Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

"You, let me go, I really don't know anything ..."

Jiang Yingxue watched Shun Lian hit a few punches, the trafficker was almost beaten stupid, and if he continued to fight this way, this person is expected to go to hell.

"How old is Shunlian's sister?"

"It should be fifteen years old this year."

Fifteen year old girl ...

Jiang Yingxue thought of the girl who had been abducted but suddenly poisoned. She squeezed into the crowd and stopped Shun Lian, who had to hit her fist.

"Girl, if you hit him again, you will see Lord Yan. I know your sister is anxious, but you are useless to fight like this."

Shun Lian stopped to look at Jiang Yingxue. "who are you?"

"I'm a guest of King Zhan. King Zhan has recently been investigating the case of the girl's disappearance for no reason, but this case is so important that you cannot tell others." Jiang Yingxue approached her face mysteriously.

"Really? You mean that Lord Wang can find my sister !?" Shun Lian let go of the trafficker and held Jiang Yingxue excitedly.

Jiang Yingxue "..."

"It hurts, girl, you lightly, say it's good to keep it secret, you know so loudly that everyone in the city knows!"

Shun Lian seemed to realize that she had said something wrong and covered her mouth and looked at Jiang Yingxue.

"Don't worry about it first. In this way, you will take someone back to the Zhan Palace with me, and you will know this with Wang Ye."

"Okay, as long as I can find my sister, I will listen to the girl."

Shun Lian lifted the trafficker off the ground and carried it directly on his shoulders. The trafficker seldom said that he had 150 pounds and 60 pounds. The girl had a lot of strength.

Two people plus one person trafficker, finally came to the King's Mansion before dark.

Looking at the three big characters with black background and red gold in front of the door of Wangfu Gate, Jiang Yingxue called a hate!

Su Yuzhang, my mother came back to find your account!

"Girl Jiang, you are back!"

Jiang Yingxue liked to walk around when he was okay in the palace, so he knew many people in the palace, and even the guards at the gate could call out names.

"Come back, come back, are all the brothers all right?"

"It's all right, we thought Girl Jiang wasn't coming back."

"How could it be that the palace is my house, and I will go ahead as soon as I have any other things. This person caught the personal trafficker. If you go and talk to you about Feng Dingxiang, you will have a trial. This person is likely to disappear from the previous girl. related."

"it is good."

After entering the palace, Jiang Yingxue said to Shun Lian: "You will follow them first, and I will come to you later to ask you about the situation."

"Thank you, Girl Jiang." Shun Lian was grateful.

"As a gatekeeper of the palace, my purpose is to serve the people of Huizhou City."

Jiang Yingxue patted Shun Lian's shoulder and walked towards Su Yuyu's study.

Su Yuzheng pitted her so much, she couldn't kill him, but she also had to let out a bad breath, otherwise she would be too stingy!

"Mingzhen hasn't seen you for a long time." When walking to the door of Su Yu's study, Jiang Yingxue saw Ming Zhen who was outside.

Ming Zhenmu's face finally had an expression at this time, and she looked at her in amazement.

"Girl Jiang?"

"Yes, it's my Jiang Yingxue, like a fake replacement!"

As soon as this remark came out, Ming Zhen determined that this was Jiang Yingxue.

"When did Girl Jiang return?"

"Just now, is Grandpa here? I want to see him."

"The prince is in the study."

"Well." Jiang Yingxue didn't wait for Mingzhen to speak, and she quickly stepped forward to open the study door.

Su Yuzhang wore a white robe, her black hair **** casually, and walked in. Jiang Yingxue could smell the faint bamboo fragrance floating on him. The robe on his body was slightly open, exposing two clavicles that made people fascinated.

Su Yuzhang raised her eyes slightly, facing those stubborn eyes of Shangjiang Yingxue.

"You're back."

You came back, a word that was so calm and even the tone did not change Jiang Yingxue's eyes.

She looked at Su Yuzhen and walked towards him step by step.

Su Yuzhen looked at her with a slight invisible eyebrow raised.

When walking to Su Yuzhen, Jiang Yingxue stopped.

"Master Wang, I thought I would never see him again in this life." She sucked her nose, her voice hoarse and choked.

Su Yuxuan looked at her and slowly put down the book in her hand.

"You don't see it now."

A drop of crystalline tears fell from the corner of her eyes. "Master, if I say, I have less than three months left, will you believe me?"

Su Yuzhen looked at her with hazy eyes, and frowned slightly invisibly.

"What does this mean?"

Jiang Yingxue flattened his mouth and looked extremely wronged. "That is, in less than three months, Wang Ye will never see such a fresh me. Jiang Yingxue you will see is a cold body."

Su Yuzhen looked into her eyes and seemed to want to confirm that the woman was telling the truth, but the tears at the bottom of her eyes were so bright that he couldn't bear it.

"Why did you die?"

Jiang Yingxue lowered his head and stretched his sleeves.

"I was poisoned, colorless and tasteless, and my body looked no different from ordinary people."

Su Yu narrowed her eyes. "What poison."

Jiang Yingxue shook his head. "I don't know, Lord, could you promise me one thing before I die?"

Su Yuzhen looked down at her expectant eyes, and could not get stuck in her throat.

"what are you going to do?"

Jiang Yingxue pinched his sleeve and shook it. "In fact, I always had a wish when I was a child, that is, I want to be able to become a person as powerful as Lord Wang, and have an army. Of course, I definitely do n’t dare to think about the army, but I want to build a lady army It doesn't have to be big, you should develop a hundred people at the beginning ... "

"Do you want a girl army?"

"Yeah, I also thought about the general's addiction. Although I am a woman, Lord Wang, this is really my life's wish. Anyway, just being a little bit like this will not cause any bad influence on Wang Ye." After that, she looked up at him secretly.

Su Yuzheng still calmed his face without saying a word.

Time seemed to be still, Jiang Yingxue slowly let go of his hand.

"I'm greedy. As long as I can go to my mother's grave before I die and tell her that I will be with her soon, I will be satisfied and don't disturb Wang."

She slowly turned around and slowly walked towards the door, and the thin, lost back came into Su Yu's eyes.

"What do you want the king to do? Are you ready?"

Jiang Yingxue's footsteps were cold-blooded and cold-blooded. She was touched by herself. This person actually asked such untimely words at this time!

Jiang Yingxue sucked his nose and turned back. "I feel like I'm dying. Don't make so many more sins."

"So you haven't done what King asked you to do?"

"Yes, but I have done this step, can't the Lord still believe me? OK, if the Lord is still suspicious of me, then the Lord will kill me, anyway, I will die sooner or later!" Pull out a dagger and throw it in front of Su Yuzhang.

Su Yu lifted his toe slightly and picked the dagger from the ground to his hand.

Jiang Yingxue "..." peat, seriously!

Su Yuzhang walked to her with a dagger, and Jiang Yingxue stepped back silently.

"Why, didn't you mean to let King kill you?"

"Yes, I'm not afraid of death, but if I die, there will be no one in the world who loves Grandpa!"

Su Yuzhang was slightly stiff, his heart jumped, watching Jiang Yingxue's serious expression narrowed his eyes, and slowly raised his dagger.

Jiang Yingxue closed his eyes in fright, but for a long time he didn't wait for the body tingling to come.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked at Su Yuzhang, but he did not know when he had returned to sit before the case.

She secretly exhaled, and God did not completely abandon her, she guessed that Su Yu's dagger would not fall.

"My king promised you."

"Ah?" What promised?

"Let you form a girl army."

Jiang Yingxue froze. Happiness came so suddenly that she was caught by surprise!

Facts have proven that Su Yuzhen is a pervert, and she was intimidated to kill her in the first second, and said that she would form a girl army in the next second!

"Thank you, Lord, I will never forget it even if I die!"

"Let's back down, this king will explain Mingzhen."

"Thank you, Grandpa."

Jiang Yingxue left the study room with contentment, and completely left his revenge on Su Yuzhen.

In fact, it ca n’t be forgotten. It ’s really a disparity in strength. It ’s better to find a way to get benefits on his side. She has money now, but she is a lack of work. She wants to build a strong force in the shortest time. This team will also help her find the next two artifacts in the future.

"Hey, Jiang Yingxue, it's a pity that you didn't enter the entertainment industry. This acting skills, not to mention anything else, are all Oscars!" Jiang Yingxue touched his face narcissistically. The final conclusion was, man, Still easy to cheat!

After Jiang Yingxue left, Su Yuzheng let Ding Zheng enter the study.

"The person staring at Jiang Yingxue didn't notice any abnormality in her?" Su Yuzheng's voice sounded strange, as if she was suppressing anger, her emotions were a little unstable ... not like the usual Wang Ye!

Ding Zheng paused. Actually, someone had followed her in secret from the moment Jiang Yingxue left the palace, but sometimes the situation was special and she couldn't watch it all the time, so ...

"What's wrong with Wang Ye?"

Su Yuzhang rubbed his temples and reasonably told him that Jiang Yingxue's mouth full of nonsense could not be believed, but did not know why, when he heard her say that she had only less than three months of life left, his heart suddenly snapped. Smoked.

This strange feeling made him a little irritable.

"Let Mr. Han come over."

Ding Zheng looked at the frowning Su Yuzheng. After Miss Jiang came back, he felt that Wang Ye was a bit wrong ...

"Yes, go here."

Su Yuzhen looked at a corner and clenched his fists. "Jiang Yingxue, you better not lie to the king!"


Jiang Yingxue rubbed his nose and patted the water in the tub. Whoever chanted her behind his back, really, taking a bath didn't make people feel safe!

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