Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

"Mother, how can Dad let Jiang Yingxue stay in the house? What should I do!" Jiang Yuchun arrived at the Xin Guiyuan of the Zhou family early in the morning and complained.

With Jiang Yingxue's bad reputation, don't want to marry a good person in the future!

The Zhou family was also very dissatisfied with Jiang Yingxue's return to Jiangfu, but Jiang Yuncheng had acquiesced in what she could say.

"Well, you and her are not mothers and sisters. She can't delay you."

"But I just don't want to see her!" Jiang Yuchun said that he didn't want to see Jiang Yingxue. Before, she knew she was married to someone like that. She didn't know how happy she was. Still rescued by King Zhan! Isn't this shameless man thinking that he can become the princess of Zhan? ?

"Ma'am, the third lady from the town's government office sent me a post, saying that she wanted to see the young lady."

Zhou Shi heard his frown frown, and the people of the town government came here at this time, afraid that he had already heard the news of Jiang Yingxue coming back. "Invite people to Donghui Hall."


Zhou Shi looked at Jiang Yuchun and let out his voice softly. "I've found you a tutor. She will come here today. You should go back and prepare for it. Don't play with your temper."


Zhou Shi gave her a sideways look, and Jiang Yuchun didn't dare to leave with any resentment.

Zhou ’s request for Jiang Yuchun has always been very clear, that is, she hopes that she will be a dignified and generous lady, and make her own name in Jingjing. She just wants all of them to see. The daughter she teaches wants How much better than that short-lived ghost!

As soon as Zhang's forefoot left Jiangfu, Jiang Yingxue returned with his first and fifth days.

"The young lady is back. Today, the third lady of the town government just came over. The lady said that the third lady brought something to the young lady and asked the young lady to pick it up at Xingui."

What did Zhang come to Jiangfu?

Jiang Yingxue arrived at Xinguiyuan and Zhou's account management.

"Mrs. Miss is here."

"Have Miss please come in."


Jiang Yingxue walked into the room, too lazy to do even superficial work. Anyway, she would leave if she got three artifacts. Who knows who your Zhou and Li are.

"Mrs. Jiang has something to do with me?"

Jiang Yingxue's attitude stiffened the smile on Zhou's face. "Miss, how can I be your mother, you are too rude!"

Jiang Yingxue smiled indifferently. "Mrs. Jiang still has something to say straight away."

Zhou took a deep breath, and that's okay. Posthumous rudeness makes her Chuner knowledgeable!

"Your mother-in-law just gave you something. Just take it back."

The two maids took a sip of the box and Jiang Yingxue walked over and opened it to see. Inside were some clothes and materials that Xing Jing was fashionable now.

"It's okay, then Mrs. Jiang will leave."

"and many more."

Jiang Yingxue walked slightly, without turning back.

"Mrs. Three said, there are some things, how to do it, you better not forget, lest you bring the reputation of the town government and Jiangfu."

Jiang Yingxue raised her eyebrows slightly, and sneered at the corners of her lips. Was this a reminder not to shake her up with Hu Yihua?

The sealing fees were all taken, and she still had to explain morality.

"I'm a little curious. What advantage did my father gain from her daughter's reputation?"

Zhou's eyelids were heavy.

"Oh ... it seems that the benefit is not small, take things and leave."

It wasn't until Jiang Yingxue's figure disappeared in Xinguiyuan that Zhou closed his books!

Chang Yun brought a cup of hot tea and stepped forward. "Mrs. Mo is not angry with such an indecent person, it is not worth it."

Zhou sneered. "Just a‘ waste person ’Mrs. Ben will put her in her eyes !?”

"Miss is back." Caiyue and Caihe greeted.

"Well, I'm hungry. It's almost time to eat."

"Yu Xun has brought back the young lady's dinner. Now she is warming in the small stove, and she will take it to the young lady."

Jiang Yingxue leaned on a chair and leaned Erlang's legs. It was very comfortable to have someone to serve without hands.

After Caiyue brought the food, Jiang Yingxue didn't need them to serve, they let them go to eat.

Three days later, Emperor Shangzong invited the civil and military officials to clean the air for Su Yuzhang, and to celebrate the victory of the Rong tribe in Daxia in the first time.

These three days can be said to be a lively city, and the people are immersed in the joy of victory.

The banquet was held at noon, so Baiguan would get up early in the morning to enter the palace.

However, Jiang Yingxue sat in Ruxueyuan and waited for the girl who could not give her a message, so she asked Caiyue to ask what the situation was.

"This rouge skirt is good, so wear it." Jiang Yingxue picked a narrow-sleeved skirt, not because it looks good, but because it doesn't hinder her action too much.

"Miss, is this skirt too plain?" Although the color of the skirt is good, the pattern on it is very singular.

"I think it's good. Being a man, the most important thing is to keep a low profile."

Cai He couldn't help but see if she persisted. She could only help her change her clothes.

When she was dressed up, she went to Caiyue and returned, but this girl didn't look so pretty.

"What's wrong?"

Cai Yue carefully looked at Jiang Yingxue with an annoyed glance: "Mrs. said that the young lady was unwell in the past two days, so she didn't have to go to the palace feast, and it was serious to heal her illness in the house."

Let her be honest and stay in the house to cure her illness, just don't plan to let her go to the palace feast!

Just kidding, such a good chance, Jiang Yingxue can let off her ghost!

"She's sick, she's sick of the entire family tree!"

Jiang Yingxue took care of her skirt and stood up. "Go, see Palace feast."

Jiang Yuncheng brought Zhou and Jiang Yuchun and Zhilan several people outside the gate of the house. He was about to get on the train and saw Jiang Yingxue leading out.

Jiang Yuncheng frowned, and Zhou's face sank.

"What are you doing out of here?" Jiang Yingyun left Jiang Yingxue at the house, which does not mean he was willing to take her out and let her shame herself!

Yes, it ’s really not the girls ’hijacking that they were kidnapped, but after Su Yu sent the hijacked ladies back to the provinces, there was no other decent family coming home to propose marriage. This is for everyone ’s heart. clear.

"Father, the emperor hosted a feast for King Zhan. How can I miss it on such a lively occasion."

"The young lady is feeling the cold, it is better to take a good rest in the house." Zhou Shi didn't want to damage her because of Jiang Yingxue.

"I'm very good. If there are only two carriages, then I will be wronged and have a sister." Jiang Yingxue did not give them the opportunity to refuse again, went directly to the carriage and lifted the curtain behind him.

"You!" Jiang Yuncheng was furious, but now he was outside, and he couldn't go too far.

"Dad, how can you let the elder sister go, she, she ..." Jiang Yuchun was glad that Jiang Yingxue could not come. Who knew that she would appear the next moment, and she had never seen such a shameless person!

"Why not get in the car yet, but don't go late." Jiang Yingxue laughed as he watched nothing moving outside.

Jiang Yuchun was almost furious.

"Chuner, don't make a fool of yourself."

"Well, let her go if she wants to go!" Jiang Yuncheng gave Jiang Yingxue a fierce glance. They would have been a little late when they came out. If they had been late, the crime would have been too great.

Jiang Yuncheng spoke, and even Jiang Yuchun couldn't have any more dissatisfaction, but thinking that she would sit in a carriage with Jiang Yingxue, she felt that she was going to explode!


Jiang Yingxue bit the fruit and looked at Jiang Yuchun who was glaring at himself since he got on the bus. "I advise you not to stare anymore, you see, the fine lines on that forehead can almost kill the flies."

"You! Jiang Yingxue, you are so shameless. If I were to hang you already, you still have a face to meet people!"

Jiang Yuchun is not vicious.

Jiang Yingxue reached out and squeezed Jiang Yuchun's mouth, and stuffed the uneaten fruit into her mouth. "Hey, hey, what do you do with Yingjiang Xujiang!"

Jiang Yingxue looked around her with both hands around her chest. "Jiang Yuchun, I think you are fine. The scars have forgotten the pain. I, Jiang Yingxue is not afraid of death. You said that there is nothing terrible in this world, please close your mouth, otherwise I won't mind You throw it out of the car. "

Jiang Yuchun looked at Jiang Yingxue's cold look, and immediately thought of what she had done to herself before, she believed that this lunatic would do it!

The palace feast held by Emperor Shang Zong, all officials with more than five grades are invited.

When Jiang Yingxue arrived outside the palace gate, many carriages had been parked, and many people had already arrived.

After Jiang Yuncheng got out of the carriage, Jiang Yuchun and Jiang Zhilan quickly walked to Zhou's side, and opened a distance from Jiang Yingxue, as if they were close to her, they would be unlucky.

Jiang Yingxue didn't care, as long as she could enter the palace, her purpose was achieved.

The palace of the Daxia Kingdom is very large. Taking advantage of an invisible solemnity and solemnity, the towering city gate gives a heavy sense of oppression, letting people walk into the gate and subconsciously lighten their voice.

The girl-in-law and the attendant can only wait somewhere, they cannot appear on the banquet, so they separated from Jiang Yingxue soon on the first day.

The banquet was held in the largest palace in the imperial palace. That palace occupied one-tenth of the entire palace, and the size of the palace can be imagined.

The eunuchs of the palace led the guests to the gate of the palace. As soon as they were close to Jiang Yingxue, they smelled a faint floral scent. Just after entering the gate of the palace was a large piece of exotic grass, and even towering trees. I didn't know I thought I walked into the botanical garden.

Hidden behind the vegetation, a magnificent palace, even the door of the palace is gold-plated, extremely luxurious.

"Luxury, it's too luxurious!"

"Who do I think it is? Isn't this Jiang Yingxue? I didn't expect you to dare to enter the palace, but I really learned that."

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