Wizard: I Brought the Wrong System

Chapter 370: night terrors

【...1437 experience points】

The moment the data was swiped, a strong wind pressure swept in, and a pair of giant claws glowing with silver light were already approaching.

Yarrow stomped his feet heavily, his body advancing instead of retreating.

"A little bit of water!"

The Youlong body technique had just been activated, and it was as if an invisible wire suddenly exerted force on Yarrow's back, pulling his body back abruptly.



The undead vulture lowered its head in doubt, and saw a crystal epee slashing directly with raging flames.

"Blazing Fire Swordsmanship - Charge Fire!"


The crimson flames extinguished the green light in the undead vulture's bone eyes, and the huge body was like a kite with a broken string, swinging and stabbing down along the previous inertia.

[Defeat the enemy...1363 experience points]

"This...how is it possible!" Miles looked flustered and staggered back.


Hearing this stern shout, Miles, whose mind was in turmoil, looked subconsciously.

"Sun Fist!"

Miles' head seemed to have been hit hard with a hammer, his eyes were full of flashing lights, he was dizzy, and it was difficult to distinguish things for a while.

The next moment, a huge force ruthlessly vented in his abdomen, kicking him out directly.

Touch the winter!

Miles got up like a maggot, propped himself on the ground with trembling hands, and retched weakly.


With a thunderclap, footsteps gradually approached.


A pair of metal boots stopped in front of Miles.

"Tell me your mission, tell me what you know, and I will consider whether to let you go."

"Hehe...vomit," Miles laughed inexplicably, panting heavily, "you... are not, the wizard of the Holy God Empire...."

Holy God Empire?

San Fernando Empire?

Yarrow frowned slightly, this adjective gave him a bad feeling.

Miles' eyes were blurred, and he murmured in a low voice:

"My merciful father, thank you for giving the holy empire to this filthy world. We will obey your will and protect this god-given kingdom with our lives. We are not afraid of sacrifices, and the glory will shelter the souls of heroes and send them all the way Your kingdom. Where gold and silver pave the ground, where flowers are full, where rivers flow with honey, where trees are covered with fragrant meat. The sky is full of dandelions that will emit beautiful light, and on the soft white clouds, divine and beautiful The angels greeted with laughter..."

"Food, wealth, **** plus faith... Survival pursuit, spiritual pursuit, soul pursuit, highly targeted prayers! But unfortunately, there is an essential error in your prayers."

Miles paused for a moment.

Survival pursuit, spiritual pursuit, soul pursuit?

If you think about it carefully, it really makes sense.

Then, why did this powerful 'wizard' say that the prayers were fundamentally wrong?

"Ordinary people basically have no chance to condense their souls. They have no self-awareness. When they die, they are no different from the rocks on the roadside. For the rocks, food, wealth, beauty, and faith are meaningless."

Yarrow concluded: "The most crucial point is wrong, and everything based on this is naturally false..."

Yarrow didn't tell the whole story.

It is indeed more difficult for ordinary people to condense their souls than extraordinary people, but if they have extremely firm beliefs, they also have the opportunity to become holy spirits.

But this is not teaching students, who cares if it is correct, or if it is completely correct?

No, no, Miles he cares!

Just like the national curse of "like a mother and maidservant", Yarrow's explanation has tarnished the treasure in Miles' heart!

But Miles didn't know how to refute, he stood up abruptly, pointed at Yarrow tremblingly, the corners of his mouth trembled, and remained silent for a long time.

"As the personal guard of Baron Claire, you don't have nothing at all. From the prayer just now, it can be seen that what you value is strength, wealth, sex, these things?"

Yarrow's calm voice was like an iron rod stabbing into Myers's head, stirring mercilessly.

"Your belief is rather a unilateral transaction. Even if the **** you believe in really exists, will he accept this impure and greedy transaction?"

The clouds were thick and there was thunder.

Under the alternation of darkness, Yarrow approached slowly like a ghost.

"Once you die, everything you have now will be wiped out, are you...really willing?"

"To shut up!"

Miles roared angrily: "You don't know the mercy and greatness of God the Father at all!"

"Is a greatness built on lies? Does true greatness require you to give up your status, your food, your possessions, or even your life?"

Miles backed away step by step, his eyes began to avert.

With the help of his own selfish nature, with the help of his unsteady beliefs, he finally smashed his inner defense line!

Yarrow was overjoyed, and a stern light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"Instant Body Technique!"

Swing the sword, chop!

Blood splattered, and Miles clutched his wrist and screamed: "Devil, you are a devil! No, don't kill me, don't kill me!"

"I don't like people pointing at me, and I'm not very patient."

"I say! I say!


Under the cold night sky, the peaceful refugee camp suddenly became extremely chaotic at some point.

"Father Shire, Daddy Shire! It's bad!" Hami hurriedly ran down to the wooden house, and before his breath calmed down, he shouted anxiously, "There are a lot of people in the camp who don't know what's wrong, UU Reading www. uukanshu.com suddenly went crazy, what should we do!"

"Don't worry! Calm down, don't go crazy."

Old Shire's face was ugly: "This is a night terror."

Hami looked at the chaotic camp in horror, and asked puzzledly, "Night terror? What is this?"

"It's Yingxiao."

Yarrow's voice came closer.

"Ying Xiao?" Hami's expression changed drastically, "Isn't this something that only happens in the army?"

Yarrow's figure gradually emerged from the gloom. He looked at the chaotic crowd shuttling back and forth in the refugee camp, and at those screaming and screaming crowds who fell into madness, and calmly explained:

"The camp roar is not exclusive to the military camp. The spirit is full of high-pressure negative emotions, the body is extremely tired, and the high-density living environment may cause the camp scream. This kind of thing does not only happen in the army, prisons, schools, There may even be villages."

As he said that, Yarrow looked at the old Shire who was full of self-blame: "It's not your fault, even if you didn't call the alarm, there will still be a camp tonight."

"Brother Yue, you're awake...huh?" Hami looked suspiciously at Miles who was tied up, "Who is he?"

"I troubled Master Yue to arrest a mole," Old Shire replied.

After all, Yarrow is an outsider, and the impact of shooting for no reason will be bad, so the old Shire will take this responsibility out loud.

Old Shire said again: "Hami, you press him to stay in the house."

Yarrow nodded without objecting.

After Hami walked away, Old Shire asked in a low voice: "Master Yue, did you find out what you asked? Did you solve which demon and what picture?"

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