Wizard: This witcher is not doing his job properly

Chapter 148 The Evil God Appears (Thanks to the very different guy for the reward)

The name of the underwater city under Lake Vizima is no longer known, but as an underwater city in an inland lake, its scale is not large. It is more like an underwater town than a city.

However, the residents living in Vizima City never imagined that beneath this seemingly beautiful and peaceful lake, there was actually a terrifying evil god and hundreds of his minions hidden.

While they develop their own power, they lurk quietly, waiting for the opportunity, ready to cause a huge disaster at any time.

Without their knowledge, Wayne had already led his six fellow demon hunters and three sorceresses to assist them in fighting, and began a secret eradication campaign.

This underwater town looks very dilapidated. In addition to the small collapsed Roman-style underwater houses scattered around, there is also a huge temple covering a wide area in the center of the town.

A large number of half-murloc guards armed with various crude weapons have been patrolling around the town. Many thin half-murlocs are catching fish and seaweed that come within their sight, doing their part for the continuation of the group. force.

Starting from the second half of last year, the fish bombing activities that lasted for several months have seriously damaged this group of half-murlocs who once dominated the shores of Lake Vizima, and also turned these surviving half-murlocs into A frightened bird, extremely sensitive to its surrounding environment.

Although the loss of more than ten or twenty men per day does not seem to be much, together, this group of half-murlocs has lost almost half of its warriors.

This also forces them to seldom go out for food. Most of them just huddle in their own nests, guarding against any strangers who dare to enter their territory.

Therefore, when Wayne and his team set out from the bottom of the water to support the underwater barrier that separated the lake, and just approached the underwater town, they immediately aroused a violent reaction from the indigenous people in the town.

In reality, there will not be two or three enemies at once like in the game, and then let you erode their power bit by bit like fighting monsters to upgrade. Finally, a big boss will appear and fight you alone, allowing you to complete a task. The feat of a man challenging a force alone.

As soon as Wayne and others approached, the half-murlocs immediately mobilized their strongest force. Under the leadership of a dozen strong half-murloc leaders wearing bone armor, there were almost two hundred half-murlocs, like a wave of Like a surging black tide, it swam towards Wayne and the others.

Before they even got close, a large number of bone harpoons were thrown out of their hands, as if they were spears thrown during a battle between the two armies, and they were densely shot toward the underwater barrier.

However, these half-fish people who have been living in a closed environment do not know that there is a kind of spell caster among humans called warlocks.

Facing a large number of harpoons, Keira, who was wearing a white dress and several magic props, held a small wand and chanted a spell quickly.

As the spell ended, Keira waved the wand in her hand forward, and an invisible huge wave surged in front of her. After leaving the underwater barrier, a surging wave quickly formed, directly projecting the waves in front of her. The harpoon was so messed up that it lost its power to attack.

As a sorceress who is good at protective spells, her spells may not be of much use when facing thousands of troops or large legions, but against these half-murlocs whose individual combat power is not as good as that of ordinary humans. , in this kind of small-scale battle, her protective spell is a powerful force that can change the situation of the battle.

The half-murlocs were also stunned for a moment. Projecting harpoons can be said to be their special skill. Although they have few enemies near the shores of Lake Vizima and little combat experience, they can always catch them in the lake with this trick. to your own food.

Unexpectedly, the trick that had always been invincible in the past was of no use this time. However, soon, inspired by the strong half-murloc leaders, the group of half-murlocs regained their morale, holding the weapons in their hands, and headed directly towards the water. The lower enchantment rushed over, ready to win by numbers, hand-to-hand combat, and a sea of ​​​​people tactics.

Facing the surging half-murlocs, the seven demon hunters, including Wayne, consciously blocked the sorceresses behind them and formed a simple semicircle formation to guard against the intruders. The murloc in the barrier will hurt the weak sorceress behind.

Especially Yennefer, who has been transporting mana to maintain the operation of the underwater barrier. If she is attacked, the barrier is likely to lose its effect. By then, millions of tons of lake water will press down, and all People may be seriously injured as a result.

Therefore, Wayne had always stood closest to the three sorceresses, almost protecting them personally, and did not participate in the battle with other demon hunters. This was his main task in this battle.

Soon, as this group of half-murlocs continued to approach, when the first group of half-murlocs passed through the underwater barrier, were affected by the barrier, and fell from the lake in mid-air to the ground, those standing on the front line The six demon hunters immediately launched a precise and swift killing.

The natural body structure and simple equipment protection make this group of half-murlocs defenseless against the blades of the demon hunters. In addition, the half-murlocs are naturally slightly inferior to ordinary people in combat effectiveness. Faced with these drunken creatures, Potions, smeared with sword oil, and super fighters in full condition who cooperated with each other tacitly, the battle situation was one-sided from the beginning.

The weapons in the hands of the half-murlocs were shattered by the demon hunter's steel sword, and their bodies, including their bodies, were quickly cut into countless pieces. The stinking blood with a fishy smell was spread all over the bottom of the lake, and then was cut into pieces by new ones. The half-murloc is covered in flesh and blood.

The black waves composed of these half-fish people seemed to have hit the hardest reef. As soon as the two sides came into contact, they were shattered into tiny sprays of water, without any resistance.

Wayne held the steel sword in his hand and kept a high degree of alert in his heart. While guarding the three sorceresses, he quietly watched his fellow witchers massacre the half-murlocs.

No half-murloc could withstand three moves from a demon hunter. Coupled with their tacit cooperation, even if they could block the attack from directly in front, they would often be directly pierced by the sword sneaking up from behind.

It is a pity that no one can understand the language of the half-fish people so far. Otherwise, maybe they can be negotiated to give up their belief in the evil god instead of killing them all like now.

Soon, as more and more murlocs poured into the underwater barrier, Keira and Triss also joined the battle.

One of the two sorceresses uses lightning magic, and the other uses fire magic. Facing these half-murlocs who have no protection at all, their lethality is equally huge.

Every bolt of lightning and every fireball would leave horrific wounds on the bodies of these half-murlocs, and what was more serious than these wounds was the psychological pressure.

After all, for these primitive and ignorant underwater fishmen, the sword fights between each other are still within the scope of their understanding, but those shining thunder and lightning and scorching fireballs are a horror they have never seen before. Objects, such magic attacks quickly broke down the line of defense in their hearts.

With the concerted efforts of both the sorceress and the witcher, a small half of the two hundred or so murlocs were quickly wiped out.

The huge casualties in such a short period of time immediately aroused the vigilance of the half murloc leaders.

One of the strongest half-murlocs, who should have a high status among the half-murlocs, saw this. He immediately waved the weapon in his hand, let out a squealing cry, and then took out an ugly shell horn from his waist. , put it to his mouth and blew a loud sound.

After hearing the noise, the half-murlocs who were still charging forward immediately abandoned their companions who were still fighting and began to retreat towards the huge temple in the town.

Since Geralt and others were unable to break out of the underwater barrier, they could only watch the half-murlocs escape and were powerless.

In the end, I could only vent all the anger in my heart on those half-murlocs who had not had time to evacuate. The attack became more fierce for a while, and the half-murlocs who had not had time to escape were chopped into pieces and fell forever. Lake bottom.

However, the results of the first battle were still quite huge. Although the battle between the two sides lasted less than twenty minutes, on Wayne's side, in addition to the consumption of physical strength and magic power, only Berengar suffered a little damage to his arm because he could not dodge. Minor abrasions.

Even if other demon hunters were attacked by the half-murloc's weapons, they would not be able to penetrate their armor and cause actual damage.

The half-murlocs on the opposite side left nearly a hundred corpses in this confrontation, and in the end, under the leadership of the leader, they all shrank into the huge palace in the center of the town.

Unfortunately, the moving speed of the underwater barrier was much slower than the swimming speed of the half-fish people. They could only move forward slowly towards the temple step by step.

After entering the underwater city from the bottom of the lake, Triss slowly exhaled, then turned to Yennefer and said:

"Ye, let me maintain the barrier. It's your turn to rest."

Yennefer, who looked a little pale, nodded. Maintaining such an underwater barrier requires a huge amount of magic power, which cannot be sustained by a single sorceress. This is why the sorceresses did not use large-scale spells just now. They Sufficient mana must be retained to maintain this barrier until returning to the ground.

After being replaced by Triss, Yennefer immediately took out a bottle of purple potion with a rather unpleasant smell and drank it. Although the taste and smell of this potion were not very good, it was the one most commonly taken by warlocks. Potions can effectively help spellcasters recover their mana and boost their spirits.

Geralt, the licking dog, saw the goddess Yennefer covering her mouth and looking like she wanted to vomit. He immediately took out a white handkerchief from his arms and handed it to the sorceress. Unfortunately, Yennefer just gave him a sideways look. Then he threw the handkerchief stained with the smelly half-murloc blood to the ground with some disgust, just wiped the corners of his mouth with the back of his hand, and asked Wayne:

"What's next, Wayne."

"Should we first eliminate the half-murlocs near the town and then concentrate our efforts to enter the temple, or should we enter the temple directly?"

Wayne was actually thinking about this issue, but before he could make a decision, the old demon hunter Vesemir also put forward his idea.

"I think we should keep pursuing them and catch them as soon as possible, Wayne."

"Faced with our crushing combat power, these half-murlocs did not choose to disperse in one fell swoop. Instead, they all fled into the temple."

"Obviously, there should be a power that they trust, thinking that that power can help them and fight against us."

"At this time, the more preparation time we give the enemy, the stronger the resistance we will encounter."

The old witcher's idea was immediately approved by other witchers. George wiped the sword in his hand and said:

"Yes, Wayne, I think so."

"We should eradicate the evil god first, and then slowly deal with their minions. Otherwise, the evil god may see a bad opportunity and choose to escape."

"The purpose of our battle will not be achieved."

After hearing their thoughts, Wayne also agreed. After a few minutes of rest, some people immediately went straight to the temple gate and chased after them.

The structure of the underwater temple is similar to the temple of the gods in ancient Rome.

However, compared to the splendid Temple of the Gods, this underwater temple has existed in the lake for an unknown length of time, and its exterior has been wrapped in a large amount of algae and various dirt.

Not only does it not have the grandeur that a temple should have, it actually looks quite eerie and terrifying, like a monster's gaping mouth, waiting for others to fall into its trap.

However, Wayne and his team were not afraid of this. Facing the dark temple entrance, Keira immediately pointed in the direction of the door and released a large lighting spell.

The road in front of them and the interior of the hall were all illuminated. Everyone maintained a vigilant formation and carefully walked into the temple.

Seven demon hunters and three sorceresses, their team had no fear even against a three hundred-strong, fully-armed human army, not to mention two to three hundred and a half murlocs.

After entering the temple, a smell that was more putrid than fish immediately permeated everyone's sense of smell. Wayne and others looked towards the hall and instantly understood what these half-fish people relied on.

In the huge underwater temple, the half-murlocs who originally escaped into the temple formed an attack formation again.

However, they are quite different from the previous battles.

Not only did every half-murloc have red eyes, fierce expressions, bulging muscles, and a larger body, they seemed to be possessed by some force.

Behind this team, there are a dozen half-murloc priests with metal staffs in their hands and stooped bodies. They are constantly waving their staffs and commanding a blood-red power to enter these half-murlocs. in the body.

The dozen or so strong half-murloc leaders from before were completely unrecognizable.

Their bodies swelled to about three meters, their skin was light blue like a water ghost, their fish heads were covered with wriggling tentacles, their muscles swelled to a weird level, and they looked very lethal at first sight.

Behind this group of half-murlocs, there is another one who is nearly five meters tall and whose skin is almost black. He looks like a giant with an octopus head. He is staring at those who enter the temple with a pair of huge blood-red eyes. Everyone.

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