"Witcher: I brought the wrong system (!

It’s still a lot worse, so I’ll continue working overtime in a chapter, and I’ll refresh it tomorrow morning.

It’s still a lot worse, so I’ll continue working overtime in a chapter, and I’ll refresh it tomorrow morning.

It’s still a lot worse, so I’ll continue working overtime in a chapter, and I’ll refresh it tomorrow morning.

It’s still a lot worse, so I’ll continue working overtime in a chapter, and I’ll refresh it tomorrow morning.

It’s still a lot worse, so I’ll continue working overtime in a chapter, and I’ll refresh it tomorrow morning.

It’s still a lot worse, so I’ll continue working overtime in a chapter, and I’ll refresh it tomorrow morning.

So scary, so scary!

Had it not been for the magic power of the official wizard in the pendant, and the flying spell of the pendant, Yarrow might have knelt on the ground softly.

It's not that his will is not firm enough.

It is the magical power of a formal wizard, which has the ability to influence matter and spirit!

So many wizards allow the magic to oscillate, and the interlaced magic will naturally affect the nerves in the weak body, causing it to lose control of the body.

The spell ‘mental coercion’ was developed in accordance with this theory.

But... Yarrow survived!

The black flames burned, gliding through the air, casting a huge shadow on the seats.

Among the huge fire phoenix, the blond hair slowly flowed, like a bright flame, and like the rising sun.

Bright, but not dazzling.


The wooden hammer hit the base, making a dull sound.

Anthony frowned and scolded: "The Council Hall is not your training ground, so don't put away all the magic power!"

The wizards hesitated, but the situation in the council hall at this time was not comfortable for them.

What's more, the blond teenagers they wanted to target have already reached the center of the parliament, and it would just be a waste of magic power to continue.

Therefore, although he was reluctant to follow Anthony's instructions, some wizards began to gather magic power.

After someone takes the lead, no matter how reluctant other people are, they can only follow.

If the subsequent wizards do not follow, their magic power will have an impact on other wizards.

This kind of shock can be regarded as a provocation in many cases.

Because magic has the ability to perceive, no one will like the magic of others, flowing on one's own body.

The corner of Anthony's mouth moved slightly.

All beginnings are hard.

With this obedience, the difficulty of subsequent operations can be much easier.

Because of this, Anthony has ‘recovered’ his previous ‘kindness’ to the blond boy who came from gliding.

"Good! No loss is my junior, the strength is really extraordinary!"

A Luo fell to the ground, and the turbulent black flames on his back also gathered up.

The Black Flame Fire Phoenix is ​​the product of the power of the abyss. If you want to maintain a huge body, the required'fuel' will naturally increase greatly. Even if Yarrow expands the scope of the'Abyss Contract Art', he originally wears it. After all, his clothes are too thin to last long.

Yaluo didn’t know what happened to this so-called “senior brother” who came to him, and how long it would be delayed here. In order to prevent the original clothes from “burning out” and causing the tragic situation of running naked under the public, he could only give up the huge fire phoenix. The power and power it brings. So scary, so scary!

Had it not been for the magic power of the official wizard in the pendant, and the flying spell of the pendant, Yarrow might have knelt on the ground softly.

It's not that his will is not firm enough.

It is the magical power of a formal wizard, which has the ability to influence matter and spirit!

So many wizards allow the magic to oscillate, and the interlaced magic will naturally affect the nerves in the weak body, causing it to lose control of the body.

The spell ‘mental coercion’ was developed in accordance with this theory.

But... Yarrow survived!

The black flames burned, gliding through the air, casting a huge shadow on the seats.

Among the huge fire phoenix, the blond hair slowly flowed, like a bright flame, and like the rising sun.

Bright, but not dazzling.


The wooden hammer hit the base, making a dull sound.

Anthony frowned and scolded: "The Council Hall is not your training ground, so don't put away all the magic power!"

The wizards hesitated, but the situation in the council hall at this time was not comfortable for them.

What's more, the blond teenagers they wanted to target have already reached the center of the parliament, and it would just be a waste of magic power to continue.

Therefore, although he was reluctant to follow Anthony's instructions, some wizards began to gather magic power.

After someone takes the lead, no matter how reluctant other people are, they can only follow.

If the subsequent wizards do not follow, their magic power will have an impact on other wizards.

This kind of shock can be regarded as a provocation in many cases.

Because magic has the ability to perceive, no one will like the magic of others, flowing on one's own body.

The corner of Anthony's mouth moved slightly.

All beginnings are hard.

With this obedience, the difficulty of subsequent operations can be much easier.

Because of this, Anthony has ‘recovered’ his previous ‘kindness’ to the blond boy who came from gliding.

"Good! No loss is my junior, the strength is really extraordinary!"

A Luo fell to the ground, and the turbulent black flames on his back also gathered up.

The Black Flame Fire Phoenix is ​​the product of the power of the abyss. If you want to maintain a huge body, the required'fuel' will naturally increase greatly. Even if Yarrow expands the scope of the'Abyss Contract Art', he originally wears it. After all, his clothes are too thin to last long.

Yaluo didn’t know what happened to this so-called “senior brother” who came to him, and how long it would be delayed here. In order to prevent the original clothes from “burning out” and causing the tragic situation of running naked under the public, he could only give up the huge fire phoenix. The power and power it brings. So scary, so scary!

Had it not been for the magic power of the official wizard in the pendant, and the flying spell of the pendant, Yarrow might have knelt on the ground softly.

It's not that his will is not firm enough.

It is the magical power of a formal wizard, which has the ability to influence matter and spirit!

So many wizards allow the magic to oscillate, and the interlaced magic will naturally affect the nerves in the weak body, causing it to lose control of the body.

The spell ‘mental coercion’ was developed in accordance with this theory.

But... Yarrow survived!

The black flames burned, gliding through the air, casting a huge shadow on the seats.

Among the huge fire phoenix, the blond hair slowly flowed, like a bright flame, and like the rising sun.

Bright, but not dazzling.


The wooden hammer hit the base ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and made a dull sound.

Anthony frowned and scolded: "The Council Hall is not your training ground, so don't put away all the magic power!"

The wizards hesitated, but the situation in the council hall at this time was not comfortable for them.

What's more, the blond teenagers they wanted to target have already reached the center of the parliament, and it would just be a waste of magic power to continue.

So, although he is reluctant to follow Anthony’s instructions, there are still

Wizard: I brought the wrong address of the latest chapter of the system: https://

Wizard: I brought the wrong system to read the full text address: https://

Wizard: I brought the wrong system txt download address: https://

Wizard: I brought the wrong system phone to read: https://

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