Wine and Gun

Chapter 227

"Stolen car." Hunter spit out the correct answer, sonorously. "He would buy a stolen car locally—the one that had been repainted, the license plate replaced, and sold it before he left the city. I asked. I went to some less formal used car repair shops in several cities, and they were a little impressed by buyers with the same characteristics. And the cars they sold also appeared near the scene of the crime.”

Olga understood why the FBI did not find this clue: not to mention the workload of Hunter to find this clue, the FBI has no way of knowing where the stolen cars are sold everywhere, and some old police officers may be concerned about this. You know it, but it's hard for the federal police to think about it. But then again, if the murderer knew all about the underground black car market everywhere...

"Do you suspect that the murderer has other criminal records?" Olga raised her head suddenly and asked.

"I can be sure that he must have a criminal record, and I am in the gān industry." Hunter said old-fashioned, "I collected the detailed description of the customer's appearance by those bosses, and I believe this can easily find out his identity. Identity, as long as—"

Olga clearly understood what he meant: " long as you can use the police system."

Hunter shrugged: "Unfortunately I can't, you know the reason."

"Yes, I heard that you were also arrested for obstructing official duties. The police in the states don't have a good impression of you." Olga smiled, she had heard a lot of Orion Hunt's stories in WLPD , after all, the main position of this bounty hunter is Westland.

"Exactly," Hunter replied, "so I want you to help me—I heard you're a consultant to WLPD, right?"

"You found me because you suspected he was coming to Westland," Olga pointed out. "Why do you think he came to Westland?"

Hunter snorted disdainfully: "The old bounty hunter routine: stalking, questioning, and a little bribe. With all that experience, I've been following him since he did the Buffalo case, and he's clearly been following him along the way. Go west on the interstate until he's gone on the border of Westland - although it's fair to say Westland is my territory and I'll be sure to find him if I look slowly, but I'm afraid I'm looking It's a matter of life, so I think I'd better come to you."

Olga looked at him and said slowly, "You also think this murderer will commit the crime again soon."

"It's obvious, after all, he suffered a huge setback before." Hunter pouted, and he made a lot of small gestures when he spoke, "Okay, do you want to help me?"

"Actually, before you came, you were sure that I would definitely help you, right?" Olga leaned on the podium, cradling her arms leisurely, with a lazy attitude.

Hunter seemed to be well aware, and when he spoke again, a sly light flashed in his eyes: "After all, I have heard some interesting statements... Some people say that WLPD's consultants are really curious. ."

Hardy hurried to school for only one reason: his daughter Clara didn't go to school.

Hardy is a police officer himself, and his wife, Wallis Hardy, a prosecutor, met while working on a homicide case: just saying that tells you how busy the two of them are. Hardy himself had to admit that because of work reasons, sometimes the couple neglected to take care of their children, but he never thought that such a thing would happen today.

Clara is ten years old this year and usually takes the school bus to school. According to Clara's friends, she did take the school bus to school with other students this morning, but when she got to school, she suddenly remembered that she forgot to bring the cardboard for handicraft class, so she went to the stationery store near the school to buy a card Paper.

Students who entered the school were not allowed to leave the school gate, but little Clara assured the security guard at the gate that she would be back soon after she sold her items, so she was able to leave the school temporarily before the handicraft class - but she never came back. The handicraft teacher was alarmed when she found out that she didn't show up in class. They did go to the stationery store to check, but the owner of the stationery store said that Clara never went to buy anything.

When the handicraft teacher told Hardy about the cause and effect of the incident, he was about to cry, and Hardy's heart gradually sank: because Clara has always been a good girl, she would never pretend to be sick and skip class. matter. But now he still comforted the other and said, "Maybe she just doesn't want to sneak home from class. My wife is at home, and I'll call to ask her if Clara is back."

The female teacher gave him a tearful nod, but Hardy had been a police officer for so many years he couldn't even say that he gave up on his own guesses.

He dialed Hua Lisi's number and listened anxiously to the busy tone on the phone.

Hardy listened to the relentless beeping for ten seconds, thirty seconds, sixty seconds—the call went unanswered.

Albarino Bacchus nearly collided with Olga in the hallway of the WLPD.

He ended up skipping work in annoyance - the two unnatural deaths left today were nothing special. After reading the report, he threw the bodies to Tommy and an assistant. If Tommy If he couldn't even handle such a case, the forensic chief wouldn't have to cultivate his mind. Counting the date, it is approaching the day when Tommy takes his forensic license. It is estimated that his dream of going to the scene to examine the body will soon be realized.

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