Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

It seemed that Jiang Yingxue's emotions could be felt, and Su Yuxi slowly looked at her in the direction when she sat down.

Eyes suddenly met, Jiang Yingxue quickly changed his look, sitting there with a dignified look.

The palace banquet began, and the silk and bamboo music sang loudly, and the dancers came.

Jiang Yingxue had no interest in these songs and dances, and Emperor Shang Zong had no intention of leaving the seat at all, she had no chance to approach.

"The emperor, a song prepared by the daughter, wants to personally dedicate it to King Zhan and to the soldiers who protected the territory of Xia."

As soon as the dancers danced, Xuanping Hou stood up.

As soon as the people present heard this, they knew that it was beginning to make the young ladies who had not appeared in the courtroom show their faces.

"I heard that Miss Yi's skill is excellent before."

The named Yi Yaxin was excited, nervous, and wanted to walk to the center of the hall without looking humble.

"The queen maiden praised it so much. There are so many talented girls in Beijing. The courtiers are not good, but they are ugly before the queen maiden and the emperor."

The routines are all routines. The Guzheng family has long been ready to directly lift the maid.

Yi Yaxin sat in front of her with a shameful glance in the direction of Su Yuzhang, but unfortunately, Su Yuzhang was not looking at her, and she lost her lips and lost her lips.

"Uh-huh, uh-huh"

Yi Yaxin's fingertips quickly moved on the strings, each time being calm and powerful, but the piano-like sound of mountains and rivers rang throughout the hall.

Jiang Yingxue is a person with incomplete sounds and knows nothing about any musical instrument. The only thing I know is the piano. Well, I can play such a tune, which I still learned from Su Muge.

Although she didn't understand it, Yi Yaxin had to say that she was talking really well. Seeing her skills showed her proficiency, she didn't practice it at home.

The tunes played by Yi Yaxin are different from the gentle and long in the past, but rather powerful and exciting. For a time, the emotions of the people in the temple were stimulated.

For a long time, everyone couldn't return to God for a long time.

"it is good."

Leyin was still ringing on the roof beams, and Emperor Shang Zong had already reflected over and clapped his hands.

"Yes, it plays well."

The queen also smiled and praised Yi Yaxin and gave a reward.

Yi Yaxin was naturally glad to be praised, and she stood up slightly blessed. "Thank you, Empress. The queen and mother praised me, and my maids and daughters are ugly."

Before Yi Yaxin returned to her position, she glanced at Su Yuyi again. This one happened to be Su Yuyi. She jumped up in a heart and almost forgot to react.

"Sister, come back soon."

Looking at Yi Yaxin, Yi Ziyuan started to send idiots, and whispered to remind him.

Yi Yaxin looked back, and she couldn't hide the smug smile on her face. She turned her gaze and glanced in the direction where Jiang Yingxue was, her lips lingering unwillingly.

"I heard that Miss Jiang's skill is very good before, do you know if you want to play a song for the emperor and the queen mother?"

This elbow is too lazy to stew.

Jiang Yingxue stared at a saucer of pig elbows on the table with dissatisfaction, completely ignoring Yi Yaxin's voice.

When she was about to reach out to the chicken next to her chopsticks, she felt the surrounding atmosphere was not right.

She slowly raised her head and made a short communication with her eyes.

Afterwards, she put down her chopsticks silently, and even the emperor and queen sitting on top looked at her.


Did she miss something?

"It seems that Miss Jiang is unwilling." Yi Yaxin laughed at Jiang Yingxue's reaction.

Unwilling ...

Routine, Jiang Yingxue took care of the clothes on Li's body, stood up and walked to the hall under everyone's attention.

"Queen, queen queen, it's boring to play the piano."

Emperor Shang Zong was not angry when he heard this, after all, he just praised Yi Yaxin.

"Then what do you say is interesting?"

"It's better for the court lady to play tricks on the emperor and queen."

"Juggling tricks?" Emperor Shang Zong had two points of interest. It was the first time that a young lady had changed her tricks. "How do you change this trick?"

"The court lady only needs four things, three bowls, a table, three beads the size of eyeballs, and a drop of snow at the fingertips of the emperor." Jiang Yingxue really wanted to thank Yi Yaxin, She really thought it was a solution!

"Presumptuous!" The granddaughter Wen Haihai screamed angrily, it was so bold that he dare to openly demand the blood of the emperor.

"The emperor, just **** with a needle, and a drop of blood, otherwise this trick cannot be changed."

"Is Jiang Yingxue crazy? He even wanted to pierce the emperor with a needle."

"That is, I think she has a problem in her head and see what this is all about. If I had closed her house for a long time, it would be ashamed to see her."

"Not so."

Jiang Yuncheng listened to the voices of those who were next to him. He really hated going up to throw Jiang Yingxue down and throw it out of the palace!

This daughter was born to be him!

"Hey, it's just a drop of blood, I'll give you." Emperor Shang Zong's temper was surprisingly good.

"The emperor ..." The queen frowned, disapproving.

I do not know when to enter the palace and sit on the head of Su Yuji, Bai Liji shook his glass and smiled towards Su Yuji: "King Zhan, according to the temple, your move to retire was too wise."

Su Yuyi glanced at him lightly, and his black eyes did not move away from Jiang Yingxue.

What does this woman want to do.

If you did n’t know it before, now Su Yukun knows clearly that Jiang Yingxue must be doing this to achieve his own purpose.

"Wen Haihai, get up with the silver needle." After finishing, Emperor Shang Zong looked at Jiang Yingxue. "You said, how would you use this drop of blood?"

As soon as Jiang Yingxue saw that things were done, it took a lot of effort to suppress the lips that he wanted to raise. "Actresses actually only need the power of true dragon blood, so that the trick can be carried out smoothly, so the courtess hopes that the emperor's blood will drop in the palm of the courtess."

"it is good."

Emperor Shang Zong became more and more curious about Jiang Yingxue's trick, and eagerly wanted to see what tricks she could play.

Wen Dahai took the silver needle up.

Emperor Shang Zong took it, pierced his finger directly, and squeezed a drop of blood to the palm of Jiang Yingxue without frowning.

Jiang Yingxue looked at the drop of red blood on his palm, it was an excitement!

Low-key, low-key, must be low-key, can not let anyone know how excited she is.

After the blood dripped on his palm, Jiang Yingxue retracted his hand.

The palace person had already carried up what she wanted.

Jiang Yingxue pulled the table closer to Emperor Shangzong. "This will make the emperor and queen look more real."

Three night pearls, about half the size of her eyes.

"The emperor and the queen are all optimistic. These are three beads. I will put these three beads into these three bowls." Jiang Yingxue circled around the table, so that everyone who was close can understand See.

"Emperor, now there are beads in all three bowls, right?"

Emperor Shangzong nodded. "Yes, every bowl is."

"Next, all I have to do is get the beads from the other two bowls into this first bowl."

Jiang Yingxue quickly opened the two bowls at the back for Emperor Shang Zong to watch. "Look at the emperor, the beads in these two bowls are definitely there."

Emperor Shang Zong looked intently.

"Well, that's right."

"Now, the princes let the beads in these two bowls pass." "Bang", Jiang Yingxue covered the bowl and then opened it again, the beads inside were still there. "Let's go!" The beads inside were gone when she opened the last bowl again.

After that, she pressed her **** palm on the first bowl. "Come here!" Open the first bowl again, there are already two beads in it.

Emperor Shang Zong's eyes widened in amazement and looked at the two beads in astonishment. He had just been staring at the three bowls. He saw that there was only one bead in the bowl!

"You, you change the puppet again."

Jiang Yingxue smiled. "No problem, but you need to see clearly this time."

Jiang Yingxue put the beads back into the third bowl and gave it to Emperor Shang Zong again according to the process just now.

Even the queen sitting next to me was surprised now. What a ghost trick is this? Why do n’t you just watch what you say without it?

The angle at which Su Yuzhang and Bai Lizhang happened to be able to see Jiang Yingxue's movements.

The eyes of people with deep internal forces are always different from ordinary people. Although Jiang Yingxue's movement is indeed fast, they can still clearly see it.

Su Yuxi squinted slightly, how many things did this woman hide in her head!

"Here, how did this pearl thing pass ?!" Emperor Shang Zong was almost curious and died, walking from the dragon chair to Jiang Yingxue.

"Hey look here, you change, just change the beads in the first bowl to the last bowl."

"Okay, wherever the emperor wants to be, it's wherever he wants to be!"

Jiang Yingxue didn't play too much when he was a kid. He just relied on this craft. At that time, I didn't know how many people had cheated.

"The emperor is going to change the beads in the first bowl to the last bowl, watch and walk!"

Emperor Shang Zong only had Jiang Yingxue's white fingers quickly flipping between several bowls. In a blink of an eye, the bead arrived in his designated bowl. No matter which bowl Jiang Yingxue designated, he could get the beads over.

"Here, what the **** ..."

"Emperor, do you see clearly? Next, the courtiers will make you more powerful."

Jiang Yingxue returned each of the three beads, and finally closed them all under the watchful eye of Emperor Shang Zong.

"Emperor, look, are the beads in this bowl still alive, still awkward, and gone, and seeing what's missing in this bowl, and finally the bowl? It's gone!"

"Papapa" Jiang Yingxue knocked on his knuckles at the bottom of the bowl, and smiled at Emperor Shangzong.

Suddenly, she reached out and opened the three bowls at the same time!

Three colorful butterflies fluttered from the inside with wings flapping ...

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