Wine and Gun

Chapter 488

And Hardy suddenly raised his head and looked at Olga: "What does this mean?!"

The timing of the article will not be fake, it was published after the murder in prison. However, according to the article, the goat incident happened many days ago, and the newspaper of "Westland Daily News" was unwilling to break the news that its employees were threatened, and was unwilling to pay compensation for it, so Shi Hai Bo Cai chose to break the news to the Criminal Secret News Network...

To sum up, the fact is: Shi Haibo found the dead goat in front of him at home. After the incident, he did not tell many people, and the matter was not reported in the newspapers or exposed on the Internet. It is definitely impossible for Amarette to know about this goat. But not long after, a case with almost the same modus operandi soon occurred at the New Thacker Federal Prison, only this time it was a human being who died...

"The way the goat is handled is really like the handwriting of a pianist." Bates took Annie's mobile phone and zoomed in the photo a little bit, his face was very bad, "Look at the photo and the way the piano strings are knotted. It's all the same, but this kind of detail has never been told to any media..."

Olga cleared her throat, so the others immediately stopped their movements and looked at her in unison.

"First of all, it's unlikely that the one who hung a dead sheep at that reporter's house was really a pianist," she said slowly, looking calmly at the others in the room, "At this point, we can reach consensus?"

Hardy nodded. "Yes. If the pianist really wanted to intimidate that Shi Haibo, it's unlikely he'd just kill a sheep—if it all worked for him, he wouldn't be a serial killer. ."

"If it's not possible that the pianist is out there, then our inferences about the pianist should still be correct," Bates pointed out. "The pianist may indeed be in prison -- he may indeed be Armalite. Besides, Balmond's death also seems to have been the work of a nüè killer."

"Then we all tend to think that Herstal is indeed a pianist," Olga continued, rubbing the rim of the cup with her fingers, the tea was cold, and she hadn't had a drink at all. mouth. She has always been very patient in guiding others to think. At this moment, she listed them one by one: "So now we know the following points: 1. Although there is no evidence, we all suspect that Herstal is a pianist. And Balmond's death may have been his work; two, he could not be the culprit in the goat case, but his work looked very similar to the goat; three, it stands to reason that he could not have known the The existence of the goat, but in terms of time, it is true that the goat was hanged in the Shi Haibo house first, and Balmond was killed later; Fourth, the person who threatened Shi Haibo was not a pianist, but this person was familiar with the pianist The modus operandi, and even know some inside information of the police department-"

"God," Hardy whispered suddenly.

Olga looked at him in a good mood.

Hardy whispered: "Because of the previous series of cases in the states, we all suspect that Albarino was not actually dead, and the previous case only made the most sense if he was a gardener and he was not dead. explanation of……"

Olga nodded with a smile.

Hardy was staring at her, his eyes dark with undisguised shock.

"He's not dead. He's the Sunday Gardener. He threatened Schubert." Hardy murmured in a breathless voice, "...he's been in touch with Armalite, which explains the everything that happened."

In fact, since the trial, Bart Hardy thought he would never see Herstal Armalite again.

Although when a policeman is confronted with a murderer, this kind of emotion should not usually arise, but Hardy really does not know how to deal with Armalite: on the one hand, he sympathizes with the other party's misfortune, on the other hand, he thinks absolutely nothing You can't use bào force to solve hatred. He understands the motive of the other party's crime, but he can't sit back and watch the other party commit those bloody murders as a Westland pianist-although to a certain extent those dead people did die well, but this is also a real crime.

And...Amarette saved his Clara's life.

His Clara never got along with Albarino, but she was very attached to each other when she first met Amarette. Can she intuitively judge whose side it is safe to be around? Why did Armalite save this little girl who had nothing to do with him?

In any case, Clara really likes this uncle who has only one relationship with her. Although this person has never visited her since then, she still draws him in the picture when she paints. He was mentioned proudly in the teacher's composition, and Herstal Armalette's treatment with Clara Hardy made her father feel jealous himself.

Clara, who had no knowledge of that trial, would sometimes ask that question long after the trial had settled, saying, "When will Uncle Herstal come to see me?"

——Based on this, Bart Hardy felt that he was even more unable to face each other.

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