Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

You are chasing me in the wilderness that the naked eye can't see, and I chasing your drama.

Jiang Yingxue feels that this teleportation Dafa needs to be strengthened. Nima's all her efforts and she was left behind by Su Yuzheng. How high is this person's light work!

Jiang Yingxue can vaguely see the person in front of Su Yuzhang, he should be the one that Su Yuzhang wants to chase.

That person's speed is also fast, so fast that Jiang Yingxue is a little surprised. Generally speaking, isn't the big boss very kung fu? Is it necessary to catch the big boss! ?

Jiang Yingxue accelerated his speed by thinking so.

The sun was shining, and the sun was drying like a fried egg on the stove, and her body was sweating.

Su Yuxuan watched the distance from the person in front getting closer and closer. He kicked a stone on his toes, and the stone flew towards the person in front of him like a bullet fired.

The person in front tried to escape with a sigh of relief. At this time, he couldn't avoid the attack behind him at all. The stone hit his vest heavily, hurting his feet slowly. Came down.


Looking at Su Yuyu getting closer, the man could only grit his teeth and continue running.

"When a man is about to die, he has unlimited potential!" Jiang Yingxue felt that he was about to recover, and the people in front had no intention of stopping.

Jiang Yingxue followed her to a rocky mountain and couldn't bear it. She couldn't keep up.

Leaning heavily against the stone mountain, she gasped and felt herself almost paralyzed.

After taking a sigh of relief, she looked at the surroundings. There were stone mountains everywhere. Su Yuzheng didn't know where they went.

"I really have a pit in my head to follow me." She wiped her sweat, and now she wants to return to the same way and don't know how long it will take, really a hell.

Jiang Yingxue turned around, but still did not find Su Yuzhen's trace, I felt that I still took advantage of this opportunity to run!

Su Yu's hide is too deep. Although his thighs are thick, they are barbed and not so easy to hold.

Now no one in this place knows where she went, as long as she returns the same way ... the chances of success are very high.

It was so decided!

Thinking about this, Jiang Yingxue jumped down the stone mountain, but it wasn't the stable stone ground waiting for her, but an emptiness at her feet.


Jiang Yingxue's body plummeted and dropped, her limbs waving, she wanted to find a support point to stop the falling body, but there was nothing around.

Just when she was desperate, she heard only a bang.



She planted it heavily on the vine, her body rolled several times, and finally fell to the ground.

Jiang Yingxue lay on the ground, half-opened his eyes, watching the faint light from the hole where she fell, and a thick black mist appeared in front of her eyes.

She looked at the black mist in front of her, and stretched out her hand to clear them all, but the black mist seemed to have no margin. No matter how she fiddled, there were more waiting for her.

And she, the whole person was surrounded by the thick black mist.

"Where is this?" She stomped. "Well? How does it feel to step on the cotton." She wouldn't really die! ?

Jiang Yingxue was stunned from time to time, the black mist in front of her eyes spread slowly, and the sight of her eyes suddenly turned into the stone mountain where she was just now.

"Well, comfortable ..."

She saw from a distance that there was a figure sitting on the stone mountain, and she came towards the man with doubt.

"Ouch, it's so comfortable."

When she got closer, she found out that it was a big guy!

He wore a weird gown, took off his shoes and socks, and left on the side ... forgetful!

Jiang Yingxue looked up and down him. "I said uncle, it was pretty cool."

Uncle digging his feet, he looked up at her while raising his head. "Little girl, you are here."

Jiang Yingxue was wrong when he heard this. "Uncle, are you waiting for me?"

The uncle's index finger rubbed fiercely between the fingers, and then sat up wearing shoes and socks to stand up. He stretched out his hand and patted on Jiang Yingxue. Jiang Yingxue was frightened and jumped out several steps.

I saw a ghost, if she took a picture of that hand, she would not want to eat for half a month!

"Uncle, there is something to talk about, don't move your hands."

The uncle gave her a glance on his back. "Your girl is really, I'm here to help you, don't you want to go back?"

Jiang Yingxue clutched his placket. "Old thing, what do you know?"

"Well, just talk, don't move your hands!"

"Who the **** are you?" Jiang Yingxue asked with his hand loose.

"Who am I? Don't care, I'll ask you, do you want to go back to your original place?"

"Back to the original place ..." Jiang Yingxue frowned even deeper.

"If you want to go back, as long as you gather the three artifacts, you can leave."

In the end, she lived for many years, and she certainly wanted to go back. "What artifact? Where?"

The uncle frowned at his beard, and whispered with a look of divine expression: "This first artifact is the true dragon blood of Daxia Kingdom ... Your time is limited, if you don't find it as soon as possible ... you will The spirit is flying ... "

True Dragon Blood of Daxia Kingdom?

Jiang Yingxue raised his head. When he wanted to ask, the picture in front of him suddenly changed, and the uncle disappeared for a moment.

A hand suddenly appeared in the sky, and a drop of bright red blood dripped from the sky into the palm of the hand.

"What the **** is this! Hey, uncle, uncle, come out and say something clearly, where is the real dragon blood?" Jiang Yingxue asked loudly, but no one responded to her ...

"Uncle, uncle!"

Jiang Yingxue awakened, looking at the darkness in front of him.

"Well ... it hurts ..." She moved and felt that her bones were falling apart.

The surroundings were dark, and everything was invisible.

She rubbed her head and had such a strange dream.

As soon as she was about to stand up, she looked down and saw a faint white light from her palm.

"Your time is limited. If you don't find the artifact as soon as possible, you will lose your soul ..." The uncle's unreal voice echoed in the brain.

Jiang Yingxue stood up.

"Not a dream! But what kind of ghost dragon blood is this Daxia Kingdom, is it the blood of Emperor True Dragon Emperor?"

No matter what, let ’s find a way to leave this ghost place first!

This place is like a deep trap. Don't even think about going out if it falls.

Jiang Yingxue tried to climb up, but it was futile.

"Help me, is anyone there?"

After tossing for a while, there was no response from the above. Jiang Yingxue sat on the ground a little stunned, wondering if Su Muge was so unlucky.

Anyway, she thought she was really unlucky.

Jiang Yingxue leaned in the stone pit and stomped angrily to the earth wall.

Before the thoughts in her mouth stopped, the stone pit suddenly trembled, and there was a hessian hole just where she kicked.

The hole was not there, just enough to allow one to get in.

"It won't be a python cave ..."

Jiang Yingxue hesitated for a while without moving.

"Forget it anyway, sitting here and waiting can't go up, it's better to give it a try."

She gritted her teeth and drilled into the hole.

The vomit in the mouth of the cave is a bit dry, which proves that the place should be ventilated. If I keep climbing, I don't know if I can find an exit.

Jiang Yingxue slowly crawled forward in the dark cave. I didn't know how long he climbed, and the road ahead was suddenly blocked.

She reached out and pushed on the mud, and the mud soon fell out, and a strong light of gold came into her eyes.

Jiang Yingxue breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the stone mountain in front of him. "I didn't expect it was really an exit."

"kill him!"

Jiang Yingxue turned his head and saw several people stabbing at Su Yu.

She hid behind Shishan and looked at it, and felt that Su Yuzheng should have no problem dealing with those people, but strangely, she found that his moves and speed seemed a bit slow.

Originally, she thought that she had read it wrong, but when he had two swords in his body, when the blood on his body flowed out, she was sure that Su Yuzhen was really not right!

Over there, Su Yuzhang endured the severe pain in his body and stunned the people near him.

But this palm is about to drain the internal forces on him.

Of the three people, one was out of gas and one was injured. Only one was left.

Su Yuzhang took a deep breath and wanted to lower the blood pressure in his chest, but the sweet smell spilled into his throat. "Uh……"

"He was badly injured, and now he is killed!"

As soon as they combined, they rushed forward with a sword and stabbed at Su Yu's life gate.


Jiang Yingxue suddenly rushed out from behind the stone mountain, and when the two did not respond, they smashed the stones in their hands severely at their heads.


She used teleportation, and the speed was very fast. The uninjured person Tian Ling was smashed into a hole, his eyes stared at him, and he gradually fell down.

"Just your buddy!" Jiang Yingxue teleported forward and punched at the man's temple.

The man was startled, and wanted to escape, but he suffered internal injuries, and the reaction speed was not as fast as before. He just sidestepped away, and accidentally tripped over the stone, and a cricket fell to the ground.

Jiang Yingxue pinpointed the opportunity, stepped up and slammed into his cell. "Jiang's broken egg feet!"


The hoarse pain rang through the sky.

At the moment when Jiang Yingxue turned around, Su Yuzhen's vision gradually blurred, but he lost consciousness for a moment.

Jiang Yingxue looked pale, her eyes closed, Su Yu pursed her lips, and this man was always in front of her an everlasting iceberg stinking face. This cowardly look was rare.

He had several swords on his body, and blood was still spilling out.

Jiang Yingxue looked around, **** it, it's almost dark, I don't know what the ghost is, and Su Yu's people didn't follow him, wouldn't they feed the wolf at night?

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