Wine and Gun

Chapter 289

"Fuck, does this matter?!" the boy continued screaming, stabbing Herstal's eardrums, and now he didn't look like the little angel on the roster at all, but like a The microphone that kept squeaking because it couldn't be adjusted correctly, "You fucking want me!"

I have to say, it makes sense.

"Listen, Midalen," Herstal said, frowning. He had to find a way to get him to stop. He couldn't keep yelling like this, or he would really attract the rest of the manor. It's even more troublesome for people; but it's not easy to do, this kid is as headache as Albarino, "I didn't intend to qiángjian you."

... Herstal never thought in his life that he could have such a conversation with a fourteen-year-old child who was full of foul-mouthed words, so he had to say that fate was indeed very unpredictable.

And Midalun looked at him like a mentally retarded person, with the words "Don't talk nonsense, don't think I don't know what you're going to do in this place".

However, Herstal had already thought of a suitable rhetoric, and he had already thought about it for the past two days - a lie that was not too big, and there were good reasons for the child to believe him; Slade confessed what Herstal had said in this room, and Herstal could also find a suitable reason to excuse himself.

"Well...I'm an investigative reporter," Herstal replied, then paused a little, trying to be more sincere. Despite this, he still didn't let go of the hand that was holding Midalen's wrist, in case the other party suddenly changed his mind and rushed to stab him with a fork. Midalon's fangs and claws always made people feel that he was likely to gān This kind of thing happens.

Midaren obviously did not expect his answer, he was stunned for a moment, staring suspiciously at Herstal.

"I noticed something weird in this manor... so I wanted to come in and investigate what happened here." Herstal said to Midalen. To a certain extent, this sentence is indeed not a word. lie. But the scene was so absurd that he almost wanted to laugh, he had never lied to himself, and he was still trying his best to be sincere to the other party.

Midaren whispered, "You want to get a reputation for breaking news like this—"

"No, it's not just about reputation," Herstal interrupted, staring at him, trying to convince him that he really believed what he said was true. "When such news is reported, it will definitely attract the attention of the authorities, then the whole manor will be over, and everyone can be saved."

He looked into Midalen's absurdly large eyes and repeated, "Trust me."


[1] Reflect: I find that I especially like to add some messy little bugs to Herstal, what causes low blood pressure, migraine, throbbing tinnitus (…)

[2] "Unfortunately, things in the world are: prosperity is always accompanied by sin. The more corrupted and depraved, the more people can live a happy life."

--Sade, "The Misfortune of Justina or Yu Meide"

("Justina" is a very Sade-style fable, which tells the story of Fang dàng's sister who became a rich widow by murdering her rich lover tirelessly, and finally reached the pinnacle of her life with a noble lover, while her chaste sister. The story of falling in love with the gay nüè mad marquis, being framed by the marquis for a murder case, and finally being struck to death by lightning on a thunderstorm night)

[3] I really can't find another word to replace the word "faggot", so I wrote it directly in the text... Please unzip this swearing yourself (???)

Chapter 75 Blood Spring 09

Midaren squinted at Herstal, clearly suspicious of what he said. He asked, "Are you telling the truth?"

The boy made a general impression on Herstal after he entered the house: calmer, more temperamental, ill-mannered, brave--but given the air of his wanting to stab the perpetrator with a crooked fork, Herstal didn't think it was clever bravery, and he still held the fork tightly in his hand as if he was holding a life-saving straw - but in any case, it probably meant that they There can be a little bit of adult-to-great conversation.

Herstal finally let him go, letting him stagger against the wall. Herstal took a step back and said, "No matter what I say, you have no way of proving whether what I say is true. So really you have only two choices: cooperate with me or not, and hesitation may make You miss your only chance and end up being left here forever until the thing you feared happens to you."

Midalen stared at him for a moment, as if wondering if what he said was believable. In the end, he showed a sharp smile with a little bravado: "I can also go and tell Mr. Rowan what you said to me, let him know that the real purpose of your entry here is just to dig news!"

In fact, Herstal really considered this possibility before coming, but the only problem is that he is not actually a reporter. So if he really arouses Slade's suspicions, he can still get in righteously - I wonder if the mouths of the people here are really tight, and will they reveal the secrets of members, so and many more. After all, being exposed by what you do should be the most worrying thing for people who visit Sequoia Manor.

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