Wizard: This witcher is not doing his job properly

Chapter 299 A major breakthrough in the demon hunter’s potion

Listening to Francesca's story, Wayne sighed secretly in his heart.

In fact, how could he not understand what the elf sorceress meant? Now that Demavi has left his kingdom with his army, isn't now a good opportunity to weaken the Kingdom of Aedirn?

After being bullied by the Kingdom of Aden for so many years, the people of the elves must also want to take revenge. This is human nature.

As a racial leader, Francesca must take into account the voices of the people no matter what, even if sometimes these voices are irrational.

However, now is not the best time.

Wayne considered his words and then said to Francesca:

"Enid, I think you need to wait a little longer. If you show the fangs of the elves now, it will easily give the chaotic northern countries a common enemy."

Francesca sighed after hearing this. She also understood this truth, but as the leader of a force, many times, some of her decisions were out of her control.

"The atmosphere within our race has been somewhat radical lately."

"On the one hand, it is because of the cooperation with your Demon Hunter Order that we have brought back a large number of tribesmen and other non-human races."

"They are all poor people who have endured all kinds of human oppression for many years, otherwise they would not be willing to leave their hometowns and live elsewhere."

"Now that these people have gathered together, some radical ideas are very popular among them."

"They believe that the elves are too weak against human strategies. They must resist and show their strength in order to gain respect from humans, instead of begging for mercy or giving in to gain peace."

"On the other hand, the living environment in Baihua Valley is indeed quite difficult compared to previous towns."

"There is neither convenient commerce nor abundant supplies. Even a clean house is not available to many people. Their basic necessities, food, clothing, housing and transportation cannot be satisfied in many aspects. This is also the desire of the tribesmen who migrated here for a better life. eager."

Wayne nodded when he heard this, reached out and took Francesca's fair and slender hand, which was like a work of art, gently stroked it a few times, and then said:

"I can understand the problems you mentioned, Enid. I will let the Wayne Chamber of Commerce allocate more resources to the people of Baihua Valley. This should make their lives better."

"However, I still think you must continue to be patient with this military operation of the Kingdom of Aden."

"Your intelligence officers in the south should also have received some information."

"This war between the north and the south has been quietly brewing for a long time. The rise of the Nilfgaard Empire was largely due to their complete military merit system. Everyone was proud of their military exploits and plundered the resources of other countries. .”

"If the usurper king wants to consolidate his throne, he must let the officers who support him gain more military exploits."

"The situation in the north is turbulent now, and the usurper will not miss this opportunity. Within ten years, the Civil War will definitely break out. It will be a war that sweeps the entire continent, and it will also be an opportunity for our elves to rise. "

"Since many young tribesmen are already ready to take action, why not select some of the most active members, let them form an army, and train them strictly in the same way as an army."

"This will not only dissipate some of their over-enthusiastic revenge emotions, but also allow the elves to have a group of guard forces that can be mobilized at any time to deal with future changes."

Francesca sighed secretly when she heard this, bit her lower lip, nodded to Wayne and said:

"I listen to you, Wayne."

"With so many young elves returning in recent years, it is indeed time to organize an army to protect our homeland."

In fact, the elf sorceress may have seen it more clearly than Wayne, but after thousands of years of waiting, the elves' fortunes have finally turned around. Now that the current situation is turbulent, she is a little worried about gains and losses.

Wayne was very aware of Francesca's mentality. He softly comforted the sorceress a few more words, while the elf beauty looked back at the witcher with her soft and clear eyes, looking at the exquisite and beautiful face in front of her. The fire inside Wayne quietly began to burn again.

But just as the two looked at each other and the atmosphere gradually became ambiguous, there was a sudden "bang bang bang" knock on the door of the conference room.

A middle-aged man's male duck voice shouted at the door:

"Boss, boss, the project you asked me to research has made a major breakthrough."

Still not opening the door, the voice shouted loudly:

"But we have run out of experimental materials for our project, and I need more research funds."

Hearing this voice that ruined the atmosphere, as the boss, Wayne also felt a little embarrassed. He let go of Francesca's soft little hand, and then said with a smile:

"It's Kalkstan, Enid, you should know him."

"Although he is a bit informal, as a researcher, he is indeed very good."

"Now, he is employed by me to conduct research for our Demon Hunter Order."

Francesca heard this, covered her mouth and chuckled, and then said:

"Of course I've heard of him, Wayne. Kalkstein is also considered a relatively talented male sorcerer in Ben'ad Academy."

"However, he is not good at using too much magic. Instead, he likes to engage in various researches. He is not a man who pursues power. Although he is a professor in the college, he is always excluded from Bannard's scope of power. outside."

"He's a really good researcher."

After telling some of the information she had learned, Francesca stood up gracefully, then leaned over and kissed Wayne gently on the corner of his mouth, and said with a soft and gentle expression:

"Since you still have things to deal with, I'll leave first."

"Since we have to organize an army, there are a lot of things that I need to deal with next."

"When you have some free time, remember to come to Baihua Valley. After Ada studied the dark magic in you, she came up with new ideas."

"You can come and have a look in her laboratory. It may be helpful to you."

As the most powerful spellcasters in the wizarding world, Wayne was willing to listen to the elf sages' suggestions.

He nodded, watched Francesca's beautiful back leave the council room, and then turned his eyes to Kalkstein with excitement on his face.

The middle-aged male sorcerer had no idea that he had ruined his boss's good deeds. He just glanced at the elf sorceress who came out of the council hall with a strange look, and then walked to Wei Wei with a carefree hand holding a wooden box. En's starting position pushed the box in front of the boss and said:

"Boss, the demon hunter's potion is really magical and powerful. It can strengthen your demon hunter's physical fitness in a very short period of time, and can even achieve the effect of doubling the combat power, which is incredible."

"The only pity is that these potions contain highly toxic substances, which cannot be tolerated by ordinary people's bodies. If we find ways to remove the highly toxic substances, there will be very little efficacy left. It is not universally adaptable."

"Otherwise, those kings or adventurers will definitely be willing to spend a lot of money to buy these formulas or finished potions."

Kalkstein did not notice the look in his boss's eyes at all. He was not the kind of person with high emotional intelligence. Apart from focusing on research, he would not think too much about other things.

After sitting down at Wayne's starting position, he immediately began to talk about his research results.

After several years of getting along with him, Wayne has a clear understanding of this guy's character. Talking about emotional intelligence and workplace rules with him is redundant. If he had this ability, the professor of Banad in the original book would not be reduced to Vizima. City, we are raising funds from various places to conduct research.

He didn't waste any more time, but picked up a few syringes in the box, held them in front of him and looked at them carefully.

Kalkstein looked a little proud, his mustache was raised, and he said with a smile:

"Hey, boss, based on the formulas you gave me for Swallow, Thunder, and whatnot, Tawny Owl, I developed these six injection-type medicines."

The middle-aged warlock touched his beard and said with some emotion:

"This tool called a syringe is really easy to use. I feel that if this tool is put into the medical field, it might set off a huge medical revolution."

"Of course, this is your idea, boss. If I publish a paper in the future, I will never take your credit, boss. I will tell everyone in the research community that this epoch-making tool was invented by the demon hunter Wayne. "

Of course, Wayne didn't care about signatures on papers or academic reputation. This may be the pursuit of the researchers in Kalkistan, but it was not his.

"Why are there six syringes here, and two types of each medicine? Is there any difference?"

Wayne played with the samples Kalkstein sent over. They were all pure silver syringes that were thicker than a finger. They were gorgeous and delicate in appearance, but also very strong. They should be the work of the master elf craftsmen in the workshop.

However, Wayne only gave Kalkstein three formulas in total, but there were six syringes in the box. Kalkstein's research results were obviously not as simple as he imagined.

Sure enough, when this was mentioned, the proud expression on the middle-aged warlock's face became even more obvious.

He picked up two labeled syringes and said to Wayne Explainer:

"Following the ideas provided by you, boss, I found out after research."

"In the past, witchers used witcher potions directly by taking them orally. Not only was the efficiency very low, but they also consumed a large amount of toxic substances. After taking it, they also needed a certain amount of time to meditate for the potion to work. .”

"So every time a demon hunter deals with a strong enemy, he must be prepared in advance, and he often makes combat mistakes due to intelligence errors."

"But if it is injected directly through the blood circulation, the absorption efficiency can be increased by more than ten times. It only takes less than thirty seconds for the demon hunter potion to take effect and can adapt to various emergencies. The situation has greatly enhanced the demon hunter’s adaptability.”

"And through oral administration, the absorption organs of the witchers cannot fully absorb the drugs you take. Although they will not show up normally, these toxic substances will be deposited in the body of the witchers until their physical strength is weak. , and also affect their lifespan and health."

"But boss, based on the formulas you gave me, I have improved the way of making medicine, purified the potion of the witcher's potion, and removed many impurities."

"Although the cost of pharmaceuticals has increased by about ten times, many side effects have been largely eliminated."

"Just like the two potions in my hand, they are both swallow potions, but one of them is the ordinary version and the other is the powerful version."

When it comes to his research field, Kalkstein's attitude becomes very professional. Regarding research and academics, this middle-aged warlock has always maintained a very rigorous character.

"After my research and development, the efficacy of the ordinary version of swallow medicine can be maintained at the level of normal decoction, but the toxicity is weakened by about three times."

"In other words, if the poison resistance of the witchers is the same, using the injectable potion I developed, each witcher can probably use three times more different potions to enhance his own poison. Combat ability.”

"As for this powerful version of the swallow medicine, its toxicity is almost the same as that of ordinary decoction, but its efficacy is increased by more than two to three times."

"If used together with other potions, it will definitely improve the strength of the demon hunter by a large margin."

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