Wine and Gun

Chapter 544

Then, he opted to send the photo to Gabriel Morgenstern—whom he does keep his contact details—with a succinct note, by the way:

"Can this man be killed?"

In less than three minutes, the phone dialed him back.

Albarino answered the phone calmly, as innocent as if he hadn't just sent pictures of people in a coma covered in blood, and said succinctly and forcefully, "Hello?"

A little bit beyond his expectations, the caller was not Gabriel, and a helpless male voice came from the phone, and the man asked directly: "Doctor Bacchus, you are the only one. Have you already started killing people in the store a few days after opening?"

Albarino thought for two seconds before connecting the voice on the phone with Gabriel's assistant in a suit he had met in Sodom, and he asked a little confused: "Zacharia Sir? Isn't that Miss Morgenstern's number?"

"This is her 'work phone', which means I'm actually managing this number most of the time." Zacharia replied, wondering if it was Albarino's hallucination, the jīnggān male voice Full of disgust, "Let's get back to the point: what happened to that photo?"

"A gang member rushed into my store, not only trying to charge me protection fees, but also trying to pry at my cash register." Albarino replied in a leisurely tone. He was talking on the phone while rummaging in the cabinet with one hand. Looking, trying to find a rope to tie the gangster, "I believe he's not yours?"

After all, Albarino put a lot of effort into choosing the location of his shop. It was hard enough to be an amateur serial killer when he was earning money to support his family. He didn't want to open a shop and get involved in a gang dispute. , and Hoxton really is full of gang disputes - and then Gabriel recommended the street to him at an afternoon tea, saying it was between the Schweigers and another gang turf" "Buffer zone", no one will come to collect protection fees or rob.

"Security is second only to opening your store on the desk of Archbishop Flora." Gabriel said it at the time, although Albarino didn't know what this had to do with the cardinal's desk. .

"It can't be from the Schweiger family, they won't go to that street." Sure enough, Zacharias on the phone categorically rejected it. After Albarino carefully described the cause and effect to him, he even sounded a little surprised, "What? You said that this person has already charged a month's protection fee to the shop on the street? Wait a minute, I have to ask about this. ask……"

Then there was a rustling noise. It seemed that Zacharias put down the phone and asked someone next to him some questions. His tone was serious and businesslike, like an ordinary office worker. It's actually hard for Albarino to imagine that scene. Would a trusted lieutenant of a gang leader like Zacharias sit in a skyscraper office seriously? Or is it only the Hoxton Gang's corporate culture that is so unique?

About a few minutes later, Zacharias picked up the phone again, and apparently already had the answer: "That's Bell from the Mace Gang, who came to Flora City from Winslow a month ago, and inside information pointed out that the boss of the Mace Gang's My son wants to promote him, but now he's just a little boss, and I think... ah, wait a minute, Miss Morgenstern, I'm—"

There was a collision, and then another person was replaced on the other side of the phone. Albarino heard a female voice with a slightly low and hoarse tone, which was undoubtedly Gabriel. Apparently, Gabriel Morgenstern finally had some self-consciousness that he had to answer his own phone, so he grabbed the phone from Zacharias without reason. The first words she said were this:

"Kill it."

So Albarino smiled and replied succinctly, "That's good."

The other side paused, and then Gabriel asked again, "I'm curious, what would you do if I told you that this person can't be killed?"

"Kill him, and then set up the crime scene so that no one can see that it was me." Albarino told her calmly, "There are many ways to disguise a person as an accidental death or disappearance, and there is always one a way to keep his gang and the security agency from seeing the cause of death - I'm not as reckless as you think, and I don't think it's a good idea to rashly challenge the local gang when you're just settling in a city ."

Gabriel seemed to let out a soft laugh as she said, "Then Maud Garland is going to have another headache."

"She should have been prepared for that the day she showed up at the airport," Albarino replied disapprovingly. "Besides, I doubt she cares about the details."

"She doesn't care - and I do care a little bit, because after a gangster comes to Flora from another city, it's impossible not to have anyone explain the local rules to him, it's only possible that his boss condoned him. Apparently someone in the Mace would like to see us have some... conflict, I'd rather call it a temptation." Gabriel's voice was still slow, but Albarino could hear the bloodless killing inside. I mean, "That's pretty stupid."

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