and worldly lust. We are false to ourselves, false to our friends, and false to God. The snake keeps saying in our hearts, "Eat it, and you will be like God."

Albarino said while parking the car: "I think we all have this common sense: never dismember a body in our own home, the blood and debris from this process can't be cleaned at all. No one wants to be CSI in you one day. The DNA of the deceased was extracted from the bend in the home's sewer."

They drove another rented SUV and had a fake license plate for the car before hitting the road—it's still the same old saying, no one knows where Herstal found a way to get this illegal stuff. But still: this is Westland.

Now that the car was parked in front of a building similar to a hunter's hut in the middle of the forest, it was already dark, and the entire house could only see a faint dark outline in the moonlight. The snow in the whole woodland shone with a faint white light under the moon, and Herstal looked out the car window and asked, "This is your property too?"

"Not in name." Albarino winked meaningfully, he took out a pair of rubber gloves from his pocket and put them on, then threw the other pair to Herstal, "Put this on, I don't Hopefully there are any detectable fingerprints left in this house, I have to be on the lookout for this place to be discovered by the police at all times."

"So, the reason they didn't find anything in your house was because you weren't there to deal with the bodies," Herstal recalled slowly, apparently referring to Sarah Ader. In the case of Mann's murder, when the CSI went to search Albarino's home, they found nothing but a pile of bones in the suburbs.

He put on his gloves and got out of the car. In the early winter, the night in the forest is particularly cold, and there is no sound in the darkness except for the occasional bird call. Many cities near the Great Lakes are covered with such vast and uninhabited forests, and no one will deliberately search for one of the wooden houses. Stationing here is a good idea.

"I no longer do most of the corpses at home - but still do some of the work there, which is one of the perks of living in the suburbs; then again, when almost four acres of land near your house belong to When you were, why did you have to bury the charred bone fragments in the shed behind the house?"

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