Wizard: This witcher is not doing his job properly

Chapter 216 Princess Elizabeth and searching for clues

"Jack the Giant Catcher"!

Wayne also sat by the fire, listening to the story told by the old man. It was actually a very simple story, like a fairy tale.

The monks discovered God, and then they used unknown methods to create magic pods. They used the ground beans taken from the grinding pods to plant a path to heaven, hoping to find God.

But when they climbed the road to heaven and reached a new place, thinking that they had arrived at the gate of heaven, they actually encountered a tragic misfortune.

Between the world and heaven, there is a suspended continent called Gantua, which is the territory of the cruel giants.

When they killed the monks and discovered the road leading to the human world, the giant family came to the human world with disaster.

They burned, killed and looted, and the human soldiers were like ants in front of them. When they discovered the delicious taste of human flesh, these giants went completely crazy and began to treat humans as food and carried out destruction on a larger scale.

When the human king Eric saw this disaster, he immediately ordered the monks to use magic again to create something that could control the giant's mind.

So these monks melted a magic bean, added various magics, and finally created an unprecedented crown, which was called Eric's Magic Crown.

As long as the king wears this crown, all the giants will become his slaves and obey his orders.

So King Eric ordered the giants to return to their homes, and had people cut off the vine bridge grown from the magic bean, cutting off the road between Gantuowa and the human world.

Finally, the kingdom was safe, and before his death, King Eric took the crown and magic beans with him into eternal sleep.

After telling this story, Thomas’s granddaughter listened with great interest. After listening to it, she asked her grandfather very excitedly:

"Grandpa, are there really giants? Do magic beans and magic crowns really exist?"

The old man touched his beard, shook his head and said:

"How is it possible? This is just a story. There are no giants, and there are no magic spells or magic crowns. However, there is indeed a King Eric. He is the ancestor of our current King Bravel. Today's royal family is the legacy of King Eric. The heir of King Eric."

After explaining to his granddaughter, the old man found that Wayne was also listening to him telling this story, so he smiled and asked:

"Mr. Wayne, haven't you heard of this story? This story is very famous in our kingdom, and basically all the children have heard of it."

Wayne smiled and explained that he came from a far away country and had never heard such a story.

But he knew very well in his heart that this was not a story. Although he was not sure what time period it was, in the movie, the male protagonist got the magic beans and accidentally planted them. As a result, the road to the sky reappeared. , and connected to Gantua, the giant territory in the sky.

Even the princess of the kingdom was accidentally sent there, captured by giants, and humans stole the crown. In the end, the giants attacked the ground in a big way. The hero accidentally got the crown, married the princess and became the king. The story had a perfect ending.

A rather cliche story.

He couldn't remember the specific details, but he still remembered that this incident happened when the princess came of age and was about to be betrothed to the villain. The villain stole the crown and the hero Jack got the magic beans. He just had to go to the royal city to confirm. , you can figure out, what time period is it now?

After clearing his mind, Wayne took out the golden beans he had prepared, showed them to Old Thomas, and asked:

"Mr. Thomas, I don't have your currency, can I pay directly in gold?"

"If possible, I would also like to exchange gold for some more of your coins."

"Of course, I won't let you suffer. I can pay a little more as a reward for your hospitality."


In the afternoon, Wayne rode a mare and left the Thomas family farm.

This time, he was pretty lucky. The aborigines he met for the first time were a group of good people. They not only gave him some coins in exchange, sold him a docile mare, but also invited him to have lunch with him.

Obviously, the civilians in this world are normal people, not like those unscrupulous people in the wizarding world who always think about despicable things like cheating, killing, and stealing goods.

Wayne rode on horseback for two hours to cover a distance of more than ten kilometers. When he led the panting horse and approached the royal city of the Kingdom of Albian, this city, which can be called a fortress, was completely reflected. into his eyes.

Not only does it have a moat seven or eight meters wide, and a huge suspension bridge gate that can be lifted, lowered, and recycled, but the city wall is nearly twenty meters high, and the building materials are all hard rocks.

On the walls of this royal city, there are four huge repeating crossbows. Wayne has an impression of this weapon. It is a powerful weapon that can kill giants.

There is also a sub-city wall behind the city wall that can be used for secondary operations. The whole city can be said to be impregnable.

Unfortunately, in Wayne's memory, those giants were all seven or eight meters tall and very powerful. They could attack a whole big tree or boulder as a throwing object. They were all human trebuchets.

The human soldiers were like mice in their hands. Even the knights in full armor were probably just tin cans, unable to really cause any harm to them.

The defense of this royal city may be able to deal with ordinary human soldiers, but it is still a bit stretched when used to deal with giants, and it is easy to be broken through in various ways.

In the original movie, if the male protagonist hadn't appeared in time with the crown to control the giants at the last moment, it is estimated that all the soldiers and civilians in the city would have been captured by these giants as spare food.

The entrance fee to the city was not expensive, only two copper coins. After paying the coins, Wayne pulled his horse into the city.

Just like the medieval city in his impression, there were also some shops in the city. He took the horse and went to find a hotel to stay. Then he wandered around these shops, wanting to see if there was anything like this in this world. If you have any local souvenirs worth buying, you can take them back.

Unfortunately, after shopping for an afternoon, Wayne didn't find any good things. They were all common food, daily necessities and clothing. However, it was not without gain. After shopping for a long time, he found a bookstore. In the bookstore at home, I used Jindouzi to buy several books, most of which were about history and mythology.

Wayne wanted to see if there were any other notable threads in this world besides the Giant Catcher story.

The main reason why I don't buy more books is because the books here are too expensive, several times more expensive than the books in the wizarding world.

Perhaps because printing has not yet become popular, almost all books are handwritten and the paper is quite thick, so every book is equivalent to a luxury product and ordinary people cannot afford it.

Fortunately, there is almost no difference between the text here and English. With his English level, he can barely understand the text inside, and he can read it roughly.

And this world may not be as simple as Wayne imagined, because in this book he saw the legend of Merlin, the Viking warriors of the north, and various legends that are somewhat similar to those on Earth, but somewhat different. .

In this way, he stayed in the city until evening. At night, he found one of the busiest taverns in the city and entered it. While drinking, he used his keen hearing to collect the information he wanted.

However, perhaps this country has been peaceful for too long. Most of the conversations among the drinkers in these pubs are trivial matters. Whose wife cheated on him, so-and-so’s business made money, or which young man became a knight. The attendant received useless information such as being appreciated by the nobles.

Not only that, this kingdom called Abilian is simply a food desert. He ordered their best dishes in this busiest tavern.

What was served was mashed potatoes, fried fish, and a meat pie decorated with salted fish heads. The existence of this dish was comparable to looking up at the stars, and it made Wayne, a top chef, feel tingling all over his body.

He reluctantly finished the mashed potatoes and fried fish, and drank two bottles of fruit wine before finally hearing some useful information from someone else.

A strong young man, probably a guard in the palace, boasted to his friends:

"Princess Elizabeth is so beautiful, and she has reached the age of marriage, and she is the only daughter of the king."

"If anyone can marry her, he will become the future king of this country."

"I wonder which man would be so lucky."

After hearing the young man's emotion, some of his friends immediately asked with interest:

"Brott, you stay in the palace every day, don't you know which man the king is going to choose to be the princess's husband?"

The young man named Blot smiled mysteriously when he heard this. Under the urging of his friends, he lowered his voice and said:

"I guess it's Count Roderick. He is a great nobleman and lord in the kingdom, and he is not married. His Majesty the King has always kept him in the palace and trusts him very much. I think he must be deliberately bringing him and Princess Elizabeth together. "

After hearing the news, Wayne nodded with satisfaction. At least it was certain that Princess Elizabeth was not married yet and was already old enough to marry, which meant that the story in the movie was about to happen.

It's a pity that he doesn't know where the crown and magic beans are hidden. Otherwise, he can sneak into the palace directly and find those two magic props. In that case, there is no need to wait for the plot in the movie to happen normally.

However, this has no impact. Anyway, when the time comes, after the sky-reaching vine appears, he can get the crown and magic beans, and deal with the giant clan by the way. It will not affect the final result.

Moreover, he didn't think about how to deal with the next thing.

Of course, he must get the crown. As long as he has the crown, these giants will become his slaves, a group of powerful giant warriors. When necessary, they can be brought to other worlds to fight wars on his behalf.

However, Wayne has not yet figured out how to treat other mortals.

He is not an evil person himself. He cannot let the giants massacre ordinary civilians, and he does not want to give up the power at his disposal.

But the giant's territory was too far from the ground, estimated to be several thousand meters high. Without the bridge of magic vines, he couldn't fly directly to the giant's territory.

The number of magic beans is limited. If you cut down the magic vines that are thousands of meters long, when they fall to the ground, they will also cause great damage to the surrounding buildings.

If you want to use the power of the giants in the future, the best way is to tame the entire giant clan. At the same time, you must also maintain the existence of magic vines to allow him to travel to and from the giants' territory and ground at any time.

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