Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

"Three siblings."

Zhang's walking on the Chaos Veranda was stopped.

Zhang looked back, and it was Ma who was walking towards her.

"It's Ma'am."

"The weather is good today, it's better for the three siblings to walk with me in the garden."

Zhen Guogong's wife, Mr. Ma, came from Wu Bohou Mansion. Although Wu Bohou Mansion has fallen a little bit now, the foundation and foundation of the big family are still there, so is it not worth looking at Zhang from a merchant, even Zhang? The family is doing imperial business.

Naturally, if you don't look down on you, you won't be too close, and there will be less contact in private.

"I just thought that it would be boring to walk around in the garden alone, and my aunt came over."

The two walked out of the veranda side by side. The mother-in-law who followed them knew that the two had something to say, and they were not too close.

The old lady of Zhen Guogong is a person who likes to grow flowers and grass. In order to cater to the mother-in-law's hobby, the house's backyard is decorated like a sea of ​​flowers. When the snow is not flying in winter, all seasons can be See the flowers in this garden.

Ma's smeared red crocodile's fingertips gently fiddled with the stamen of a chrysanthemum and did not speak out.

Zhang knows that Ma is waiting for her to ask, the government of this country will be the eldest brother in the future, and Zhang will not easily offend Ma. "This flower is so good. When the old lady is better, she takes her old man out for a look. She must exaggerate her ability."

Ma stroked a meticulous bun and smiled a little. "I don't do much more than Yingxue leave. You see, when Yingxue comes, the old lady looks much better. She also said that if Yingxue could stay with her for a long time to accompany her, she would be better. This child is a good one, but where is the age? Where can I stay in the house for a long time, the three younger sisters said? "

Zhang's comprehension. At that time, the old ladies changed their faces when they said this in Fushoutang. They were afraid that the old lady would have that meaning. Now the granddaughter's grandson Hu Ruicheng is married, and other grandchildren Although it is still in discussions with relatives, no individual has been booked yet.

Wang was afraid that the old lady's brain would make her second son Hu Ruisi marry Jiang Yingxue back!

Zhang's thought that Hu Ruisi's sister-in-law secretly skimmed his lips. If it weren't for Jiang Yingxue, he would have looked down on you!

"My aunt said, but we can guess where the old lady's thoughts are." Although Zhang was also a little worried, she was no better than Ma. She had previously shown her son Hu Ruixuan to his daughter-in-law. She had already told the old lady about it, and the old lady agreed. Even if the old lady wanted to find her grandson to marry Jiang Yingxue, how could it not be her son's turn, and no matter how bad it was, there was a nerd on Hu Ruixuan. !!

Where's Ma's not knowing Zhang's thoughts? Her own son is naturally very good. Where would he like to marry Jiang Yingxue back!

No, she has to find a way to throw this hot taro away!


On the day the house was dispatched to admire the chrysanthemums in the suburbs of Jingjing, Jiang Yingxue got up early.

After getting up, she didn't alarm the girl who was standing outside the door, but stretched her muscles on the bed, made a set of yoga, and sweated before she made a movement.

Two people, Luan and Hongcui, came in and waited for her to wash and dress, because today, if you want to go out to admire the chrysanthemum, you don't have to go to Fushoutang in the morning to greet each other. After eating breakfast in your own yard, you can just go outside the house and get in the car.

Jiang Yingxue now eats at least twice as much as she just woke up. Every time she eats up the food, and every time she feels that she is not full. the amount.

In fact, Jiang Yingxue didn't seem to have that much food. I can only blame the bird's stomach before this body. I just drank half a bowl of porridge and felt full.

"Miss Table, it's almost time."

Jiang Yingxue spit out the tea. "Let's go then."


When Jiang Yingxue went outside, the carriage stopped at the door.

"Yuexue cousin is coming, you come with me."

As soon as Jiang Yingxue came out, Hu Yiqin, who was about to get on the carriage, waved at her.

Jiang Yingxue came over and got into the carriage with Hu Yiqin.

The carriage was not big, but it was more than enough for four people.

"Are some maids going with us?"

"Uncle Niu will not go to control the affairs of the house, and there is something wrong with Misao, so my mother will take us along."

Hu Yiqin said, Jiang Yingxue saw Wang's coming out of the house from the crack of the car curtain.


Hu Yiqin screamed when he saw a thin figure riding on the horse from the gap.

The rider stopped by the carriage, and Hu Yiqin opened the curtain.

Jiang Yingxue turned to look at her second cousin Hu Ruifeng. He looks like a three-pointer like Hu Yiqin. Even if he is wearing a riding suit and sitting on a horse with a big head, he can radiate a book with all his life. Cowardly.

"Sister, cousin Yingxue."

"Four cousins," Jiang Yingxue greeted.

"I also told my brother not to stay in the house to read." Hu Yiqin laughed.

Hu Ruifeng's face was stern, and he was a little old-school teacher. "The teacher said that travelling thousands of miles is better than reading thousands of books. It is right to go out and walk around while reading."


Jiang Yingxue didn't hold back and was amused by Hu Ruifeng.

Hu Ruifeng was so smiled by Jiang Yingxue that his face became a little dry. "Cousin Yingxue, sister, I went to the front."

Hu Yiqin laughed. "Brother go, big brother they are waiting for you." After that, the curtain was put down.

"Four cousins ​​are really interesting." A nerdy boy, very cute.

"The third brother always said that he was a nerd."

Alas, Hu Ruixuan is right ...

The carriage slowly moved up. Jiang Yingxue exercised with Hu Ruixuan for a few days. The spirit of the whole person was a little different. The young girl should eat, drink, and bounce.

When the carriage first started, it was not slow, but when it was on the street, it was much slower than before.

"Today is a good day. At this time in the past, many people returned to the countryside to play." Hu Yiqin watched the car slow down and explained to Jiang Yingxue.

"Then when can we go outside the city."

"Look at the cousin Yingxue anxious, cousin rest assured that it won't take long."

But before Hu Yiqin's words were finished, the carriage stopped completely, and it stopped for a long time.

"Miss, slaves go and ask what's going on," Lu Han whispered.

"Go on."

Jiang Yingxue looked at the antique streets outside the car through the curtain and really wanted to go shopping, eating and drinking.

After a few moments, the green pheasant came back with a strange look.

"Sister Luan, what's going on outside, I haven't waited so long in previous years." Hu Yiqin asked.

Lvyi quickly glanced at Jiang Yingxue.

Jiang Yingxue raised an eyebrow. "Sister Lvyuan looks at what I do, and it's straight."

"Yes, it's Zhan Wang's convoy. I heard that Zhan Wang will also go to the suburbs for an autumn tour. The convoys on the street must let Zhan Wang's team pass by first." As soon as Luyi finished talking, the carriage calmed down, even Hu Yiqin carefully looked at Jiang Yingxue.

Jiang Yingxue was indeed lamenting that no matter where it is, power is supreme. Even if it is the town government, he has to give way in front of Wang Ye.

"Cousin, are you hungry? Would you like to have some snacks?" Hu Yiqin turned back and said in a relaxed tone.

"Cousin, don't worry, I've let go." In order to keep them from thinking, Jiang Yingxue felt that he still needed to explain.

"Cousin ..." Before King Zhan triumph, everyone envyed Jiang Yingxue who had a contract with King Zhan. After King Zhan triumph, Jiang Yingxue became a joke in the city of Jing.

Hu Yiqin felt that Zhan Wang was too ruthless. Jiang Yingxue had done something wrong and asked her to fall into the present situation.

"Cousin, don't worry, I think things are going well now, if only I could not marry in my life."

"Cousin, don't say that." Hu Yiqin took Jiang Yingxue's hand.

"I heard that King Zhan took the beautiful woman in the arms to go to the suburbs for autumn trips. Many people were thinking about going live with the past, but who is that King Zhan, and his liveliness can actually be seen by us ordinary people. "

"That is, it will be good to let you see the style when King Zhan triumphs."

Jiang Yingxue "..." scum man!

If you find the so-called true love, you will ignore the life and death of the girl!


Jiang Yingxue looked up, and always felt that Hu Yiqin's expression was about to cry ...

After another quarter of an hour, the carriage continued to move.

Jiang Yingxue twisted a piece of cake and ate it leisurely. Rarely had a chance to come out. You can do some field training, but you have to find a hidden place.

As for Hu Ruixuan, I still don't care about him today. This is outside. If I saw it, I'm afraid it would cause unnecessary trouble.

Just as Jiang Yingxue was drowsy, the carriage finally stopped slowly.

"Cousin, here we go."

Jiang Yingxue opened his eyes, squeezed his face and walked down.

Li Jing's folk style is still relatively open. At this time, no one will say anything without a gauze cap.

The carriage stopped at the foot of the mountain. From the foot of the mountain, you can see the sea of ​​chrysanthemum flowers.

"A lot of chrysanthemums!" Jiang Yingxue had no interest in appreciating flowers, but at this time he felt so clear when he saw so many flowers.

"Don't run around. Where is the best place to bring someone around? Do you know carefully?" Wang called everyone to explain to him.

"Got it."

"Cousin, let's go flutter."

Such a lady's game is not suitable for me.

"Cousin, go with the big cousin first. I, I suddenly have some discomfort and want to solve it."

"Stomach pain? Cousin is all right?" Hu Yiqin worried.

"It's okay, maybe I ate too much snacks in the car and drank some cold water."

Hu Yiqin was relieved when she heard what she said. "Then I'll wait for you over there."

"it is good."

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