Wizard: This witcher is not doing his job properly

Chapter 270 Super Chamber of Commerce’s Plan

"The person who lives in the south of Kaedwen now is Count Karn. According to blood relationship, he is Henselt's nephew. He is twenty-three years old this year and has just inherited the title. Although he does not have enough prestige, his family is rich and he has a large group of young people. He is surrounded by nobles, but he doesn’t have many soldiers and doesn’t have much actual combat experience.”

"And in the north of Kaedwen is Henselt's cousin, Marquis Iraset. He was once a general of the Brown Cavalry Battalion and had a heavy cavalry under his command."

"Although he cannot compare with Earl Kahn in terms of financial resources, he inherited Henselt's ideas, and he also has a bunch of conservative nobles supporting him."

After finishing the serious chat, the two continued to walk in the wilderness riding the Deathclaw. Francesca told Wayne some of the current political situation in the Kingdom of Kaedwen.

"Now the human nobles are busy lining up and winning over others, and our work of rescuing our compatriots has become smoother. And because of the spread of fog, places outside cities and towns have become less safe, which has also caused many Refugees want to crowd into cities.”

"Even the Warlock Brotherhood has appointed many warlocks to be stationed in the cities around the fog, keeping an eye on the situation there at all times."

"They are also worried that the space crack will continue to expand, allowing more powerful monsters to come here from another world. It is estimated that many high-level warlocks are studying how to seal this crack."

"Unfortunately, researching a new spell cannot be completed in a short time."

"So no one knows when the matter in the Kingdom of Kaedwen will be resolved."

Wayne nodded after hearing this. With Francesca's introduction, he had a general understanding of the situation in Kaedwen and even the northern countries.

It is generally similar to the original work, but there are some differences from the original work because of problems with Kadwin, which caused turmoil in some surrounding countries.

He thought about the wording. Since everyone will deepen cooperation in the future, it is appropriate to reveal some information now.

After thinking about it for dozens of seconds, Wayne coughed lightly, and when Francesca looked at him, he said:

"Ma'am, actually I have a plan, a big plan. Maybe we can cooperate in this regard."

When Francesca heard this, she immediately showed an expression of interest.

"Oh! What's the big plan?"

"I'd love to hear you share your plans."

She had a very good impression of Wayne. Whether it was his mind or strength, there was basically no one who was more outstanding than him among the younger generation of elves.

And in order to deepen her trust with Wayne and seize this powerful potential stock, she is willing to join in the cooperation even if it means suffering a slight loss.


"How should I put it? Madam, as one of the managers of the elves, you should also realize the importance of money."

"In this world, money is a powerful force. It can affect everything from small things in civilian life to the replacement of thrones, the formation of armies, and even wars that affect the world."

"But if money is just sitting there, just in a bank or just in a treasure house, it doesn't do anything."

“You have to take it out, make it work, let everyone chase it, everyone desire it, everyone is willing to work for it, and then it can become power.”

"In this world, apart from noble titles, the most indispensable thing is ordinary people who are willing to do anything for money."

Listening to Wayne's words, the look of interest on Francesca's face became more and more serious, and at the same time, many things that she had not thought of before came to mind.

She used to only use money as a tool to hire others and a necessity to maintain a comfortable life, and never thought deeply about it.

After all, the elven kingdom in the past had so much wealth, but it still failed miserably at the hands of humans. So many gold and jewelry were just like dung, unable to stop humans at all.

Therefore, although Francesca is considered a rich woman, she does not attach much importance to wealth. Moreover, Baihua Valley is basically isolated from the world and does not even need money to circulate. Gold has no value at all there.

Wayne paused for a few seconds and looked at the elf sorceress's eyes, which shone slightly, and continued:

"I plan to form the largest chamber of commerce in the north and build a business network covering the entire north. Not only can I master the intelligence of the entire north, but I can also transfer money through various methods such as recruiting guards, recruiting businessmen, recruiting talents, controlling prices, etc. The power is realized.”

"Perhaps, demon hunters and elves are weak in the north and are targeted by many people, but the power of money is equal to all races."

"As long as we manage it properly, those nobles are even willing to sell their king for money, and those soldiers are also willing to fight for us for money."

"We can also indirectly control a country's economy by controlling prices and the sale of goods."

"Although this is not a very direct power, if used well, it is an extremely powerful force that can control everything in the human world. It is not surprising that it can be called the power of a god."

As he spoke, Wayne felt that his words were like a magic stick, and he had a kind of infinite worship of money.

But it’s true. Except for extremely powerful individuals, everything in ordinary people’s lives is inseparable from money. They spend their lives fighting for money. It is wrong to say that their lives are all controlled by money. Not wrong.

Although Wayne felt that his words had the temperament of a magician, Francesca listened with gusto, as if another door had opened, and all kinds of thoughts kept flashing through her mind.

As one of the most powerful sorceresses in the world, she is a highly intelligent figure in her own right.

In the past, her thinking always focused on how to strengthen the power of the elves, how to preserve her own people, and how to increase the influence of the elves in the world, but she had never considered using money.

Wayne's words were like piercing a piece of paper, giving her a lot of ideas, and she even wanted to do it now.

Looking at Francesca's somewhat emotional expression, Wayne knew that her words resonated with the clever sorceress and left a very deep impression on her heart.

So, he coughed again and continued:

"Ms. Francesca, as the current manager of the elves, you have a large number of elven talents who have various skills but cannot use them."

"Although they can't go public and are easily targeted by humans, the products they make and their craftsmanship are definitely top-notch."

"I want to build the most powerful chamber of commerce in the world. What I need is trustworthy people, capable people, and sufficient financial resources."

"Now, I can tell you that the wealth I possess is unmatched by all the kings in the north put together."

"And you have talented people who are loyal to the elves. If the two of us cooperate, my big plan may be able to take shape soon."

"I believe that as long as we are willing to work hard in this regard, the life of the elves will get better and better."

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