“Do you understand?” Bai Long asked calmly.

The trainees quickly nodded at this time.

The former lowered his head and opened a book, and then said: “The basis of wizards is meditation, that is, the method of converting spiritual power, in addition, wizards also study various classification disciplines, so wizards are also divided into most different categories, and you will also make choices in the future.”

“Wizards, depending on the knowledge they are interested in, go in different directions, but each wizard has to control a large foundation.”

“The first foundation is elemental witchcraft, which is one of the mainstream cores of wizarding.”

“The second foundation is bloodline witchcraft, and its most essential effect is to save lives.”

With the explanation of the white dragon, one by one the basic knowledge came into Lin Sheng’s mind, and soon, Lin Sheng had an intuitive understanding of the wizard world.

“All wizards have elemental sorcery, which is similar to their own lava generation.”

“The second is bloodline witchcraft, that is, the transformation and enhancement of the body, similar to the black shark, more or less wizards will do this witchcraft.”

“In addition to these two foundations, there are more mysterious, weird witchcraft, such as curses, fate, sacrifices and other witchcraft, and there are also some that are relatively well-known to the public, such as alchemy, pharmacy and the like…”

A simple lesson, Lin Sheng felt that the wizarding world was extremely complex and very mysterious.

For example, all kinds of witchcraft knowledge, with Ben no one to teach, everything has to be studied by yourself, or pay a lot of money to buy the corresponding knowledge.

“In this way, compared with the previous life, it is simply much worse.” Lin Sheng couldn’t help but sigh that in Huaxia, knowledge was the cheapest thing, and in this world, the value of knowledge was too expensive to accept.

After a class, Bai Long put away the textbook and was about to leave, and the students were quite unsatisfied.

Before leaving, Bai Long seemed to have thought of something again, and added: “In addition, your freshman assessment is witchcraft. The school has several branches, including the Black Crow Tower, the bloodline wizard branch that specializes in one discipline, or the elemental wizard branch, the biological improvement branch or the fate branch that studies mysteries, and so on…”

“In short, the basic requirement of all this is to learn three arbitrary types of witchcraft.”

“After passing the assessment, it will be selected by each branch.”

“Remember, the assessment is to see the blood, it is recommended to choose the three sorcery in the combat aspect to match.” After the white dragon finished speaking, the black feather fluttered, transformed into a crow in the blink of an eye, and flew off the podium.

When the students of the six-member council heard this, their eyes were slightly bright, and they felt that they had gained a lot.

Lin Sheng is the same, before he always felt that his eyes were black, and Ben didn’t know what to do in the wizard academy, but now he finally had a goal.

“Learning three witchcraft seems quite simple.” Lin Sheng thought to himself.

However, as soon as Lin Sheng flashed this thought, he found that a group of wizard apprentices who had obviously arrived at the wizard academy for a while earlier than them looked at the excited six-member council with a sneer, and their eyes were obviously filled with pity.

“What do you see?” Which of the six-member council is not a ruthless character, and it is unbearable to be stared at like this.

Mainly when on the Black Shark ship, the appearance of such a look is equivalent to someone being placed in the prey position, so the apprentices of the six-member council reacted fiercely.

Seeing dozens of apprentices standing up, their faces fierce, a group of old apprentices who were mocking Lin Sheng and others with their eyes changed their faces slightly, and one of the tall apprentices said coldly: “What about it?” ”

“Huh?” The other trainees of the six-member council all looked over, hundreds of pairs of eyes staring at a person with hostility.

The latter’s scalp was instantly numb, and he didn’t realize that he had provoked someone who shouldn’t be provoked.

Originally, he thought that there were only a dozen or so on the other side, but where did he think that there were hundreds of people, all looking like they were going to advance and retreat together.

“Brothers, I’m sorry.” Gao Qianghan’s knowledgeable way.

Council of Six: “…”


It was too fast.

The members of the six-member council were a little overwhelmed.

The main thing is that I am used to being surrounded by murderous and ruthless characters, and I am really a little uncomfortable when I encounter such a one.

At this time, Gao Qianghan hurriedly slipped away with more than a dozen people.

The council of six could not let him go, and quietly stopped at the door.

“What did you mean just now?” The brother of the six-member council asked coldly.

The latter’s eyes were a little flustered, and he said with a smile on his face: “Brother, this is a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding.” ”

“This old brother, he’s laughing at your lack of knowledge, kill him quickly.” Someone chanted in the crowd, but in a blink of an eye, it was also caught.

Soon, the members of the six-member council knew the reason.

The reason turned out to be because of their happy expressions, it turns out that witchcraft is very difficult to learn the right one, witchcraft on the market is just some simple witchcraft, and the price is expensive, if you want to learn those simple witchcraft, you have to pay a lot of magic stones, and the average apprentice really has to work hard to learn enough witchcraft….

“Okay, you can roll.” After hearing this news, the trainees of the six-member council were a little unhappy, but they still didn’t kill him, and directly let Gao Qianghan roll.

Gao Zhanghan breathed a sigh of relief, and after thanking him, he quickly slipped away with the person and walked out the door quickly.

At this time, the other trainees saw that there was no excitement to see, and they were all ready to leave.

However, they were just about to leave, when they saw the doorway, the Gao Zhanghan who had just gone out flew back with a bang and hit several apprentices.

This scene also made the trainees stunned for a moment.

“What happened?”

“Seeking revenge?”

“This guy is really unlucky.” The trainees were all sighing, but there were also a small number of apprentices, their faces became gloomy, and they seemed to be in a bad mood.

PS: I’m ashamed, the update of these two days is quite weak, and it dragged on, hey… In short, thank you for the urging and rewarding of the vinson11388 brothers, thanks, this wave of tips has increased my more than twenty collections, and thank you for the reminder of the tearless brothers, thank you for the thanks, I will try my best to code, I don’t know how much I owe, there is no saving, I can only code how much to send.

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