The place where Princess Pavetta was kidnapped was in a primeval forest on the border of the Kingdom of Verden.

There used to be an abandoned castle in the forest. Legend has it that it was built by a certain royal family in the Kingdom of Verden who was very happy with his achievements. It took a lot of manpower to build it and it was quite huge.

But now hundreds of years have passed, both the person involved and his descendants have long been lost in history. Only this dilapidated castle is left, staying alone in the forest, becoming some The fantasy being in the story.

Wayne and others first went through the portal and came to a relatively remote town in the Kingdom of Verden. This was the secret passage left by Ms. Isa, the young court mage from Cintra, and was not used by Verden. As the spell casters in the kingdom know, they can hide their whereabouts very well and will not alert others.

After a group of five people entered the Kingdom of Verden, they immediately rushed towards the target location along the direction given on the map without stopping.

Time was indeed very urgent. After briefly reporting the relevant situation to Queen Calanthe, the queen was extremely angry and wanted to send troops to destroy those evil warlocks and monsters.

But these ideas were in vain. It was impossible for a large army to travel such a long distance in such a short period of time and march to the vassal state of Cintra, Verden.

Moreover, the information about the disappearance of the fallen warlock Quiteto can only be kept secret for a day at most.

The enemy is not a fool. After this time, they will definitely notice it, and they may not even be able to hide it for so long. As long as the other party tries to contact Quiteto without results, they may become suspicious.

Whether they are escaping or moving their base, this operation will become more troublesome.

"This is a magic-blocking golden bracelet. After wearing it, the influence of the warlock on you will be greatly reduced. You only need to focus on avoiding the attacks of those monsters."

"By the way, remember not to get too close to Ms. Yennefer, so as not to affect her ability to cast spells."

Before starting the action, Wayne handed two blue magic-blocking gold bracelets to Aragorn and Alex.

He was not originally prepared to let these two young men join this battle. After all, although these two men were already at a high level of human physical fitness and their swordsmanship was barely superb, they had not really conducted mutation experiments. Not even a witcher apprentice.

Although the two children were not the main force in this battle, it was indeed quite difficult for them to fight against a group of monsters and fallen warlocks from the very beginning.

If it weren't for the fact that the two children insisted on doing so, he would have wanted to leave them somewhere safe.

However, for such an action, Wayne is not without a plan. At least he will not rush in with people like a young man.

When he arrived outside the forest where his destination was located, Wayne hired a local guide in the surrounding villages at a high price.

Although the middle-aged man's legs trembled with fear after hearing their destination, his face turned pale, and he muttered that there was something haunted there and that it was a monster's lair.

But under the temptation of gold, the man quickly overcomes his fear and leads them through the dense forest to find the huge abandoned castle.

The castle is located near a valley in the forest, and its overall scale is larger than they imagined.

Over hundreds of years, the entire castle has been damaged in many places, and the stone surface is covered with green plants, but when viewed from a distance, it is still quite shocking.

Looking at the deep old castle in front of them and the dim light emitting from the windows, Wayne and others suddenly understood that they were looking in the wrong place. There must be enemies inside.

"The current situation in the castle is unknown."

"I'm going to take a look first to ensure Princess Pavetta's safety."

"If there's a fight, you guys come to support me."

Wayne briefly explained his plan, although as the leader of a force, it was somewhat inappropriate for him to carry out the most dangerous tasks in every battle.

But he really didn't want his friends to risk their lives. After all, in terms of strength, many battles that could only be regarded as sparse and ordinary to him were indeed quite dangerous to Geralt and others.

Bai Lang was calmer than expected. After listening to his order, he did not raise any objection. He just remained silent for a few seconds, nodded and said:

"Be safe, Wayne."

"If you encounter an accident, use the alchemy bomb and we will come to support you as soon as possible."

Wayne nodded upon hearing this, reached out and patted Geralt's shoulder, then touched the hair of Aragorn and Alex, then took out the invisibility cloak from the space bracelet, put it on his body, and headed towards the castle Sneaked in.

The castle is very large. It is not only equipped with a huge garden and a wall of more than two meters, but also has some other stone buildings inside. It is obvious that its owner spent a lot of money to build it to this scale.

With the cover of night, Wayne easily sneaked into the vicinity of the castle without seeing any enemies.

Nowadays, the Witcher Order has many warlocks and inexhaustible resources. Every existing Witcher is equipped with several very practical magic props, which is different from the past.

Wayne once took out the invisibility cloak for several warlocks to study. Unfortunately, with their abilities, they were still unable to copy this extremely practical item, and they didn't even understand the principle of its operation.

Otherwise, if every demon hunter could be equipped with an invisibility cloak, it would be quite easy to become a master assassin.

But even so, the warlocks have cooperated to develop several props that can enhance stealth capabilities.

For example, muffler shoes that reduce the sound of footsteps, sprays that lock in body odor, poisons that seal throats upon seeing blood, and daggers without any reflection, etc. Even without an invisibility cloak, many master demon hunters can rely on their own skills to become The assassin who comes and goes without a trace kills people invisible.

After a few more minutes, Wayne sneaked all the way to the outer wall of the castle, but no enemy was found, which surprised him.

However, when he climbed through a broken window and entered the interior of the castle, he immediately discovered something was wrong.

It turned out that the outside of the castle was deserted just now, and there were no traces of monsters except for the dim lights. However, as soon as he entered the castle, he saw thousands of fully armed zombies, arranged neatly like puppets. Inside the castle hall.

Quietly, like a stone, there was no movement at all.

If he hadn't occasionally seen a few short fallen demons holding torches wandering among the ranks of armed zombies, he would have even thought that these were just statues.

Looking at the number of these armed zombies, Wayne couldn't help but frown. You must know that the population of the entire Kingdom of Verden may not be less than 100,000 people. Even if they use the strength of the whole country, they cannot gather an army of 5,000 people. .

This armed zombie monster is in front of you. Coupled with other monsters and fallen warlocks, as long as the speed is fast enough, the capital of the Kingdom of Weiden can be directly occupied before the Kingdom of Weiden assembles its army.

It seems that the hell monsters are developing faster in the wizarding world than he imagined. The dark warlocks may already have the strength to slaughter cities and countries.

Just as he was frowning and thinking about this problem, Wayne's eyes suddenly noticed the armors and weapons of the armed zombies.

They are all standard armors with almost the same style, although the production is quite rough, and they are only half-length iron-lined armor that protects the chest and joints.

However, judging from their craftsmanship, they reveal that they are a special assembly line product. They do not look like they have been carefully polished by highly skilled craftsmen. The quality is also quite new, as if they were produced not long ago.

It was difficult for a private blacksmith shop in the north to mass-produce armor of such a scale, which aroused doubts in Wayne's mind, and he immediately placed his doubts on the Kingdom of Nilfgaard in the south.

Only emerging countries like them, where capitalism has begun to sprout and various factories are operating on a large scale, have the ability to mass-produce such average-quality assembly line products.

It seems that before he was aware of it, perhaps the minions from the south had secretly reached into the north, and had even begun to collude with the Dark Warlock Society.

I just don’t know if this is the personal behavior of the southern warlocks, or whether it is the order of the usurper.

With this thought in mind, Wayne did not stay in the hall on the first floor, but after a brief observation, he quickly walked along the stairs towards the high tower of the castle.

Another silent sneaking, Wayne observed as he walked.

Compared to the densely packed monster scene on the first floor, the floors above are much quieter, and the monsters that appear in the corridors and corners are much more sophisticated.

There are not only the fallen wizards with staffs, but also the swamp witches who can cast native spells. In addition, Wayne even found a night demon floating in mid-air in a room with an ugly and terrifying appearance.

Apparently, the magic of hell is more attractive to these monsters than he imagined, and can even allow monsters of many different races to live in peace with each other.

If this situation had been known hundreds of thousands of years ago, it would definitely have shocked the scholars who studied the information on various monsters.

But for Wayne, the situation in the castle did not have much impact other than making him frown slightly.

But obviously, with so many monsters existing in the castle, it is no longer suitable for Geralt and others to participate in the battle. Their strength is not strong enough to ignore the numbers.

If you break into this castle rashly, you will most likely end up being torn apart by monsters.

Wayne was wary and became more cautious in his actions. After dilly-dallying for more than ten minutes, he finally bypassed all the enemies and reached the top floor of the castle.

This is an overall style, similar to the spacious hall of a laboratory. The walls are full of torches and lamps, illuminating the entire hall quite brightly.

In this hall, in addition to many wooden supports erected like instruments of torture, and many human beings who were tied to them without knowing whether to live or die, there were also many experimental beds neatly placed with props.

However, perhaps because of the night, there were not many people in the entire experimental hall, or the number of people was extremely limited.

After some searching, Wayne finally saw Princess Pavetta who was tied to an experimental table, wearing only a thin, almost transparent clothing, her belly was bulging, her expression was calm, and she seemed to be in a coma.

At the same time, Wayne also saw a handsome man in his thirties with brown hair and rich clothes next to the experimental table.

He has a strong build and a calm expression. He holds a set of sophisticated experimental equipment in his hand and is concentrating on Princess Pavetta to check the condition of the princess. He seems to be studying some data.

The first time he saw this man, Wayne recognized his identity. He was a very famous young hero in the wizarding society, the powerful warlock who broke Geralt's legs with a stick in the original book. Wilgefortz.

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