Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

Inside the Daxia Kingdom Palace.

The emperor's study room of other emperors stacked all kinds of booklets and various books, while the emperor's study room of Emperor Shang Zong of the Great Xia Kingdom piled all kinds of locks.

Emperor Shang Zong in a bright yellow dragon robe focused his attention on the lock on his hand. Outside the Imperial Study Room, a guard rushed to the door of the diplomacy to the **** chief Wen Haihai.

Wen Gonggong glanced at the Royal Study and had to speak. "Emperor, there is an urgent report from King Zhan."

Emperor Shang Zong, who was about to insert the key into the lock cylinder, shook his hands, and the whole lock instantly fell apart and fell to the table.

"Wenhai!" Shang Zong's impetuousness swept the parts on the table to the ground.

Wen Gongsheng walked into the Royal Study Room without love.

"The emperor was angry, and there was an urgent report from King Zhan."

Emperor Shangzong hummed and waved his sleeves to return to the dragon case and sit down. "Say something directly!"

"Yes, yes, King Zhan said that the Rong tribe wants to negotiate, so he came back and asked the emperor what?"

"Rong are about to surrender?"

Wen Dahai was ashamed. "Emperor, it's peace." There is still a big difference between the peace and surrender, OK?

"Anyway, I just do n’t want to fight, and you just talk about peace, but you tell Su Yuzheng that you can't make them cheap."

"Yes, the slaves then passed on to Zhan Wang."

"Go on, let him figure it out and come back soon."


Even thousands of miles apart, with the Flying Eagle Biography, the news was quickly delivered to Huizhou City.

Ding Xiang entered the study of Zhan Wangfu with the news. "Master, here's a message from the emperor."

Su Yuzheng took the news and looked at it. Shang Zongdi's answer did not surprise him.

"Master Wang, those people have been found!" Ding Zheng came hurriedly, and Su Yuzheng kept asking him to investigate the Rong people who plundered and killed the people in the city that day.


"The subordinates and others searched an abandoned courtyard and felt that it was not right. Go in and take a look. There are dozens of dead bodies lying inside. The subordinates will take them to look at them when they dress up as Rong people. It is confirmed that they are the people of that day. "

"All dead?"

"Yes, but the subordinates and others found that although they are dressed as Rong, they are probably not Rong."

"Let Zhang Xin send a message to the Rong tribe, and said that the king promised peace."


Inside the prison of Zhan Wangfu.

There were two people who were dead or alive on the dark and mooring jail stand.

A black Yu Suyi stood in front of the execution room. "Master, they spoke."


"They said that every month they would send the people they caught to the nearest station in Huizhou City to a person named Lao Wu, who would give them a sum of money, and they would not know what happened afterwards. "

"What's so special about them?"

"Subordinates didn't find it."

"Stateless Station ..."

Ding Xiang seemed to be thinking about something, "Master Wang, what we are going to negotiate this time is the stateless station."

The Rong tribe must negotiate peace with the Daxia Kingdom. Because of the special nature of the Rong tribe, the people from the Santa tribe sent the peace princes, and the location of the peace is arranged in a stateless post station between the Rong tribe and Huizhou city.

The so-called "stateless station" is a station set up between countries for the sake of survival of people expelled by the state. These stations are specially designed for businessmen and tourists between countries.

Because there is no village or shop behind the station, you can see the surroundings at a glance. Choosing to negotiate peace in this place can also prevent the ambush of the other party.

"It was three days later to find someone to stare at the station."



"Wang Ye is going to discuss and let me do what?" Jiang Yingxue was honest in the Wangfu two days. Since he decided to hold someone's thigh, he always had to perform well.

I didn't expect Su Yuxi to use her at all!

Mingzhen put a bag on the table. "One of the waiters is missing from Wangye."

Is there no maid in your palace?

Ming Zhen looked at Jiang Yingxue and said slowly: "The prince said that the girl had sneaked out of the palace before and violated his order. He should have been severely punished, but in view of the girl's sincere attitude, she let the girl follow him Can also let the girl go out to meet the world. "

Then she would like to thank Su Yuchen! ?

"Girls, please change your clothes quickly. Lord Wang is not a patient man."

Jiang Yingxue glanced at the baggage and silently sympathized with himself. It really was that people had to bow their heads under the roof!

She opened the bag, and there were several sets of men's clothing. She changed it and went to the palace with Ming Zhen. Su Yuzhen was already waiting in the carriage.

"Let's get in the car."

Jiang Yingxue climbed into the carriage and looked up at the people on the carriage.

Huh? This person is not Su Yumin.

She glanced down, glanced at his hand on his lap, and went out to make peace with her. Wasn't she sincere?

Jiang Yingxue found a seat farthest from Su Yuzheng. "Master, where are we going?"

Su Yu frowned slightly. "How do you recognize the King?"

"There is a mole on Grandpa's left index finger."

Su Yuzhen looked down, and there was a mole on the tip of his finger, he did not even notice such details.

"Master, where are we going?"

"No State Station."

Wu Guoyi Station, she seems to have heard Hu Ruixuan said that the place is a hotel with no nationality on earth, there are food and accommodation, the place built does not belong to any country.

"Where is the grandfather going to negotiate peace?"

Su Yuxi closed her eyes. "Go buy and sell."

"Going for business?"

Huizhou City is not far from the Wuguoyi Station. Departing from the King's Mansion in the morning, you can arrive before dark.

Night fell, turning the entire desert sky bright.

Jiang Yingxue lifted his car curtain and frowned at the desert outside the window. No one was surprised at this kind of grassless place.

"Gu Ye, here it is."

The carriage stopped slowly, and Su Yuzhen on the carriage opened his black eyes.

"get off."

Jiang Yingxue jumped out of the carriage and looked at the post in front of him.

The station looks very large, but the outside walls are already painted, showing that there is a certain annual calendar.

Su Yuzhang walked into the post first, followed by Jiang Yingxue.

"A few guest officers want to stay or eat?"

The station lobby looks smaller than the outside, but there are more than twenty tables in the lobby, and there are a few people in it eating.

After Yi Rong's trip, Ding Xiang walked to the shop to slap a piece of silver on the table. "My master wants to stay in the house, and three come to the house."

The shopkeeper smiled and collected the money. "A few guest officials please go upstairs."

Jiang Yingxue followed Su Yuyu into the room.

Although it is the finest room, the furnishings inside are simple, with only a table, chairs and a bed.

"What are some guest officers going to eat?"

"Five pounds of vegetarian buns."

Dian Xiaoyi heard it, and retired with a smile.

Su Yuxi went to the bed and sat down. "Let them come out here tonight."


Jiang Yingxue didn't think that there was anything wrong with Su Yuzhang's order in front of her, because she didn't know what they wanted to do!

"Several guest officers, your vegetarian buns are coming."

The door of the compartment was opened, and Xiaodian came in with a large tub of buns.

"lay down."


Dian Xiaoer looked up at Jiang Yingxue when he put down the bun. Jiang Yingxue looked up to meet the look he had seen, and her brow frowned slightly.

This look made her feel bad.

"Eat hungry."

Jiang Yingxue glanced at Su Yuzheng, she was indeed hungry, but after entering this station, she always felt that the atmosphere of the entire station was strange and a little dark.

"Why, not hungry?" Seeing her not moving, Su Yuxi spoke again.

Jiang Yingxue reached out and took two buns, one took a bite on his own, and one handed it to Su Yuchen. "How good to eat alone in front of Gu Ye."

Su Yuzheng looked at the buns that were delivered to his eyes and did not reach out to pick them up, but took a bite with his hands.

This move made Jiang Yingxue stunned, and the subconscious one would retract his hand. Who knew that, as soon as she shrank, Su Yuxuan clasped her wrist.

"Gu Ye won't hold it by himself!" Jiang Yingxue gritted his teeth.

Su Yuzhen suddenly reached out and circled her waist, and turned her under her.

"Grandpa thinks it's more fragrant to eat what you have."

Jiang Yingxue beating at his bottomless eyes. In such an ambiguous atmosphere, Jiang Yingxue didn't think what Su Yuzhen wanted to do to her at all, but guessed that this person must be using her for what purpose!

Want to play, right? That sister will play with you.

She threw the bun on her hand and wrapped her hands around Su Yu's neck, smiling like a flower.

"Gu Ye, they are a tender flower. You have to take good care of them ~~~" The voice was so sweet that she felt sick when she heard it!

"Well, Grandpa must have pity on you tonight." Su Yu's lips angled slightly, and the warm big palm rushed into her robe when Jiang Yingxue didn't respond.

Jiang Yingxue was startled, really! She doesn't play!

"Su Yu 宸 what are you doing!" Jiang Yingxue lowered his voice and growled.

Su Yuhuan did not expect that she was as thin as firewood, and her skin would be so smooth. "Don't you wait a long time for this day?"

Jiang Yingxue let out a anger in his chest, scum!

She kicked at the top of her knees towards his uncle, Su Yu's black eyes narrowed slightly, and one side turned away from her leg. As soon as her right leg was stretched, she held her whole body in her arms.

"Ye likes a beauty as fierce as you." Su Yuzheng said that the ghost made God look poorly at her tight lips because she was angry.

He remembered that these lips were soft and slightly cold, with a touch of sweetness he had never tasted ...

Even though Jiang Yingxue had never seen a man, she saw more of the aggressive look of the man. For a moment, she felt that Su Yuzhen wanted to let her go!

"Is the grandfather repenting? In that case, why did you retire my marriage in the first place? A woman as good as me in this world will not eat back grass!"

Her words were like a basin of cold water to make Su Yuzhang come back to him. He bowed his head slightly, looked at the shadow outside the door and then loosened his hands, then let go of her.

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