Wine and Gun

Chapter 419

"Why not? Can't we tell Hardy what we found out about the Sunday Gardener's haunt?" Hunter asked, bewildered. "We saw him kill one person — maybe even two."

Olga shoved a scrambled egg into her mouth and began to explain vaguely, "You two have absolutely no idea who you messed with last night, did you?"

——The two people sitting across from her looked at her with the same innocent expression.

Olga sighed a long, exaggerated sigh, then said resignedly: "What did she tell you her name?"

"Gabriel Morgenstern, I remember it very well," Midalen replied quickly. "It's a foreign name, right? Her accent doesn't seem American... Is she German?"

Olga shook his head, and asked in a persuasive tone like a teacher asking elementary school students, "Have you heard of Hoxton Kingdom?"

"Uh... an Eastern European country?" Midalen replied as uncertainly as anyone who doesn't study geography well.

"Northern Europe, Hoxton is in the north of Germany, right?" Hunter said instead, he gave Olga a general look for confirmation, "It's the country that had a very famous terrorist attack a few years ago. ?"

The Kingdom of Hoxton is easily overlooked on any map of the world, just as New Zealand will never be seen on most maps; it is small in size, has no particularly well-known places of interest, and has never been born. The technological achievements and literary giants that shocked the world; in fact, if the country had not unexpectedly chosen independence in the tug-of-war of the many Pudan wars, it would now be 80% part of Germany.

People generally only hear the name of the country in three ways:

First, everyone likes to read royal gossip. Like any European country that retains the monarchy, Hoxton's royal family cannot escape the fate of being frequently featured in gossip newspapers.

Second, many police officers and related researchers will know that although this country does not have any famous specialties, it has monopolized nearly half of the European arms market by itself. Illegal firearms smuggled from Tran, no wonder some people call this country "European Mexico".

Third, there was a terrorist attack in this country that shocked the world around 2015. Since 9/11, it has not been a long time since terrorists made such a big attack.

Hunter got to know Hoxton through a third way, and he still remembers the carnival reports in newspapers and on the Internet: an extreme fundamentalist cult named Elijah Hoffman. Bombed up two churches, kidnapped a cardinal, and was shot dead while trying to blow up a third church. This incident brought disgrace to the Hoxton government and the Vatican, and the Vatican was mainly disgraced, and they later named another cult member involved in the case as a Blessed One.

Orion Hunter's knowledge of Hoxton is limited to these little gossips, which is clearly not what Olga has to say. She said: "There's only one person I've heard of named Gabriel Morgenstern, who actually controls a Hoxton-centred mafia group, the 'Schweigers', the largest in Europe. one of the largest transnational criminal organizations.”

After she said this, Annie just happened to walk into the restaurant with her own breakfast. She obviously didn't think about why it took so long to bake a toast. The topic in the restaurant changed from Midaren's nightclub trip to a mafia story. , so he made a puzzled voice: "...Ah?"

And Midaren asked very off-topic: "Why is the mafia controlled by a man named Morgenstern called the 'Schweigers'?"

... This question sounds very reasonable at first glance, but Hunter just feels that there are too many words. He still remembered the woman he saw the day before: she was very beautiful, and she looked very young, as if she was only between twenty and thirty years old... Of course, it could also be due to cosmetics. In short, although he and the other party realized that the other party's background was not simple as soon as they met, it was a bit too magical to say that she was the boss of a transnational criminal organization.

Hunter thought for a while, and then said with difficulty: "...If she is really an international criminal, why wasn't she caught as soon as she entered the country?"

"Well, it's quite complicated to talk about, and I can answer that question with Midalen," Olga said happily, as if one day later, her friend was convicted of first-degree murder and thrown into prison. Forget it. "When I went to an Interpol conference a few years ago, I heard them tell the Morgenstern story."

"What story?" Annie, who completely missed the first half of the conversation, asked while eating milk and cereal, "Is there a làng comic element?"

"I'm afraid not," Olga replied after thinking for a while, "but there should be a scene where beautiful women work hard and finally reach the pinnacle of life, just like "Legal Blonde"."

Herstal was taken directly to the warden's office by the prison guards. This was the first time he had seen the warden: a slightly fat man with huge black eye bags, this guy who was unpleasant just by his looks Sitting behind his desk, smiled at Herstal.

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