Wine and Gun

Chapter 340

Moreover, Hunter had also investigated Armalite before, who came to Westland to run a law firm six or seven years ago, and his previous experience can be traced back to his internship, law school, university, high school and other series. period, the thread has since been cut off, and "Herstar Armalet" has evaporated, as if he was a high school student from birth.

Armalite's high school years were almost twenty-eight years ago. Compared with the time when Slade came to Westland thirty years ago, it was really hard not to care.

And at this moment, none of this matters, what matters is that the famous bounty hunter Hunter is under the attack of the old granny's loving smile, and as we all know, even the legendary bounty hunter is not the same as the "old granny's smile". Hunter could only smile awkwardly at the old woman, limping up the creaking stairs, and throwing himself into the huge pile of papers again. I don’t know if it’s lucky or not. The deacon who loved taking pictures left behind a huge amount of photos and undeveloped negatives. Hunter doubted that he could support an entire film factory by himself.

The result: the priest's small office was completely occupied by him, and many photo albums had been removed from the shelves, piled here and there, piled up in an almost impossible place. Not to mention that there are some general paper documents on the bookshelf, which record in detail the names of people who have raised donations for the church, as well as the roster of the church school at that time, etc. It takes a lot of time to check them all.

Hunter sighed and sat down on the priest's chair, dragging over an album that he had not turned over before. The cover of the album was covered with kraft paper that had begun to crack, and only a series of scribbled letters and numbers were marked in one corner: "June 1985".

He felt that he was tired before he even started to live. After all, this is a job of finding a needle in a haystack. Although it was a very lucky thing to have a photo record during the period of his investigation, who would have known that the deacon likes photography so much!

The photo album, unsurprisingly, also contains choir rehearsal photos, choir rehearsal photos, choir rehearsal photos... an endless list of choir rehearsal photos. Except for some pictures of the scenery near the church, pictures of children playing in the street after school, and a small number of photos of the church clergy at the time, there are all kinds of choir photos in those albums. Is this deacon the person in charge of the children's choir rehearsal?

Hunter frowned and looked at the faded colors in the album. These photos were too long ago. The paper was faded and the color was too huáng. It was difficult to distinguish the appearance of different people in a bunch of blurred heads. Hunt turned a few more pages, and it was still full of pictures of choir children standing in line in the church: the church then was not much different from the present, it was still dark and deep, and the most vivid colors were the rose windows. Multicolored Glass. The children stood under the rose window, sheet music in hand, innocent smiles on their faces.

On the rose window in the photo is a picture of a young man standing in front of an Egyptian pharaoh. Hunter struggled to mobilize the little bit of Bible knowledge that remained in his mind and realized that the pictures were Joseph and Jacob. Son by Rachel.

The rose window is just to the left of the altar, above the velvet-covered piano. Hunter quickly compared this photo with the current church and found that the piano had not moved in thirty years, but the piano was still relatively new from the photos of the year... but it has actually been so many years. .

Hunter sighed in his heart, and was about to turn the page over—but suddenly, the corner of his eye caught something, which made him focus on this ordinary photo again: although the photo There's a lot of choir stuff, but the angle of this photo is not quite the same as the previous ones; this one is obviously a life shot, and the angle is slightly slanted so that the view tends to be obscured by the line of choir kids that piano.

——There is a little boy sitting on the piano bench. This is the first time he has appeared in the picture. Even if the piano was photographed before, it was often a priest or a nun sitting by the piano.

Even though the photo was taken in such a dimly lit scene, the boy's fuzzy blond hair can be seen, a shade that stands out even in a dark church. The kid looked eleven or twelve years old at most, with skinny knees and elbows, wearing the most common short-sleeved shirt and overalls.

Hunter stared at the small silhouetted face obsessively, trying to see something familiar on his face—perhaps slightly higher eyebrows and deep eye sockets, maybe a pair of blue eyes.

Even in childhood, the features of adulthood can still be vaguely seen on his face, but Hunter's fingers can only touch the withered scrap of paper, a deadly fuzzy color.

Orion Hunt couldn't help but take a deep breath, some fragments in his mind were vaguely linked together: Sequoia Manor - Forced to Provide Sex to Rich and Powerful Scumbags. The little boy and the little girl—Kabbah Slade himself—the crucifix in the bottom of the drawer in his house—Hestal Armalite, whose origin could not be traced—in Church in Kentucky.

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