Wine and Gun

Chapter 505

The prison guard was immersed in his own thoughts. When he was a little distracted, even the blood in the ambulance and the siren of the police car that followed them seemed to have been diluted a lot. And it was precisely because he couldn't see Amarette's face from his angle, so he didn't notice the other's eyes that suddenly opened.

Then things happened suddenly.

Because the next second, Herstal Amalet sat up suddenly - I don't know how he did it when he had such a deep wound on his waist, the blood was squeezed out tickly and fell on On the ground of the ambulance—suddenly grabbed the unsuspecting doctor’s collar with his hand, and pushed it back suddenly, the back of the young man’s head slammed into the glass on the side of the ambulance, and a crack followed with a click. A sound spread across the glass surface.

The nurses screamed and stepped back at a loss; the doctor apparently passed out at this moment and slowly slid down the carriage; the prison guard was stunned for less than a second, but the moment of hesitation was too long, in his Before he could take out his gun and aim at Amalette, the other party rushed over, and his face didn't even look ferocious, just cold to the bone.

Amalet grabbed the prison guard's shoulder. The two of them scuffled a few times in the small space, and then the prison guard was twisted by his shoulder and fell heavily on the wheel. Some equipment in the ambulance was touched and fell on the wheel. There was a harsh click when it hit the ground. Amalet looked down at him condescendingly, one hand caught his wrist holding the gun, and the other hand fumbled to the side of the wheel—

After a while, he touched the pair of tweezers that had just fallen beside him in the chaos. The prison guard saw his hand raised high, and the tweezers in his hand flashed like sharp thorns under the light. Shengsheng inserted this piece of metal, which was not very sharp, into his neck. The process was so, so fast, the prison guard didn't even feel pain in the first few seconds, his fingers trembled and dazedly touched up, and then touched the warm blood on his hand.

The last picture he saw was of Armalite calmly pulling the gun from his hand and firing two shots in the direction of the cab.

Bart Hardy heard two shots.

Then the ambulance he had been following here wobbled along the road as if it had lost control, and finally rolled off the shoulder and slammed into a tree. The tree whose branches were covered with snow trembled suddenly, and the snow on the branches fell to its head.

Hardy slammed on the brakes, the wheels slipped on the snow-covered road, and finally came to a stop. When he got out of the car, he had already drawn out his pistol vigilantly, and pressed his finger on the trigger of the gun - he was very sure that what he heard just now was the sound of gunshots, and the ambulance should be the only prison guard with guns, what happened?

That ambulance was Amalette, maybe he should have gotten into the car with the guards, he shouldn't be so careless about something like this. Many vague thoughts quickly flashed through Hardy's mind, and at the same time, he walked down the shoulder of the road with one foot deep and one foot shallow, the gun in one hand pointed straight ahead, and the other hand on the back door of the ambulance. On the handle, pull hard—

It was as quiet as a grave in the car before. The moment Hardy opened the door, a body fell straight out: it was the prison guard. His body was obviously leaning against the door. Now when Hardy opened the door, He fell to the snow with a muffled sound.

The blood was dipping through the mud and snow beneath him, and Hardy saw a metal thing stuck in his neck, blood dripping from the fatal wound. The man's eyes were wide open, and the cloudy cornea reflected the sky with thick lead-grey clouds floating in it.

At that moment, Bart Hardy realized a problem:

The media likes to refer to the Westland pianist as "Westland's evil Batman," and some believe the serial killer is a vigilante, bào forcefully bringing those who escaped justice to justice. But this is not the case, the Westland pianist just "choose" the guilty person as his target, not "must" make the guilty person his target. When the situation required it, this man could also kill the policeman, the driver of the car, and the Bart Hardy himself whom he had known for so long—

Even if it was he who had saved Clara Hardy's life, there was no contradiction between the two events.

The epiphany flashed through Hardy's mind. The prison guard who suddenly fell out of the car made him stunned for a second. In this brief second, the famous murderer from Westland got out of the car. Li rushed out, the two of them collided, and at the same time fell to the icy ground covered with snow, Hardy's pistol was knocked out, and fell into the bushes with a bang.

It was a not very decent fight, even if the opponent's fainting might be fake, he was actually injured by a knife. When they were rolling and scrambling on the ground, blood dripped from some wounds, and fell on the snow.

When Amalette tried to jam Hardy's neck, Hardy's hand landed on the wound on Amalette's waist in confusion, and then slammed his fingers in without any hesitation.

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