Wine and Gun

Chapter 465

Olga winked at him: "That sounds a bit scary, doesn't it? If I had known your reaction was so intense, I wouldn't have told you this... Anyway, when I told Bart he It's the same expression."

Hunter was tempted to point out that any sane person who knew of a psycho killer who kept a group of victims in captivity and then lived to cut off their organs for use in…creation would basically be the reaction. He simply did not want to imagine the means by which the gardener kept them alive.

"But why? Their lives should mean nothing to him." Hunter couldn't help asking.

"Anyone's life means nothing to him, including mine. So I can only say that I'm not quite sure what he's going to do in the end." Olga replied matter-of-factly, "but it can be done in the current On the basis of a little speculation..."

She paused.

"Some ancient religions have the custom of living sacrifices. They sacrificed human life to gods to show their piety." Olga said slowly, his voice sounded like deep thought, "For example, the Mayan Civilization has the custom of blood sacrifice. They will dig out the hearts of the defeated captives and sacrifice to the gods in rituals——

"This is to pray for the approval of the gods."

The conversation lasted about thirty minutes, or a little longer. Herstal even thinks it doesn't matter what he actually said to Leohard Schreiber, the important thing is that "Schreiber interviewed Armalite" so that the reporter can Created as much as you like in the article.

The conversation was about to come to an end, and Shi Haibo looked in high spirits, while Herstal reminded: "It's time for you to deliver what you promised."

- This is the only reason he agreed to this interview.

Herstal knew that Albarino should continue to commit crimes outside, and the few photos Olga had thrown in front of him before his pretrial hearing said it all. Later, he received a blood letter signed by Father Anderson, which also showed that the priest had a high probability of falling into the hands of Albarino, and that it should be the worst in the end.

The previous warden disappeared for no reason, and it was probably for this reason. At first glance, the warden was the kind of victim that Albarino would choose.

But aside from these speculations, Herstal did not get much useful information from the newspapers—the cases were likely pinned down by the police so as not to cause panic among the masses. Since the anonymous letter sent to the federal prison, Albariño has disappeared, the last time Herstal saw him from a newspaper report.

That report was written by the reporter in front of him, and the content was that Lavasa McCard was attacked and disappeared, and the murderer was probably a fanatical supporter of the Westland pianist.

Although there was only a screenshot of the monitor that was blurred to the point where only the mosaic was left, Herstal also knew that the person who was going to gān must be Albarino.

His previous ominous premonition really came true, this little lunatic didn't line up other people's heads in front of the prison, but actually went to singled out McCard. Agent McCard fell off the bridge with the attackers? Was this an accident or intentional?

Most importantly, he needs to know how Albarino is doing now.

——Therefore, Herstal had to accept the interview of the reporter in front of him, pinching his nose to answer his stupid questions. After all, Leohard Schreiber might be the only person in Westland who paid attention to the McCard case and was stupid enough to pry the truth out of his mouth. To think about going to meet Olga.

"Yes, I promised to help you follow up on Agent McCard's case." Shi Haibo nodded, "Seriously, why do you care so much about McCard?"

Herstal's face made him succeed in not continuing to ask.

Schubert paused for a moment, then made a wry face: "Uh, well—I really went to find out. But you probably won't like the answer: I've found nothing, and McCard has been in the water since he fell. It has never appeared again, and the current state is still missing; as for the attacker? He doesn't seem to have done any other cases, and the police seem to be at a loss. I have a friend in WLPD to help me inquire about it. "The case hasn't been solved yet."

Herstal seemed thoughtful and did not speak. So Schubert went on: "Seriously, I think the biggest possibility is that both of them are dead. Fort Lauderdale's water system is intricate, and the water flow is high, and I researched, the bridge A distance of six or seven meters from the surface of the water...falling into the water from such a high place? The most common situation is that both people are injured, and then they are unable to struggle in the turbulent current, and finally both sink to the bottom."

He glanced at Herstal's face, and boldly asked: "Or do you care about the person who committed the crime? Could it be that the person who committed the crime is really your fanatical fan?"

Herstal didn't bother to answer this question at all. He thought about it, and then asked, "Hasn't the Sunday gardener committed crimes recently?"

"If the gardener committed the crime, you would have seen it in the newspaper. I remember that the prison also has a reading room." This question was obviously not difficult, and Shi Haibo quickly answered, "It has been quiet recently, not only the gardener No crime was committed, and even the frequency of shootings decreased after the fall, and sure enough, no one can stand the ghost weather in autumn and winter."

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