Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

After confirming that Jiang Yingxue had left, the girl who had been **** on the bed, Mingzhen Zhen, slowly opened her eyes and sat up. She looked at the rope on her body and moved it gently, only a slight sound was heard. .

She touched her neck and brow without being frowned, and then got out of bed and opened the door. "Where have people been?"

A shadow quickly flashed in. "Into the tree array."

Mingzhen stiffened her eyes. "Look for someone to look at her, and Wang said, look at how capable she is."


Jiang Yinxue stood for a full quarter of an hour in front of a pear tree, and she was quite sure that this was the fifth time she had seen the tree.

She looked around. This is indeed a garden. That's right. There is only one bluestone road in the garden. That's right. This bluestone road is an archway 30 meters away. A bluestone road was walking, and it also passed through the arches, but why, in the end, would you return to this place?

"I wouldn't have encountered a ghost hitting a wall." Jiang Yingxue took a piece of parcel from her body and tore it into many strips, and every three meters she hanged a rag on a branch until it reached the arch.

She went through the arches and continued along Qingshi Road, but in a blink of an eye she saw the trees that had been draped by her!

It's a mystery!

Jiang Yingxue stomped on the pear tree. "No wonder it's so easy for me to come out. It was waiting for me!"

She stood under the pear tree and looked around. Suddenly, a thrush bird fell on the branch of pear tree, Jiang Yingxue's eyes lit up. "This mystery traps me, I can't trap a bird, hehe."

After a quarter of an hour ...

An innocent thrush bird was tied with a thin silk ribbon, and the other end of the ribbon was held by Jiang Yingxue.

"I've seen dogs and cats, and birds like cats can only be done by Jiang Yingxue."

The thrush bird fluttered forward, Jiang Yingxue didn't look at the road, only looked at the thrush bird, and kept walking behind it. After walking for nearly two quarters, when she was a little dizzy around her, they finally came out. The arch is different from the previous one. After exiting the arch, it is a marble paved road.

Jiang Yingxue glanced at a completely different scenery than before and finally untied the silk ribbon on the bird's feet. "Thank you guys."

The bird fluttered its wings and flew far away.

Jiang Yingxue walked around a corridor and came to a large yard. She hid behind the door and looked at the situation in the yard. There were many girls in the laundry, which should be a mixed service yard.

She sneaked in and stole a maidservant suit. "This place is really too big. Where is the exit?"

Although it has been known for a long time that the palace is not small, it is only when walking in the palace that I truly feel how big this place is. One of the places is like a virgin forest, and the architecture has no rules to find.

She's been gone for half an hour, and she hasn't found the exit yet.

The strangest thing is that the palace is very empty. She walked all the way and hardly met anyone. "How this place looks like a ghost house, not even an individual."

"The king said, this time he will take down the head of the Narong leader!"

When Jiang Yingxue was about to walk on a hand-painted veranda, she heard the voice of someone violently. She quickly hid behind a pillar and looked at the sound source.

"The Rong people are really not afraid of death, no matter how badly they are beaten, they will come again every other year."

"Yeah, but they are nomads and they can't do it all."

Su Yuzhang will not go on his own.

Jiang Yingxue looked at the two people passing by, thinking that they were about to leave the palace, and followed them silently, but this palace looked at the rough mine, but inside was very winding, Jiang Yingxue was afraid of being People found that they didn't dare to be too close, so they lost both of them.

"Where did the stranger go? It was just looking at this way." She looked around, and walked along Qingshi Road to the end of a lake, and a yard on her right hand side.

"If those people of the Rong tribe knew that Wang Yee was back, they would run away with their tails in the middle of the night."

"Not only that, even if Na Yuguo was restless last year, Wang Ye suffered an enemy on his stomach, but he still did not blow them down."

Jiang Yingxue heard someone's voice and looked at it. There was nowhere to hide, but he ran to the yard in front of him and pushed open the courtyard door to hide in.

"I don't know how long Lord Wang will be back this time. I always think that only when Lord Wang is here can we be healthy."

Jiang Yingxue glanced at the courtyard behind him. This courtyard has a slightly different architectural style from that of Wangfu. There are many flowers and plants planted in the courtyard alone. She entered the courtyard with curiosity and just walked to a house. Then I heard the sound of water clapping.

At this time, the dark guard outside the courtyard, look at me, I look at you.

Zhang San "Everyone has come in, shall we care?"

Li Si "The prince did not explain, let us be as if she did not exist."

Zhang San "Oh."

Strange, why is there a sound of water here?

Jiang Yinxue looked in through the slightly opened window, but did not expect that it was a huge pool inside, like an indoor pool.

Li Si "She seems to be peeping at the Lord."

Zhang San "It's okay, Lord Wang doesn't suffer."

Jiang Yingxue slowly opened the window so that he could see the situation inside more clearly.

Suddenly, a roaring water sounded, and a half-fruited figure broke through the water.

"Yeah," Jiang Yingxue exclaimed in shock, sitting on the ground with a slump under his feet.


As soon as Jiang Yinxue heard that the voice was not good, she got up and ran, but before she took two steps, she was caught by her belt. The next moment, she only felt her feet off the ground and her body emptied. "After a while, the body slammed into the water fiercely.

Jiang Yinxue quickly held her breath, but she was still drank a few sips of water, and she desperately went upstream, bursting out of breath, breathing heavily.

After a moment of relief, she opened her eyes, a pair of slender legs caught her eyes, and her gaze went up along the bare feet ... Su Yuzheng in her robe.

"You, can you swim?"

Su Yuzhen stood on the shore and held her. "When will King tell you that King will not be water?"

Jiang Yingxue patted the water fiercely, splashing a large splash. "You know how to deal with water. You lied to me last time, so that I almost lost my life in order to save you, and you still killed me."

"Jiang Yingxue, said the king, let you not leave the yard half a step."

Jiang Yingxue silently swam backwards, found a place farthest from Su Yuzhen, and climbed ashore.

"Well, that's not because I miss the Lord too much, so I tried to run out from there in order to be able to see the Lord." With a look of shame, she cast a wink at Su Yuzheng on the shore.

Su Yu shook her eyebrows, her black eyes narrowed dangerously, and walked towards Jiang Yingxue step by step.

Jiang Yingxue felt like a rabbit being stared at by a cheetah. She retreated cautiously until she retreated steadily to the back wall, and looked at Su Yuyu, who was close.

When the man was only one step away from her, Jiang Yingxue found that he was really tall, and even if he bent slightly, she stood upright, only to his chest.

Jiang Yingxue feels that if she can escape successfully, the top priority is to grow her body well!

Su Yuzhen's gas field is really powerful. As soon as he approaches Jiang Yingxue, his chest seems to be out of breath because of the pressure of thousands of troops and horses!

"You said you wanted to be my king?" He had a hoarse voice, with an inexplicable charm.

Jiang Yingxue nodded sincerely.

Su Yuzhang approached him for a point. "Then you see Ben now, how are you doing?"

Jiang Yingxue looked at his perfect profile, I went and provoked her! ? Boy, really be your sister, I am an innocent girl in the 28th year. "How ... said the Lord!"

Jiang Yinxue suddenly reached out and held Su Yu's neck together, and kissed his lips when he didn't respond.

At the moment when the lips touched, both of them were choking, time seemed to be still at this moment, and there were only two banging hearts in their ears.

"Jiang Yingxue, you're looking for death!" Su Yu snapped back and shoved her into the water.



"Su Yuzhen, you bastard!" When Jiang Yingxue came out of the water, Su Yuzhen had nowhere to go.

Jiang Yingxue climbed out of the pool and stood on the shore wetly.

Now discovered by Su Yuzheng, today it is impossible to escape from the palace.

"When a person is unlucky, they really drink their water and jam their teeth."

After half an hour, Ming Zhen looked at Jiang Yingxue with a look of dumbfoundment and entered the courtyard.

"If you have any clean clothes, get me two. I haven't changed my clothes for a long time." Mingzhen glanced at her quietly and turned to go out.

Not long after, she brought in a clean dress. Jiang Yingxue didn't care too much at first. After changing it, she found that her clothes were the same as Ming Zhen's.

"Why are our clothes the same? Wouldn't you just bring your clothes for me?"

Mingzhen put the food box on the table without expression, and said in a numb voice: "The Lord has the order, so that the girl can wait to the Lord from tonight."

"What? What did you say?" Jiang Yingxue rubbed his ears and thought he had heard it wrong.

"Girl, let's eat it first. If it's late, Wang is afraid he won't be happy."

Ask her to be his aunt? "He just treated his fiancée who was abandoned by him? Take things away, and Jiang Yingxue would starve to death and would not eat his Su Yuyi's stuff!"

Ming Zhen made a noise, and raised the food container on the premise, but accidentally let out the fragrance inside.

"Wait." Ming Zhen looked up at her, Jiang Yingxue took the food container from her hand and opened it, and found that there was actually a roast chicken inside!

Forget it anyway, let's eat first!

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