Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

That being said ... why does it sound so harsh?

"Sister, I really ca n’t use it like this. My cousin and cousin are cousins, and my cousin is worried that cousin is also common sense." Hu Yiqin seriously gave Hu Yishu science popularization.

The expression on Hu Yishu's face froze slightly, and he managed to make a smile. "Where did my cousin go? No one at the house can find you."

Jiang Yingxue can only move out of the old lady's speech.

"I'm lucky too, or maybe it's already a big bug's dinner at this time."

"Luck is good, hey, I don't know how my third sister is ..."

Hu Yiqin gave a sigh of relief. The few sisters in the government were all stunned. Their relationship was good since childhood. Although Hu Yihua ’s child likes playing with a small temper, it is not bad for the sisters. Now people do n’t know where to go. It worries her more or less.

"Cousin, don't worry, cousin will be okay." Jiang Yingxue felt that this remark was a bit off-centered, and fell into the hands of traffickers. Several people could do well.

If she is capable, she will try to save Hu Yihua. After all, what she hated the most in her life was the trafficker, but she herself couldn't protect herself, so what could she do to save people?

Jiang Yingxue learned from Hu Yiqin that what she hadn't seen with Hu Yihua was so well guarded by the town government that she didn't let it go.

Such as her and Hu Yihua, especially Hu Yihua has not been found yet. If it is known, the reputation will spread if it is passed on in the future. Even if there is the foundation of the town government, there will be no more. People at the same level are willing to marry Hu Yihua.

"Cousin, you have just come back to rest and rest, we will not disturb you." The reason why Hu Yishu will come, in addition to curiosity, is also requested by her mother, who made Jiang Yingxue the old lady's heart treasure now.

Hu Yiqin was still reluctant to leave, but the two sisters came and left first, and it was not good for one to pass on. She could not help but leave with Hu Yishu.

After the two left, Jiang Yingxue changed his clothes. As soon as he was about to lie down and rest for a while, Wang sent someone to send Yuxue cream. This medicine can remove scars.


People in the town government are still searching for the whereabouts of Hu Yihua.

"Brother, we have almost traversed this mountain, and we haven't found anything at all. Will it not be here?" Hu Ruixuan wanted to ask her to find out the situation when Jiang Yingxue came back, but Hu Yihua hasn't found it yet. And he can't leave.

Hu Ruicheng frowned a pair of brows. In fact, he had a very unpredictable feeling in his heart, but he wouldn't say it.

"Brother, third brother, why don't we report to the officer and use the power of the government to find it, wouldn't it be faster?" Hu Ruifeng, who had not been silent, said.

Hu Ruicheng's eyes almost didn't stare him to death, his cousin was really stupid.

"If it's a newspaper officer, then everyone knows that the third sister is gone. In the future, she will find the third sister. How should she be with herself?"

"No one can find it now, no matter what its reputation is."

Hu Ruixuan glanced at Hu Ruifeng, and suddenly felt that the younger brother was stupid, but he had the intention.

Hu Ruicheng didn't speak calmly. "I will go back and discuss it with my father. You must not act arbitrarily."

"Got it."

However, the plan can not keep up with the changes, and unexpected situations have happened.

The youngest daughter of the soldier of the Ministry of Defense was taken away by life on the street!

In front of Mrs. Shiro, she gave birth to three sons to the soldiers in the Ministry of Military Affairs. Even a little sister-in-law gave birth to sons. It was only when he was in his thirties that Mrs. Shirou gave birth to a daughter.

The servant minister of the Ministry of Defense of the Ministry of Defense of the Ministry of Defense of the Ministry of Defense, can be said to be spoiled as a baby. At this moment, the people disappeared. The servant of the Minister of the army turned up, and after three days without fruit, the soldier of the Ministry of Defense gnawed his teeth to Jingzhao Yin House. official.

In this way, not to mention the entire Jingjing, at least everyone in the family in the official circle knew that the young lady from the Ministry of Defense Ministry had disappeared.

Mrs. Shi Lang has also let go. No matter what her daughter is like, anyway, Shi Langfu is ready to raise her life. People don't care about reputation, as long as people can come back!

Next, I do n’t know where to say that Miss Three on the town government was also taken away, and I have n’t found it yet.

"No, right, I heard the **** of my cousin's nephew who was on duty at the town hall. It wasn't Miss Three who was taken away from the town hall. It was during this time that he lived in the town hall. Miss. "

"Miss watch? Which watch lady?"

"What other table lady can be the one who was retired by King Zhan."

Standing on the railing on the second floor of the tea house, listening to the content of the discussion below, Bai Liyu turned the fan on his hand at will.

"Who lost in the town government?"

The person standing behind Bailiyu stepped forward and whispered, "Back to the son, it is Miss Three, Hu Yihua."

The smile on Barry's face was ironic. "It's a pity such an interesting person."


"I don't know. I heard that the servants of the Ministry of War both caused this incident to the emperor, but this can happen at the feet of the emperor. The emperor was so angry that he ordered Jingzhao Yin to find out anyway."

"But this man has been taken away for so many days, can he still be found?"

"Who knows, even if you can find it ... it's not the same as it used to be." The soldiers of the Ministry of Defense are all male sons, and it will not affect anything, but the ladies in their government have not yet married ...

"What about the lady in our house ..."

"Miss Table, it's not our house ..."

Jiang Yingxue stood behind the rockery and listened to the words of two girls, a pair of brows slowly twisted together.

The air pressure in Fushoutang was low.

The tea cup on the old lady's table was swept to the ground and shattered.

Zhang knelt before the old lady and wiped her tears with a papa. "Old lady, I don't know who said that, and asked the old lady to check it."

Zhen Guo's Mansion is not visible is Miss Three Hu Yiqin, but now it is said that the missing person is Miss Jiang Yingxue who lived in Zhen Guo Mansion.

There is no one who can't believe it!

The old lady shook her finger at Zhang's. "You, you people, want to die for me!"

"The old lady is angry, this matter hasn't been found out yet ..." Ma said the old lady looked pale with anger, and hurried forward to support her to give her gas.

Who knew that the old lady simply reached out and pushed her out.

"You, you all give me away, you all give me away, I don't want to see you!"

The eyes of Ma's eyes flashed impatiently and blessed him. "Luo Guizhen waits for the old lady."

Zhang also stood up from the ground and went out with Ma.

"Old lady, don't be angry with yourself." Gui Yan stepped forward with anxiety and gave the old lady gas.

"I'm so annoyed, I'm so annoyed!" The old lady slowed for a long time before she slowly breathed.

"They think I don't know what they're thinking? Do they really think I'm old and confused? Although I'm old, but I'm not confused yet, I can't see their calculations !?"

Gui Yan listened to the old lady's words, and sighed in her heart, this lady really destined to suffer.

Originally retired by King Zhan, that reputation is already worrying, and now such a thing has happened ... What can be done in the future? No wonder the old lady will get angry.

It was also the old lady's attention to let Jiang Yingxue stay in the town government, in order to make up for the owedness to her daughter who died prematurely, but now, it is hurting her.

"They've figured it out, but they haven't thought about what the child should do, Yingxue !?"

The old lady of Zhen Guogong wiped her tears and was really sad.

"Old lady, you calm down and protect Miss Three ... it's good."

The old lady choked, her palms and hands were full of meat, and it was a foregone conclusion. She could not even do anything to clarify for Jiang Yingxue, because the other person was her own granddaughter!

"It's getting old, I'm really getting old. You have to hide it, don't let Yingxue's child know, otherwise ... I don't know what the child will think."

"Old lady rest assured, old slave saves."

After leaving the Fushoutang, Ma and Zhang went together on the bluestone paved path. "Three brothers and sisters don't cry, if you are seen like this, it's not good."

Zhang wiped the corners of her eyes and took a sigh of relief. For so many days, there was no news of Hu Yiqin, she was going crazy, but even then she couldn't make people see her fault.

"Thank you alot."

Ma stroked a meticulous bun. "What do the three younger brothers thank me? Yingxue is the old lady's heart, it is normal for her to feel uncomfortable when she disappears. Don't go into your heart."

"I know."

Because Hu Ruixuan wanted to find Hu Yiqin's whereabouts, Jiang Yingxue started to train in the remote yard alone after recovering slightly.

She practiced her upper limbs when her knees were not good. After this incident, she felt that she was still too weak, and she still needed to strengthen her practice.

"Cousin? Why are you here?" Jiang Yingxue had just finished training and was about to leave, and saw Hu Ruixuan entering the courtyard.

Hu Ruixuan looked at Jiang Yingxue's utter endless expression.

"Cousin, what's wrong?"

"Yuexue cousin ..."

"Well, you said."


Jiang Yingxue raised his eyebrows as he looked ashamed. "Cousin doing something sorry to me?"

Hu Ruixuan's lips were clenched. This was the first time Jiang Yingxue saw such guilt and sadness on his face.

"If my cousin doesn't say it, I'll go back first. I've been hungry for so long."

"Cousin, this is what our family owes you!" Seeing Jiang Yingxue going, Hu Ruixuan finally spoke.

Jiang Yingxue couldn't help thinking of what she heard in the mouths of the two little girls that day, and in the past few days, each girl in her yard was a little nervous.

"If it wasn't for what you did sorry for me, you wouldn't owe me." After that, she pushed open the courtyard door and went out.

It seems that she stayed here shortly.

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