Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

The structure of the wooden house in front of him looks more delicate than that over there.

Jiang Yingxue looked around the courtyard for a week and found that there was no courtyard door at all except this dog hole.

The yard is not large, and it looks like 500 yuan.

How can she get out without a door?

Drilling back from a dog hole? But those people have already returned, and now they will definitely be found when they crawl over.

Jiang Yingxue carefully walked out of the room and looked around. He didn't hear anything inside.

Looking in through the window, I can only roughly see that this is an ordinary room. She pushed open the unlocked door and entered.

The ordinary room is not very accurate. It should be said that this is a study room with two large bookshelves inside. As soon as you enter, you can see that there is a large desk in front of the bookshelf, and a pen and paper on it. With the ink, I feel that it was only recently used.

"In a cottage full of evil men, there is such a strange study. It's a little strange to see ..."

She walked to the bookshelf and looked at the books bored.



I don't know if I didn't eat anything in the morning and slipped my hands. The book on my hand accidentally slipped to the ground.

When Jiang Yingxue squatted and was about to pick up the book, he found that there was a book underneath the corner of the desk. It was ... funny, at first glance, how big the bookcase was. People who read books did not expect to use books to stand on the table!

Out of curiosity, Jiang Yingxue rescued the book from the corner of the table and sat down on the stool to read it.

"Teleportation Dafa ..."

Jiang Yingxue looked all the way down and found that this is a martial arts cheat book that is easy to read!

"It's true." Although she didn't believe it, she was still interested in meditating on the above mentality and began to follow the steps taught above.

"Dan Tiandan ..."

Jiang Yingxue became more and more interesting as he practiced. In the end, he couldn't stop!

"Teleport Dafa, I move!"

Jiang Yingxue stared at his eyes from the chair to the bamboo couch in an instant.

"Isn't it so magical!" But I really found treasure!

"Teleportation Dafa, I ..."


Jiang Yingxue froze, someone came!

She looked around and turned around to get under the bamboo couch.


The wooden door was pushed open, and Jiang Yingxue appeared with a pair of black boots. When she looked down, she saw a woman's skirt corner hanging down.

No, this house is used to hide women! ?

Jiang Yingxue watched the boots come to the bookshelf and stopped. After a while, she felt the tremor beneath her.

She watched the two large bookcases suddenly move and opened a dark door.

The man turned his back on her, carrying a man on his shoulders and leading him into the dark door.

He couldn't see himself when he went down, but when he came up, he would surely find himself hiding under a bamboo couch.

After his figure disappeared, Jiang Yingxue came out of the bamboo couch and walked to the door to take a look. There should be a basement.

I don't know what he did to put the woman in it, is it for exclusive enjoyment?

After waiting for Jiang Yingxue to understand, the people inside have already stepped out.

She jumped out of the window quickly and hid behind the wall.

The man opened the door and walked out, Jiang Yingxue found that he was the head of this cottage, and a cottage leader still needed to make such a place to hide a woman?

This unscientific!

Jiang Yingxue followed him secretly, he walked behind the courtyard, stayed in front of the courtyard wall for a moment, then pulled the institution, and the courtyard wall suddenly opened a door.

It turned out that the door of the yard was in that place.

But the door should lead to the cottage.

After confirming that the person had left, Jiang Yingxue returned to the room.

"There is actually a mechanism on this bookshelf." She was going in to see what was hidden inside.

Jiang Yingxue removed each book, but the bookshelf did not respond at all.

When she was impatient to find her, a book suddenly couldn't be picked up!

found it!

She fiddled with the book slightly, and sure enough, the bookshelf moved!

The bookshelf slowly opened, and a dark door opened.

Seen from above, there are layers of stone steps, but there are torches on the stone walls, which can illuminate.

Jiang Yingxue carefully walked down, there were not many stone steps, and it did n’t take long to reach the head. After the stone steps went to the end, it was a stone gate, but the stone gate was open, and then walked in, it was a one hundred level In the basement, there were seven or eight women who were covering their eyes and mouths, and tied their hands and feet!

This is not the most shocking to Jiang Yingxue. What surprised her most is that Hu Yiqin was brought in by the bandit!

Hu Yiqin's dress could not see the original color, and she leaned against the wall with trembling, motionless like a dead person.

Jiang Yingxue glanced at the people inside. The situation was almost the same as Hu Yiqin. Although they looked embarrassed, they looked like a rich lady.

This bandit is not only a horse, but a trafficker!

Jiang Yingxue stepped forward and pulled Hu Yiqin on the ground.

Hu Yiqin trembled suddenly, and shivered unconsciously.

Although the girl's temper was a bit annoying, she looked really pathetic.

She carried her up and walked out of the basement.

The sky outside was already dark, and there was only a faint moonlight coming back to the study to make people barely be able to look at things.

"Hu Yiqin, I'll untie the rope on you now, don't you hear it?"

I heard Jiang Yingxue's voice, Hu Yiqin thought he was listening.

"Hey, wouldn't it be frightening."

When listening to confirm that it was Jiang Yingxue's voice, Hu Yiqin nodded desperately.

Although she hasn't had much contact with Jiang Yingxue, she is not stupid enough to hear her voice.

Jiang Yingxue pulled the cloth covering her mouth and eyes by hand, and untied the rope on her hands and feet.

Hu Yiqin couldn't remember how long she hadn't been able to open her eyes to see everything around her. When she looked at Jiang Yingxue with a rash that looked scary, she felt extra gracious.

"Cousin, yes, is anyone here to save us? Isn't it ..." Because she didn't speak for too long, her voice became a little hoarse.

Jiang Yingxue sat on the ground watching her shatter her fantasy. "No."

"No, it's not ... you, you, you've been arrested ..." Hu Yiqin turned pale.

"I wasn't arrested. It's you, how did you get arrested?"

Hu Yiqin recalled the pictures at the time and couldn't help with red eyes. At that time, she felt that it was too shame to be with Jiang Yingxue, so she stayed in the carriage alone, and then she opened the girl to let her go , And then stayed alone in the carriage.

She got up early in the morning and was actually a little sleepy. When she was lethargic, the carriage curtain was suddenly opened. She thought it was her daughter-in-law who came back, and she was about to yell when she was unhappy. Suddenly someone covered her mouth and nose. Before long, she lost consciousness ...

"After that I always felt on the carriage, those people kept covering my eyes, I couldn't see anything ... Just, until now ... I, I want to go home, I miss my mother ... ... ohh! "

"You whisper it to me, if someone finds out that we both have to finish playing!" Jiang Yingxue covered her mouth that was about to cry, it was really bad!

After so many days, Hu Yiqin was really afraid. Now she feels that Jiang Yingxue is her life-saving straw, so she is very obedient and extremely cooperative!

"I, I'm not crying, cousin, you must save me ..."

Jiang Yingxue laughed at her crying face. "How do you know I can save you."

"I, I ... cousin I was wrong before, you, don't forget to go in your heart."

"Do you know where it is?"

Hu Yiqin shook his head. "Here is Yunxiao Mountain. We are now in a ringing horse nest."

"Rang, ring horse ..." Hu Yiqin's face was ashes.

"I haven't found a way to leave now. I'll put you back first, otherwise those people who find one person missing will definitely cause doubt ..."

"No, no cousin begs me, I don't want to go back, I don't ... you help me ..."

"Wait until I find a way out, I will rescue you."

"Cousin, you, will you really save, save me ..."

"Do you have any other choice now? If you run out now and there is only one end, it is death!"

After listening to Jiang Yingxue saying that, Hu Yiqin finally calmed down.

"I, I believe cousin ..."

Jiang Yingxue wrapped her rope around her. "You, it's best to pray that we will have great luck."

After explaining something to Hu Yiqin, she put her back in the original basement.

The bookshelf was closed, Jiang Yingxue leaned a little on the chair, and then began to practice teleportation.


On the other side, Su Yuzhang took a team of people outside Yunxiao Mountain.

"Master Wang, his subordinates found a pool of dried blood in the first five miles." Those who went to inspect came back to Huihui to report.

"How can there be blood?" Hu Ruixuan, who was behind Su Yuzheng, could not wait to ask.

The inspector glanced at him and said, "There are many mountain bandits around Yunxiao Mountain. From time to time, they will go down the mountain to grab passers-by. There is blood, and it is likely that there is a mountain bandit on that mountain."

"These bandits are so crazy!"

Ding Xiang whispered to Su Yu's side: "Master, the clue was broken when it reached Yunxiao Mountain, and his subordinates suspected that those people were likely to hide people on the mountain."

Su Yuzhang looked at Yunxiao Mountain. Yunxiao Mountain is not a single mountain. It is a mountain range, saying that people are hiding on the mountain. This range is wide enough.

"Let my king go out, and my king will see a person within three days. If that person does not go out within three days, these nests on the mountain will be destroyed!"

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