Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

"Your sister, she should be safe now."

"Cousin see Qin'er?"

Jiang Yingxue raised his eyebrow and nodded, telling Hu Ruixuan what happened since he was in Beijing. Of course, she must ignore her plan to escape from marriage.

"This Jiangfu is too much!" The town government knew that Jiangyun City would arrange a wedding for Jiang Yingxue, but it was not expected that such a wedding would be arranged!

"That cousin has any plans for next."

Jiang Yingxue looked at the sky with a grimace. Hu Ruixuan thought she was too sad and didn't know what to say, but Jiang Yingxue was thinking about what she could do to get rid of her soul.

"Cousin, I will take you back."

"Ah? What? Where are you going?"

"I'll take you back to Beijing!"

Jiang Yingxue looked at him with a solemn look and a spirit. "Cousin, I can live in Beijing because of my reputation? It ’s impossible to say that I do n’t have any resentment in my heart, you do n’t need to care about my cousin, I can escape from the bandit's den, how can most people tell me Than, you wait here first, I'll find a rescuer for you. "

After Jiang Yingxue said it, he jumped under the tree neatly.

"Cousin, cousin ..."

Hu Ruixuan wanted to catch up, but he couldn't move easily because of injuries.

"Strange, how cousin looks so fast ..."

On her way down the mountain, Jiang Yingxue really met Su Yuzheng's people, and the leader was Dingxiang.

Ding Xiang can be said to be the person most familiar with Jiang Yingxue next to Su Yuzhang. At first glance, she looked stunned, but her facial features Ding Xiang still recognized.

"Hu Gongzi is injured. On the tree in front of you, go and rescue ..." Jiang Yingxue's words were completely stuck in her throat. If she knew Su Yuzheng was also here, she would not come to death!

Unfortunately, there is no regret in this world.

"I ... there's something else, let's go!" Jiang Yingxue turned and wanted to slip away, she doesn't want to have any intersection with this man now!

"Stop her." Su Yuyi, dressed in a black suit, turned over and dismounted.

The people heard the words and surrounded Jiang Yingxue.

Jiang Yingxue laughed instantly. "Stop me, something?"

Su Yu glanced at her unaltered. "My lord suspects you are colluding with the ringing horse and grabbing it."

"I'm colluding with Xiangma? Su Yuzheng, which of your eyes saw me colluding with Xiangma? This is your sin!"

"Presumptuous! How dare you call the name of Wang Ye!"

"What's my name? Su Yuzhang is a bitch!"

Su Yu glanced at her coldly. "Catch it."


Jiang Yingxue glanced at the people around him, made a teleportation, and quickly slipped through the gap between them. "It's not that easy to catch me!"

Su Yuzhao watched her fast-escaping back squint her eyes slightly, tiptoe, and flew forward.

Jiang Yingxue used her milk-feeding power to run madly, and when she felt that she had taken off the people behind her, she turned around and hit a wall of people.


She touched the sore nose, and slowly raised her eyes to meet Su Yu's dark eyes ...

After a quarter of an hour.

Jiang Yingxue was full of resentment and was carried on his shoulder by Ding Xiang.

"Boy, what's your name?"

Su Yuzheng this bastard, even if she clicked on her hole, it even made her hands and feet tied, so inhuman!

Ding Xiang stretched his face and did not answer.

"I think you're about twenty years old, young, but young people can't help but care about it. You can see the fine lines around your eyes. Don't marry your wife, follow your lord What kind of life can I have ... "

Ding Xiang quickly glanced at Su Yuzheng who was walking in front, what seemed to be throwing her down the mountain!

"Where is the person?"

Su Yu suddenly looked back at Jiang Yingxue.

Jiang Yingxue took a sip in his heart. "It's right in front of the tree."

Su Yuzheng let people go to the front and found Hu Ruixuan who was still hiding in the tree.

Hu Ruixuan was helped back by someone, and saw Jiang Yingxue being carried by Ding Xiang on his shoulders.

"Watch, Wang, Lord Wang, she is ..."

Su Yuyi glanced at him lightly. "Bring them back to the camp."

"Master Wang, I know where my sisters are." Hu Ruixuan busy.

Su Yu's eyes narrowed suddenly. "you know?"

"Yes, I found them in a carriage and hid them in a cave because of danger."

"Ding Xiang, take someone to find."

"Yes!" Ding Xiang was so pleased that he could finally get rid of Miss Jiang. He put Jiang Yingxue right away and took people to the cave.

Jiang Yingxue glanced at Hu Ruixuan and motioned him not to worry about himself.

"Take them away."


Jiang Yingxue thought that Su Yuzheng would take them out of Yun Xiaoshan, but after walking for a long time, she found that it was not right at all.

"Where are we going?"

Hu Ruixuan was riding on the horse, and he was ignorant.

"It should be Izumo Xiaoshan."

"No, Yun Xiaoshan's exit is not in this direction at all! Where are you guys taking me! I ..."


Jiang Yingxue hadn't finished talking, and when he looked up, he saw a large group of people standing neatly and ten meters away.

"The prince is alive. Within three days, he wiped out all the bandits on Yunxiao Mountain!"


Jiang Yingxue listened to the shocking response and said it was false not to be shocked.

This is the authentic army. It is neat and fast, and reveals a majesty that people dare not look at!

"set off!"


Not only Jiang Yingxue, but Hu Ruixuan all looked at him with unabashed envy in his eyes.

"If I can enter the King's Iron Armor, I will die without regret."

Jiang Yingxue glanced at him. "Cousin, your life is really worthless."

"My cousin doesn't know how powerful the armored armies of King Zhan are.

Jiang Yingxue listened boringly, so powerful, why didn't he rule the world!

Moving forward, Jiang Yingxue knew that Su Yuzheng had let them enter the camp. This camp should be temporarily stationed, but still neat and orderly.

Su Yuzhang's people placed Jiang Yingxue and Hu Ruixuan in different tents.

"I'm going to be with my cousin!" How else would she untie the rope!

"The prince has orders to guard you alone."

"Why, what did she do wrong?" Hu Ruixuan also worried about Jiang Yingxue.

"This is Wang's order. We only need to execute the order, for no reason."

Even though the two struggled, they were separated relentlessly.

Jiang Yingxue's guarded tent was small, and there was only a wooden bed and a table and two chairs.

She was still on the wooden bed, and she was corpse straight up there.

Jiang Yingxue was hungry and tired these days, she didn't sleep well in the cottage at all, anyway, she couldn't struggle to run anyway now, gradually her eyelids became a little heavy, and she fell asleep before she knew it ...

When Su Yuzhen entered the tent, she was already asleep.

She saw that she could still sleep so sweetly when she was **** with five flowers. Su Yuying felt that there must be something wrong with this woman's brain.

I don't know if Su Yuzhen's sight was too strong, Jiang Yingxue even woke up from his sleep.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I faced Zhang Yuyan, who was on Su Yuyan. It was good-looking, but still very scary at this time!

Jiang Yingxue didn't like being looked at this way. A carp sat up and looked straight at him without talking.

The two stared at each other so quietly for half an hour.

In the end, Jiang Ying's eyes were dry, closed his eyes and lay back, silently in his mouth. "Dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water. Dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water."

"Still a brave pig."

Jiang Yingxue suddenly opened his eyes and stared at him. "God have something to say."

"Why are you here?"

"This is a good question. It seems that Grandpa Wang already knows that the person being hijacked in Beijing is not me. Of course, I will not blame Grandpa for not knowing the truth and saying nothing. Who told me that you are a ruthless and unjust person Now, let ’s focus on the point. I was hijacked by Xiangma on the way to marry, and I just escaped today. Is this answer satisfactory to you? ”

Su Yu's black eyes froze, and there was no expression on his face, and Jiang Yingxue couldn't bear to think in his heart.

"Where are you going to marry?"

Jiang Yingxue blinked. "Jinling City."

Su Yuzheng hooked her lips coldly, and she was a woman full of lies!

"Why does King know that you are going to Huizhou City!"

You all know how to ask a fart!

"Since you were robbed while marrying, in the face of Lord Jiang and the town government, the king will send you to Huizhou City safely."


Jiang Yingxue felt that he might never encounter a man more abominable than Su Yuzhang in his life!

Although the rope on her body has been loosened, Su Yuzheng has not unlocked the acupuncture points on her body. In other words, she is still a wooden man ...

"Sister don't cry, it's safe now!"

Before dark, Dingxiang led people to find the cave where Hu Yiqin was hiding, rescued them from the cave, and brought them back to the camp.

"Brother ... I'm so scared. I thought I would never see you again. I will never dare to be capricious anymore ..." Terrified.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, nothing will happen again, we will be back soon." Hu Ruixuan softly coaxed.

"You don't know. Mother is crying for your eyes, but now you are back."

After crying for a while, after venting the emotions in her heart, Hu Yiqin paused and stopped.

"Bye brother, have you seen your cousin Yingxue?"

Hu Ruixuan thought of Jiang Yingxue in another tent. If it was not for his sister, Yingxue's cousin would not be here.

"Sister, listen to me, this is what our family owes to my cousin. Yingxue cousin for you ... can't stay in Beijing anymore ..."

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