Wine and Gun

Chapter 232

"Al's right," Olga said. "You three might as well stay here, comfort Clara, and see if I can find some evidence from the house. I'll go back to Bart. I guess he may be back. The police station, although he can't tell others about it, but at the police station, he can always use the resources on hand to check and monitor things."

If Hardy did return to the police station, on the way back, he might just pass by the group who went to Hardy's house after receiving a call from Herstal.

Albarino nodded, Olga nodded at them briefly, comforted Clara a few words, and then turned around and strode out of the room.

But Clara is obviously not really comforted, and the video is still dutifully piercing her distorted whimper; at the same time, Albarino walks to Herstal and gently touches the other's wrist .

Herstal stared at him.

"Go," urged Albarino, "go and talk to the little girl."

"I don't know her at all," Herstal hissed in a low voice.

"Do you think this bounty hunter is someone who can comfort a ten-year-old girl?" Albarino snorted, completely ignoring Hunter's staring at him, "Only you can gān this. ——I don't know why, Clara has always been a little afraid of me, since she was a child, Bart thinks it is because I am a forensic doctor and fight with corpses every day."

Herstal sighed appointedly, ready to walk in the direction of the computer, paused slightly before passing Albarino, and said in a voice so low that only the two of them could hear : "That's probably just because she has a keen instinct to face danger."

Albarino gave him an unpleasant, secret smile.

The flight from Virginia to Westland took less than eighty minutes.

On their way to the airport, they contacted the police in Westland and informed WLPD that a suspect who may be the "killer" is in Westland. If the FBI wants to intervene in this case, it is best to do so while the plane is in Victoria. Complete the formalities before landing at Strand Airport.

Officer Hardy, who worked with Lavasa McCard, happened to be absent from the police station for some reason, so the case was given to a police officer surnamed Bull.

When the plane was flying above the boundless blue sky and the wings left a long trail in the sky, McCard sat in the cabin and turned over the previous files, and of course the information on Orion Hunter: This person may be a homeless man, who looks like a rude and bào-tempered middle-aged man, and has a bad record of fighting in bars and disrupting police law enforcement several times. Other than that, there is nothing particularly wrong.

But McCard didn't think anything was right. Rather, this Hunter didn't look like a serial killer.

—McArd will know in hindsight that John Garcia's misjudgment in the Hunter affair was almost excusable:

Because in some states a bounty hunter requires a license to practice, while in other states you only need to register with the relevant department. In Westland, as long as you register with the local police station, you can become a legal bounty hunter, but the WLPD bounty hunter list is naturally not shared on the Internet...

All in all, before meeting with the local police, none of them knew that Hunter was a bounty hunter, and their department didn't talk to the bailout fugitives, and of course no one had heard of Orion Hunter.

This has also led to McArd frowning at Hunter's profile now: because this guy doesn't particularly fit their profile of "The Butcher", and this guy is even older than McArd's profile. Twenty or thirty years old. Of course, profiling is always just to provide direction for investigation, not a conclusion, profiling will always go wrong, and murderers who exceed their expectations will always appear... But it is still surprising that it is outrageous.

But if Orion Hunter wasn't the murderer, why did he happen to be in a certain place at a certain time?

Of course, it would be even stranger if he really was a criminal, and McCard found some medical records in this man's profile: This man was admitted to the hospital five years ago with a comminuted leg fracture, which was not very successful. , and finally left two steel nails on the leg bone that may never be taken out again in this life. McCard reckons the man was on crutches, and could a man on crutches really easily control the whole family in those previous cases? McCard doubted that even with a gun in his hand he couldn't do it.

He sat by the window, lost in thought, until finally Garcia interrupted him. Garcia, who had been using his laptop, possibly online, to communicate with people at WLPD, walked up to McCard with a sullen look on his face.

"The guys at WLPD checked that Orion Hunter's credit card and found that his last purchase was around ten this morning when he bought a pack of cigarettes at the convenience store across from Westland State University." Garcia "Then they contacted the university's security staff to check the surveillance footage, and found traces of Hunter in a nearby parking lot -- he got into a car in the parking lot and the car went somewhere."

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