Wizard: This witcher is not doing his job properly

Chapter 145 The Wolf School gathers in Vizima

Time soon came to March, which was the time agreed upon by Wayne and other members of the Wolf School.

While learning magic knowledge with Triss, he successfully acquired two new subsidiary skills, namely spells and magic knowledge.

Spell LV1: Spell power +2%

Magic Knowledge LV1: Magic comprehension speed +1, magic casting speed +1.

The skills of these two spell systems are very practical, but unfortunately they are not the demon hunter's own skills and are assigned to the column of auxiliary skills.

While waiting for other companions for a month, Wayne also successfully reached level eight through daily fish frying tasks.

Wayne (18 years old)

Occupation: Witcher

Level: Level 8 (53/800)

Ability value: 1 point

Attributes: Strength 28, Agility 33, Constitution 30, Spirit 33.

Exclusive skills: Swordsmanship LV6, Seal LV8, Gene Mutation LV6, Gwent Card LV6.

Special bloodline: Ancient blood (primary unsealing), advanced unsealing requires 30 ability points.

The power of blood: flicker, source warlock, travel through time and space.

Auxiliary skills: Archery LV4, Cooking LV6, Planting LV3, Alchemy LV5, Riding LV4, Blacksmithing LV5, Alchemy 5, Beast Taming LV1, Spells LV1, Magic Knowledge LV1.

During this period, not only the swordsmanship, sigils and Gwent cards, which are exclusive skills of the witcher, have been upgraded by one level, but even some of the ancillary skills have also been improved to a certain extent.

However, because they did not reach the threshold of level five, they did not receive a qualitative improvement.

After the primary unsealing of Ancient Blood, the ability points required for advanced unsealing have reached 30 points. If you only rely on leveling up to obtain it, it may take more than ten years to achieve it.

In response, Wayne's desire to find more magic nodes became stronger.

Even if those magic nodes become space cracks due to his absorption, they can report them to the Warlock Brotherhood like this time, or invite female sorcerers to seal them.

Although it is only a temporary solution rather than a permanent solution, everything has a price. If you want to improve your strength, you will always pay a price.

Through the test of the space crack sealed by Triss in the deer-headed spirit's lair, Wayne discovered that even if the space crack was sealed by magic, it would not affect his ability to travel through time and space.

But if he wants to use his ability points to expand the space crack into a space channel, he will destroy the seal and even cause the crack to further expand.

Now his relationship with Triss is getting closer and closer. When the relationship between the two reaches a point where they can truly trust each other in the future, maybe Wayne will tell her that he has the blood of the ancients and learn from her. Gain information on other dimensional rifts sealed by the Warlock Brotherhood.

Every crack in space represents a new world, and every new world represents infinite possibilities.

Thinking of this, Wayne was full of longing for his colorful future life.

This morning, Wayne had just returned from Master O. Henry's blacksmith shop. When he opened the door, he saw Geralt holding a wine glass and sitting on a stone pier in the pavilion in the front yard, drinking leisurely. Beer, but his eyes were on Alex who was bathing the horse, seeming to admire the child's work.

He was dressed in black armor, and the weapons on his back were not removed. His face and body were still stained with the dust from the journey. It was obvious that he had just arrived here.

After seeing Wayne, Geralt just waved his hand and said hello briefly. He said nothing and continued to drink his beer.

Among the wolf sect demon hunters, except for Vesemir, who is a teacher, he and Wayne have the closest relationship and spend the most time together. They have passed the stage where they need to be polite.

Wayne nodded to him, walked to the pavilion, picked up the wine bottle, and poured himself a glass. Just as he was about to say something, he suddenly saw Yennefer coming out of his backyard with some surprise. It seemed that he had just Looking at this house in Wayne.

The sorceress wears a black and white leather jacket on her upper body and a pair of close-fitting black leather pants on her lower body. Her legs are slender, her upper body is plump, and her bulging breasts hold up the leather jacket high. She is visually estimated to be two years older than the cute girl. One size fits all, very eye-catching.

Her expression was cold and arrogant, and she exuded an arrogant temperament. After seeing Wayne, her cold and arrogant expression eased slightly, a faint smile appeared on her face, and she asked:

"Wayne, when are you ready to take action? I will also participate in this battle."

"I will always remember the help Your Lady of the Lake gave me."

He probably guessed that Yennefer might participate in this operation, but he was still a little surprised when he actually saw her.

Among the many sorceresses, Yennefer can be regarded as a very special one. She is neither obsessed with power nor obsessed with luxury. She is particularly paranoid about feelings and is the kind of person who would not hesitate to destroy the world for her lover. Ruthless.

Wayne nodded to her, then looked at Geralt, took out the royal power of attorney from Triss's hand, and thought about it. Given Geralt's status in front of the sorceress, He simply handed it to Yennefer for her to watch.

Yennefer came over unceremoniously without even looking at Geralt, which caused an awkward smile to appear on the white wolf's lips.

After reading the contents of the royal power of attorney, Yennefer raised her eyebrows slightly, looked at Wayne with some surprise, and asked:

"Are you familiar with Triss, Wayne? She is a good friend of mine. We have known each other for many years."

"I have also heard about this young man Kayla. I heard that she is very talented in protective spells. Even Principal Margarita praised her."

Of course she is very familiar, every part of her body is familiar to me.

I think so in my heart, but Wayne will definitely not say this. Yennefer's real age is more than ten years older than Geralt, and is almost ninety years old. Calling Keira a young person is not a problem. what is the problem.

"She and I have known each other for almost a year and are considered relatively good friends."

Hearing Wayne's answer, Yennefer snorted and looked at the handsome appearance of the young demon hunter in front of her, obviously not believing this.

However, she did not delve into it, but turned to Geralt and said:

"Then I will stay at Tris's house during this period. You and Wayne will live here together. If anything happens, I will come to find you."

After saying that, she nodded slightly to Wayne and left Wayne's house without looking back.

After Yennefer left, Geralt was obviously relieved. He drank a large glass of beer in one gulp, with a smile on his face that seemed to have regained freedom, and said to Wayne:

"Hey, Wayne, go get some food and drinks."

"It took Ye and me nearly ten days to get here on horseback from Redania. The food along the way was really hard to describe."

"I want to eat the delicious food you cooked now."

Wayne raised his eyebrows. He didn't believe Geralt's words at all. How could the treatment on the road be so bad when traveling with a rich sorceress like Yennefer? Moreover, it didn't even take ten days to get here from Redania. , obviously they played wildly along the way and wasted a lot of time.

With the arrival of Geralt and Yennefer, Lambert and Eskel also came to Vizima within the next week.

Wayne and Geralt entertained these two somewhat poor brothers. He even spent a large sum of money to invite these three brothers to the legendary Queen of the Night Club and enjoy a handful of high-end beauties. , spending hundreds of orens to let them live a luxurious life like a rich person.

In the next few days, George, who received Wayne's letter, also rushed from Wellen to Vizima. He officially met with the people of the Wolf School and got to know each other.

Vesemir was the last one to arrive. It had been a long time since the old demon hunter had traveled such a long way for a mission. However, after arriving in Vizima, he saw Wayne's somewhat extravagant life, and couldn't help but feel excited again. Dun preached, which made him quite helpless.

However, as the soul of Chinese children, Wayne has always had the tradition of respecting the old and loving the young. Faced with the old demon hunter's preaching, he always listened on the surface, but secretly he was still not stingy with money and led the demon hunter The brothers lived a rich and extravagant life.

They had good wine and meat every day, visited various brothels from time to time, and even offered to pay for them to come to O. Henry's blacksmith shop and repair all their equipment. It was a great hospitality.

Finally, by mid-March, all the people participating in the operation to clean up the half-murloc city had arrived, and their combat preparations were all ready. They were just waiting for Wayne to set a specific date, and everyone would We can work together to get rid of this cancer entrenched on the shores of Lake Vizima.

But before that, as the most important beneficiary of this operation, Wayne still had to have a formal meeting with the Lady of the Lake before the operation.

Although unknown dedication is highly praised by many people, Wayne is not such a person. You may be able to give without asking for anything in return, but at least let others know that you value this matter.

Don't let others take your efforts for granted. Otherwise, not only will you not get the respect you deserve from others, your efforts will become cheap, but you may even arouse others' contempt and become a dispensable person in their eyes. existence, becoming a licking dog.

Licking the dog until the end, nothing is left.

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