Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

"What about those who follow you?" Jiang Yingxue went to Huizhou City, but followed several guards and maids.

"Oh, I almost forgot to talk about this. I met mountain bandits on the road, and they all ..." Jiang Yingxue made a movement to wipe his neck.

Jiang Yuncheng frowned. "Have you met a bandit?"

"Yeah, but I was lucky and saved by King Zhan, so this time, I actually came back with King Zhan this time, and I said that after returning to Jingjing, I would ask my father to come and thank the King."

"You said, you were rescued by King Zhan? Where did you meet King Zhan?" Zhou's face was a bit ugly. They could send Jiang Yingxue away once, then a second time, but if it involved Su Yumin, then this matter is not so easy to handle.

"It doesn't matter where you meet. What's important is that my father remembered to find a chance to thank Wang Ye." With that, Jiang Yingxue stood up and yawned. "I'm tired after so long a journey, so I'll go back and rest."

Seeing Jiang Yingxue left like this, Jiang Yuncheng was furious, and Zhou's face was not much better. She was looking for the person Jiang Yingxue was going to marry.

"Master, this matter ..."

"You'll send a message to Huizhou City and ask what's going on."


"As for this evil girl, let her stay in the house first, anyway, the people from the town Guogong also came back." At first, he was anxious to marry Jiang Yingxue because he found him and asked Jiang Yingxue to replace Hu Regarding the hijacking of art paintings, although he did not have a deep feeling for Jiang Yingxue's father and daughter, how could she be a Jiangfu person? The hijacking of Jiangfu's young lady would definitely hinder Jiangfu's reputation. If it was not promised by the town ’s national father, Will not easily agree.

Now Hu Yihua has returned to Jiangfu for a long time. Even if Jiang Yingxue returns, he will be in the town government.

After Jiang Yingxue was married out, Ru Xueyuan was left with Caiyue and Caihe.

When Jiang Yingxue returned with the first couple of days, Caiyue and Caihe were cleaning up the yard, and they saw Jiang Yingxue appearing and both of them stopped.

"Big, miss?"

"Yes, it's me. I'm Jiang Yingxue back! Let me introduce you, this is Caiyue and Caihe, the big girl who was waiting by my side before. This is from the first day to the seventh day, and it's with me now. People. "

Originally, the young lady Jiang Yingxue didn't have a high sense of presence in Jiangfu. She disappeared for a while and reappeared in front of everyone, without attracting much attention.


Inside the palace.

Emperor Shang Zong knew that Su Yuzheng returned to Jingjing today, so he made the royal dining room full Manhan table.

Today's reception is not large in scale. Except for the main characters of Emperor Shang Zong and Su Yuzhang, there are only a few adult princes to accompany, which is a small family banquet.

"Yu Suona, tell you, how did you get rid of the Rong tribe, and I told you, if you are ten years younger, you must be a pro-village, and they wo n’t even know their mother. Hahahaha ... "Shang Zongdi's wine was slightly over, and his face was all red. He was drunk and holding a wine glass standing in front of the chair as if drinking some wine and talking about the glorious middle-aged and greasy history Male, from time to time, he had to pat on the shoulders of Su Yuyi, expressing his satisfaction and value for him.

"Emperor, you have drunk too much, and the slave will help you go back to rest, right?" Wen Haihai saw something wrong with Emperor Shang Zong, and bowed in a low voice.

"Drink too much? Wen Haihai, when I was young, I didn't get drunk with a thousand glasses. This little wine was nothing to me." Emperor Shang Zong pushed Wen Haihai behind.

Kao Barry shook his wine glass and smiled at Emperor Shang Zong. "The father emperor is right. If the father emperor was driving, it would certainly have long beat those Rong people farewell. This cup of children respects the father emperor. It is the father emperor's contribution that Daxia Kingdom can have today's peace.

Emperor Shangzong laughed again with a blurry drunk eye. "Well, young and old, your mouth will coax your father and emperor more and more, ha ha ha ha ... but Yu 宸 you tell 朕, how did you beat that group of Rong in a short time Running?"

The conflict between the Daxia Kingdom and the Rong has a long history. Su Yuzhen did hurt the Rong before, but none of them could be completely defeated. However, in this short time, Su Yuzhen completely resolved the Rong

Su Yu's eyes were slightly drooping. "Before the Rong tribe was severely damaged, it was the end of a strong crossbow, and the troops were far worse than before. This time, the Weichen only tried to get rid of this problem."

Bai Lixuan drank the wine in the glass, and there was always a smile of positive and evil on the corners of his lips.

The great prince Bai Licheng glanced at Bai Liyi, but he couldn't let Bai Liyi stand out. He also stood up and toasted Emperor Shang Zong.

Emperor Shang Zong is really happy today. In addition to the return of Su Yuzhang's victory, he has also developed a new lock, that is, Jiang Yang robbers cannot open it!

"You guys are good, they're all good, but ah, if you can be like Yu Yan, I'm really happy in my heart ... Hey!" Emperor Shang Zong's voice fell, and he drank a wine bottle on the chair Sit down, squint your head and squint, sleep over!

But what he just said was heard by the people present!

What does it mean that if they can all be like Su Yuyi, this sentence has many meanings. Now Su Yuyi is very successful and has heavy soldiers ...

Yu Guang, the great prince Bai Licheng, gradually turned towards Su Yuyi. It stands to reason that he is the eldest son of the queen, and Wen Tao can't make a mistake in terms of military strategy. Anyone with a good eye can see that Emperor Shangzong had no intention In politics, Chu Jun was established as soon as possible. He could play whatever he wanted with his lock.

It is strange that Emperor Shang Zong seems to have forgotten the matter of Li Chu, not to mention it at all, even if the minister reminds him, it has been dragged on as if he had not heard of it.

Since the founding of the Daxia Kingdom, the emperor has not passed on the throne to another king. The Emperor Shang Zong is now satisfied with Su Yuzheng and he has not set up a prince ... Is it that kind of thought! ?

The hearts of the people turned around, but there was still laughter on the face.

"King Zhan is the great hero of our Da Xia Kingdom. This cup of wine respects you." Bai Licheng walked to Su Yuyu with a smile and raised the glass.

Su Yuxi took a drink and drank.

After the drunk Emperor Shang Zongzhuang was aided by the palace men, Bailiyu also stood up. "The emperor accompany King Zhan to drink well, my brother, I drank too much, and then leave first."

As soon as Baili went, the second prince also stood up, bowed slightly to Su Yu, and turned away.

Su Yuzhen put down his glass. "It's getting late, there's still something in the house, and I'm afraid the officials can't be accompanied."

Seeing Su Yu's leaving, Bai Licheng smiled and put down his glass. "It's not early. King Zhan is running all the way. It's time to go back to your house and rest. You should send King Zhan out of the palace."



Hu Ruixuan followed Su Yuzhang. In addition to going through the training, he was also responsible for retrieving Hu Yi's painting. Now Hu Yi's painting is back. Although he has suffered some mental damage, he has not suffered much physical harm. Let the people in the town government breath out.

Now that Hu Ruixuan is returning to his home, the town government is even more joyful. The old lady of the town Guogong brought the family together for a meal at night.

"This child looks a lot stronger, so the man should go outside to meet the world. What climate can it be if he stays in the house all day long?" The grandfather of the old country returned from the cultivated Zhuangzi, and he looked spirited. That's right, but the upper and lower levels of the Hu government concealed the hijacking of his Hu Yi painting, and only said that Hu Ruixuan followed Su Yuzhang to experience.

"What grandfather said is that grandchildren also feel that they should go out for a walk."

As soon as Zhang Shi, who was sitting next to him, lifted up his heart, the person came back with injuries of all sizes, not long after she left. If she went again, she could not bear it!

"Well, let's all sit down and eat." The old lady of Zhen Guogong spoke.

It was just that her gaze swept from Hu Yihua, and she sighed helplessly.

I don't know what happened to Yingxue ...

Gui Yan saw that the old lady was not very emotional, and gave her a bowl of soup. "Old lady, this is the white pigeon lotus soup specially stewed for you, you taste it."

"Well." The old lady didn't want to sweep the crowd, so she drank two soups and ate a few mouthfuls of food. She was tired.

"You guys are so young. I'm old and I can't stand it, so I go back and rest."

Seeing this, Mrs. Ma of the town's father-in-law rushed to chopsticks to help the old lady. "Mother, I'll send you back."

The old lady waved. "No need, just sit."

Talking, the old lady left Gui Yan's hand.

Hu Ruixuan looked at the back of the old lady's departure, thought about it, or dropped the glass and chased after him.


The old lady walked in a footstep, turning a little confused. "Why did you come here, I said, don't send me, just go back."

Hu Ruixuan approached the old lady and held her hands from Gui Yan's. "Let me take grandmother back."

The old lady saw that he insisted, but did not refuse anymore, and patted his hand to continue walking.

"Grandmother, Yingxue's cousin has returned to Beijing."

As soon as he entered the courtyard, Hu Ruixuan began.

"What?" The old lady froze.

After Hu Yihua returned, he kept silent about the incident of meeting Jiang Yingxue, as if that had never happened.

"You said that child is now in Jingjing?"


"My grandmother didn't know. Yingxue's cousin was very poor. Her stepmother married her to an insignificant magistrate in Huizhou City. She was still a widower in her thirties. She already had several children. There were some accidents on the way my cousin got married, which made this matter yellow, and now my cousin is back in Jingjing. "

Hu Ruixuan paused. "Grandma, my aunt left early. If I knew my cousin was treated this way, I'm afraid ..."

The old lady heard that her face was pale and her steps shook a little.

"This Zhou family, it's a sinister mind!"

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