Wine and Gun

Chapter 408

"How did it end?" Ms. Musk asked. "He was never exposed?"

Herstal twitched the corner of his mouth, showing an almost grim smile: "Not as far as I know. He left White Oak when I was about fourteen, and I don't know where he went— In short, from the perspective of the time, it was finally over.”

"—until he meets you again as a client." Ms. Musk continued to ask: "Did you kill him because of this? Because when you were a child, you couldn't do anything about it yourself, and when you grew up, you had to deal with it. His revenge?"

"Not only that."

Herstal said, the icy expression on his face had not yet faded, and there was an irrepressible sneer in his voice.

"When I just met him, I didn't even dare to confirm his identity. Who would have thought that a former priest is now running a foundation of a deceased rich man? It was a very difficult time for me, because You can always recall the nightmare from many years ago, but you can't confirm that you are still in the nightmare..."

He paused: "Until one day, I confirmed that he was the priest back then."

"When is it?" Ms. Musk asked.

"After Slade's pretrial hearing," Herstal tutted, his voice cold, "he had a little unnecessary physical contact with me... After all these years, he still really liked it. The blonde one."

Offstage, Anne Brook couldn't help covering her mouth with her hand, and not far from her side, Shi Haibo half-opened his mouth and put on an expression that looked stupid no matter what.

But what an astonishing development, Slade ate the tofu of his own defense attorney, who happened to be the victim of his sexual assault years ago. Shi Haibo finally closed his mouth and rubbed his lower lip excitedly with his canine teeth: there is no doubt that this is a classic tragedy of fate, everyone likes stories full of coincidences like this, especially if it happens in real life of.

Amalette continued to narrate without emotion: "So I knew that he was the priest many years ago, and now he has changed his identity and resumed his old business. Therefore, it can be inferred that the case of Sequoia Manor is actually him. The envoy, just pushed out his deputy Rowan to convict—"

"As far as I know, you were the one who got him out of the jury..." Ms. Musk noted.

"Can't he escape without me?" Herstal raised his voice abruptly, as if he couldn't keep his calm mask at last. "Even if I asked Albarino to testify, there was always a difference They bribed him. Or do you think Slade really had that bad tenosynovitis? The only thing I'm different from other lawyers is that others want him out of jail and I want him to die. If Living in a world with him, I can't—"

He stopped and took a deep breath, trembling, his eyelashes trembling slightly.

"...I can't sleep." He made a knot for himself softly, "I'll see his face as soon as I close my eyes."

The auditorium was silent, so when Olga snorted softly, the voice was particularly clear in Schheiber's ears.

Olga's voice was a little smiling: "The acting is good."

"What?" Annie lowered her voice in shock, like a high school girl secretly chatting with her friend, "He made these up?"

"No, these are not made up by him." Olga said nicely, "but he is not the kind of guy who will show his vulnerable side bào in front of others."

Meanwhile, Herstal was saying: "The only mistake I made in this whole thing was with Albarino - I shouldn't have used him, and I shouldn't have been carried away by anger. He was a A good forensic doctor, trying to stop this illegal behavior in his eyes at the last minute, this result is not what he deserves."

"'The only mistake I made was Albarino', a fairly accurate assessment." Olga said in a cheerful tone.

And Ms. Musk didn't seem to care about the confession at all. She frowned and said: "But you have to show the evidence to the jury. As far as I know, the charges against Slade did not involve thirty years ago. ."

"Okay," Amarette nodded calmly and turned to the judge: "If you allow me, I need to show you and the jury a new piece of evidence - this is a confession from Father Anderson of White Oak Town. ."

Everyone in the auditorium watched eagerly as the folder was handed to the judge, and then the judge opened the first page and exclaimed, "This—?!"

"Yes, this is a blood book. This confession exposes some of the facts that the priests and church members of St. Anthony's Church sexually abused the children of the choir." Amarette calmly spit out these creepy words, "This confession comes from an anonymous letter I received while I was in prison waiting for the trial, apparently an unknown friend is very concerned about the progress of my case. In short, Your Honor, the next document is a third-party agency The handwriting identification certificate given confirms that the blood book is indeed Father Anderson's handwriting; the third document is a DNA test report, which compares the blood in the confession with the blood of Father Anderson's niece, and the conclusion is that The owners of these two bloodstains are related."

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