Wizard of science

Chapter 157 Dark Heart Medal

Li He didn't speak, his eyes scanned the surrounding environment, looking at a dusty statue next to the fountain, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Thanks to his enhanced perception, he could detect energy fluctuations and signs of life inside the statue.

Everyone was still talking about it, and the next moment the statue suddenly cracked with a "crash", and the heavy stones on the outside fell off, fell to the ground and shattered.

Inside the statue, a tall figure nearly two meters tall stood up.

The other party was wearing a thick gray robe that could barely cover his well-developed muscles. He had a pair of thick eyebrows on his face, looked at everyone with a pair of sleepy eyes, stretched his waist and said, "You are the ones sent by Lord Tolin." A new batch of students, right? They're finally here. I've been waiting here since I received the news. I almost fell asleep for several times, but you are finally here. By the way, you can break my heart."

"Lord Heartbreaker." All the students saluted quickly.

Broken Heart waved her hands quickly: "Don't call me Sir. I'm not a wizard. I'm just a second-level wizard apprentice in the academy. Just call me senior."

"Senior Broken Heart." A group of students quickly changed their titles.

Broken Heart smiled after hearing this: "Very good, everyone, follow me and take you to the real academy. As for where you are now, it is just a cover for the academy."

After speaking, Xingxin walked towards the depths of the town, and everyone quickly followed.

When we reached the end of the town, a stone wall appeared.

Broken Heart pressed one hand on the stone wall and recited a long spell.


"Boom - click!"

With a sound, the stone wall cracked from the middle, and a dark inward passage appeared.

Under the envious eyes of everyone, Broken Heart rubbed the fingers of his right hand, and a ball of orange light appeared in the palm of his hand.

Holding this light, like holding a bright lantern, dispelling the darkness, Broken Heart strode towards the passage, and everyone quickly followed.

After walking in the passage for several minutes, I finally walked out, and my eyes suddenly lit up, and a huge valley appeared in my field of vision.

Looking at it, in an oval valley, there are many buildings scattered in different sizes and shapes.

While leading the team forward, Broken Heart pointed at the building and introduced it.

"That's the teaching area of ​​the college." Broken Heart pointed at a row of gray-white buildings in the distance. "The wizards and lords will give lectures there. It will also be a place where you often go for a while."

"And there." Broken Heart pointed at a mushroom-shaped gray building. "That's the library there. There are a lot of materials there. If you are interested, you can borrow them."

Everyone nodded, and most of them were looking at the white building in the teaching area. Many people began to dream about the next daily life.

Li He's eyes lit up slightly after hearing the words, and he stared at the library for a long time. Speaking of which, one of the most critical reasons why he wanted to join the wizard organization was to use the rich knowledge base of the wizard organization to assist and promote his current research - and the library is a very important part of the knowledge base. ring.

"Of course." Broken Heart added, "Although the library has a lot of materials, not all of them can be borrowed. It depends on your status. If you can successfully pass the entrance test and become a formal student, you can borrow the first-level materials. A small part. If you can become a first-level wizard apprentice, you can borrow most of the first level. If you become a second-level wizard apprentice like me, you can borrow all the materials on the first level.

And if you are talented and capable, and one day become a third-level wizard apprentice higher than me, you can enter the second level to borrow materials.

In case you have amazing talents and can even become an official wizard through hard work, congratulations, the entire library information on the third and fourth floors is open to you, and even some private libraries in the college can serve you. "

Everyone nodded slightly after hearing this, while Li He was thoughtful.

Broken Heart paused, then pointed to the other buildings and continued the introduction: "Those black buildings over there are laboratories. I advise you to stay away from them if you are fine. Some of the courses will be taught there, and more of them will be independent. There are many master wizards and some third-level wizard apprentices doing research in the laboratory. If you have anything to research, as long as you have enough magic stones, you can also go there to rent a room, some experimental equipment, and get some experimental equipment from the magic eye. From observers to large energy separators, you can use them as long as you have magic stones to pay for them."

Everyone seemed to understand and responded, feeling that studying something was too far away from the current self, so it would be better to listen to Heartbreak and stay away.

Li He blinked and had many ideas: Sure enough, he was right to choose Dark Heart Academy. Referring to the research methods, research instruments and knowledge here can help him promote his research progress.

Broken Heart led everyone forward and said as they walked: "Over there is the breeding area. There are many dangerous demonized creatures. Just stay away. On one side of the breeding area is the planting area, which is also very dangerous. Just stay away, otherwise if something unexpected happens, don't blame me for not warning you."

"If you are really bored, you can go to the tavern at the bottom of the valley, that yellow wooden building, to relax, but the consumption inside is not low. If you are not very wealthy, I recommend you to go to the big tavern in the town outside, which is more cost-effective ——Remember to leave through the west gate of the college. If you leave through the east gate where you came from before, you will only see the dilapidated town."

"Furthermore, keep going forward and see the white building in the farthest distance. That is our destination, your dormitory." Broken Heart pointed towards the distance.

Everyone looked curiously and saw a dozen stone buildings clustered together.

"You will live there in the future, two people per suite. If you like to live by yourself, that's fine, as long as you pay extra magic stones. And if you can be promoted to a third-level wizard apprentice one day and be selected by a wizard as As direct students, you can move out and choose any place you like to live in the college, or even build your own house, after all, this residence is big enough." Broken Heart opened his arms to the entire valley.

This sentence is indeed true. The entire valley is surprisingly large. All the buildings occupy only a small part and are not close to each other. There are many open spaces where more things can be built.

After walking for more than 20 minutes, bypassing a small lake, the group of people finally reached the dormitory area they saw before.

Compared with the empty road before, there are obviously more people here.

"By the way, there is one more thing to remind you, be sure to remember it!" Broken Heart reminded, "You are currently informal students who have not taken the entrance test, and your status is the lowest, so you must abide by the rules and avoid encountering people who are better than you. Those with high status should greet them politely.

How to distinguish their identities? It's very simple. Look at the robes they are wearing and see if there are silver lines on the chest. If there are no lines, it means that they have not yet reached the first level of wizard apprentice. They are not much better than you, so don't worry too much.

Those in this line are first-level wizard apprentices, and you want to say hello. Those on the second line are level two wizard apprentices, you must bow. Those with three stripes are third-level wizard apprentices. You must take the initiative to avoid them. If you encounter someone with golden lines, it is a wizard. Generally, you will not encounter it. If you are lucky enough to encounter it, just show your most respectful attitude. "

Then Broken Heart thought of something and added: "By the way, in addition to the gold and silver patterns, there is a very special mark that you must remember, and that is the Dark Heart Badge."

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