鐪嬫潵鍒氭墠鎴戜笅 嬭缮涓嶅镫犲挴锛佲 嬭缮涓嶅镫犲挴锛佲 濈湅镌 濈湅镌 鍐嶆鍑 鍐嶆鍑 鍐嶆鍑 鍐嶆鍑 Ling Ling Ling 锛屽 锛屽 灏旇 灏旇 灏旇 殑鑴镐笂 殑鑴镐笂 殑鑴镐笂 殑鑴镐笂竴涓濇侪璇э纴鎺ョ潃灏卞彉鎴愪 涓嶅睉锛屸 滆浣犵埇璧 滆浣犵埇璧 滆浣犵埇璧 潵澶 潵澶 潵澶 皯娆 纴缁撴灉閮 纴缁撴灉閮 纴缁撴灉閮 纴缁撴灉閮 纴缁撴灉閮 纴缁撴灉閮 纴缁撴灉閮 镙 镙 镙

鈥渉ehe 锛屾槸涔堬纻闾h涓岖劧鎴戜滑璇曡瘯锛佲€rolling Ling 鐢ㄦ 鑳屽皢镊 鑳屽皢镊 鍢 鍢 鍢 鍢 鍢 鍢幓锛岀溂涓棯锷ㄧ潃涓€绉嶅寮傜殑rays of light 锛屸€滀綘璇 滀綘璇 瑕佸皢鎴戞 瑕佸皢鎴戞 掓兂鐪 掓兂鐪 掓兂鐪嬬湅锛屾渶钖庡彉寰楀崈鐤栌瀛旗殑锛屼细鏄皝锛佲€

鈥滆嚟涓ご锛屾垜 濊 濊 锛屼綘浼氭镄勫緢闅 锛屼綘浼氭镄勫緢闅 濈湅鍒癓 濈湅鍒癓 Ling Ling Ling 鍦 鍦 鍦 ▉鑳佺潃镊 ▉鑳佺潃镊 ▉鑳佺潃镊灏旇 灏旇 濞滃厛鏄竴阒 濞滃厛鏄竴阒 濞滃厛鏄竴阒 鐒讹纴鎺ョ潃鑴镐笂 鐒讹纴鎺ョ潃鑴镐笂 鐒讹纴鎺ョ潃鑴镐笂 鐒讹纴鎺ョ潃鑴镐笂 鐒讹纴鎺ョ潃鑴镐笂 鐒讹纴鎺ョ潃鑴镐笂 嚭浜嗕竴鎶 嚭浜嗕竴鎶 嚭浜嗕竴鎶 澹 澹 澹纴濂 殑鎸囩敳绔熺劧鍐嶆鏆撮昵锛屽彉寰楄 殑鎸囩敳绔熺劧鍐嶆鏆撮昵锛屽彉寰楄 frozen 瓒 湁涓 hree chi long 锛屾 鎸 鎸 垶锷ㄤ箣闂 垶锷ㄤ箣闂 垶锷ㄤ箣闂 垶锷ㄤ箣闂 垶锷ㄤ箣闂 纴绌 纴绌 纴绌 腑灏卞彂鍑樀 樀 樀 暩涔嫔 暩涔嫔 锛岄偅 锛岄偅 锛岄偅 锛岄偅 锛岄偅 € € € € € €

鈥渄墨ng l ngng l ngng 锛侀搩 threshold 冿紒鈥濊 umbrella 璇 纾镄勫満鏅 纾镄勫満鏅 Ling Ling 鐪嫔湪鐪 腑锛屽ス鍗 腑锛屽ス鍗 病 病 病 変竴涓濈殑鎱屼Gongga 锛岃劯涓婄獊鐒剁 鏀 鏀 嚭浜嗕竴涓︼糠浜 嚭浜嗕竴涓︼糠浜 嚭浜嗕竴涓︼糠浜 嚭浜嗕竴涓︼糠浜 嚭浜嗕竴涓︼糠浜 竻鑴嗘偊 阒 阒 阒 竻鑴嗘偊 竻鑴嗘偊殑澹伴煶锛屼笉鐭ラ煶锛屼笉鐭ラ浠涔堟椂涔堟椂涔堟椂欙纴鍦ㄥ弻瀛愬墤镄勫墤镆勬欙纴鍦ㄥ弻瀛愬墤镄勫墤镆勬绔纴鍑绔纴鍑幇浜嗕袱涓︷昵闀幇浜嗕袱涓︷昵闀幇浜嗕袱涓︷昵闀€屽墤绌楃殑灏鹃儴锛岀紑镌€鍑犱釜 threshold 冮摏锛岃 umbrella 娓呰剢镄勫搷澹 纴灏 纴灏 槸浠庤 槸浠庤 槸浠庤 槸浠庤 槸浠庤 冮摏涓婂彂鍑 冮摏涓婂彂鍑 冮摏涓婂彂鍑

鈥滃弻瀛愪箣鑸烇纴鍒濊垶锏斤紒鈥 rolling ing Ling lazy 杞诲湴钖愬嚭浜嗗嚑涓瓧銆

鈥滃弻瀛愪箣鑸烇纻haha 浜庝 浜庝 鍑 潵浜嗗晩锛丩 i Tian 闾ld man 鍎 笉鏄鐏 笉鏄鐏 笉鏄鐏 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 宸 宸 宸 宸 镄勬湁浜 镄勬湁浜涢€嗗ぉ涔堬纻鎴戝€掓兂鐪嬬湅鏄€庝箞涓己娉曞晩锛佲€濈湅鍒癓ing Ling Chain Reading Figure 渚 € 鍒 鍒 镞侊纴 镞侊纴 镞侊纴 镞侊纴 镞侊纴 sp long spear 阆 ointed finger towards 鍦 纴涓哄ス鎺犻樀銆

鍙屽瓙涔嬭垶锛屾浘缁忚Li Tian 璇勯€嗗ぉ涔嬭垶锛屾槸Ling Ling 鍦⊿higu 镄勫紩瀵间箣涓嬶纴镊︼棰嗘偀镄勬妧宸э纴Mickey 鍙槸钖鍗翠粠鏉ユ病夎鍒癓 ing Ling 浣垮嚭鏉ヨ 鍙槸闅愰殣浠嶭 鍙槸闅愰殣浠嶭 i Tian 镄勫彛涓缑鐭ワ纴濡傛灉Ling Ling 闱犵潃杩椤弻瀛愪箣鑸烇纴宸茬粡鍩 湰涓婅兘澶熷拰浜氱鎶楄锛岃 佺嫯瀛愰兘鍦ㄥス镄勬 佺嫯瀛愰兘鍦ㄥス镄勬 佺嫯瀛愰兘鍦ㄥス镄勬 佺嫯瀛愰兘鍦ㄥス镄勬 涓悆浜嗕 涓悆浜嗕澶т簭銆

Ling Ling 镄勫皬鑴 湴闱笂杞 湴闱笂杞 湴闱笂杞 鍦 鍦 鍦 笍璧 笍璧 笍璧 镄勯搩 镄勯搩 镄勯搩 镄勯搩 镄勯搩 镄勯搩 镄勯搩€Ling Ling 镄勮垶锷ㄥ彂鍑 娓呰剢 娓呰剢 娓呰剢 冨 銆 銆 銆 銆 腑锛孡 腑锛孡 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶绔熺劧寮€濮嬫媺闀挎媺澶э纴Ling Ling 鍙槸 濆墠韪忓嚭浜嗗崄鏁 濆墠韪忓嚭浜嗗崄鏁 锛屾暣涓︼ 锛屾暣涓︼ 锛屾暣涓︼ 绉嶅濡欑殑鑸炶箞 绉嶅濡欑殑鑸炶箞Figure 渚垮熀 chain 笂闀挎垚浜嗘垚浜 埇澶 埇澶 皬銆 皬銆 师 师 屽彉鎴愪 屽彉鎴愪 屽彉鎴愪 屽彉鎴愪 屽彉鎴愪 屽彉鎴愪. 瑁欑殑涓婂 閮ㄥ垎姝ゆ椂镙 閮ㄥ垎姝ゆ椂镙 湰阆帺涓崭綇 湰阆帺涓崭綇 Ling Ling 闾 g伀杈g 殑韬潗锛岄偅娴戝浑镄勮兏閮ㄥ皢鑳 彛镄勮. 链嶆拺镄勫嚑娆茶寮€锛屾樉寰楄浜鸿呖鏋 and €

鈥滆€佸濠呜嚜鍗戜简锛熲€濈湅镌€宸村 invalid effect screening xpression 锛孡ing Ling 镄勮劯涓婃 鐜 鐜 嚭浜嗕竴涓瀬搴瓍鎯戠殑绗戝锛屽悓镞舵暣涓︼韩浣撴弶涓婏纴鍙屾落鍒掑嚭涓鍒掑嚭涓阆撴瀬鍏剁巹濂ョ殑杞ㄨ阆撴瀬鍏剁巹濂ョ殑杞ㄨ锛岄偅azure 镄剅ays of light锛岀珶鐒舵硾璧蜂涓涓灞倃H灞倃 light 阆撹建杩杩湪鍗婄┖涔嬩腑浜ゆ眹鍦ㄤ湪鍗婄┖涔嬩腑浜ゆ眹鍦ㄤ涓璧璧璧娲佺殑 chain

鍙屽瓙涔嬭垶鐢ㄥ弻瀛愬墤闾e纾镄勬€ц川灏哃ing Ling within the body 镄勫姏阅忓畲鍏ㄧ殑婵鍙戝嚭鏉ワ纴鑳鍙戝嚭鏉ワ纴鑳鍙戝嚭鏉ワ纴鑳峰缑杩滆秴骞 镄勫姏 镄勫姏 镄勫姏 忋 傝 傝 傝 傝 屽垵鑸炴湀锏 屽垵鑸炴湀锏 涓︼垶姝ワ纴鍒╃敤鍙屽瓙鍓戣兘澶熻 涓︼垶姝ワ纴鍒╃敤鍙屽瓙鍓戣兘澶熻 涓︼垶姝ワ纴鍒╃敤鍙屽瓙鍓戣兘澶熻嚜琛岄 鏀 鏀 鏀 厜绾 殑镐 殑镐 殑镐 殑镐 殑镐 殑镐 殑镐 殑镐 殑镐 殑镐箣鍐呯殑 € € € € € 銆 銆 銆 銆 銆 銆 銆 銆

闅忚垶姝ュ湴灞曞紑銆侺ing Ling 嬩腑鍦 嬩腑鍦 弻瀛愬墤涓嶅仠鍦癿 ovated towards 宸村皵钂效鍒掑幓銆侺 ing Ling 杩欎竴娆°C妸鏀诲鍦 鍦 鍦 锷ㄦ潈鎺屾 鍦ㄤ 镊 镊 镊 镊 ure ure ure ure ure ure ure ure ure ure ure ure ure ure ure ure ure ure ure ure ure ure Sign acne 涓€鍓戝湴鍒哄嚭銆傞兘鏄痬oved towards 宸村皵钂效鍦 劯搴炶€屽幓銆

灏旇拿濞滃湴鑴镐笂涓€镒c€侺ing Ling 鍦 涓 涓 姝ヨ笍鍑 姝ヨ笍鍑 姝ヨ笍鍑 € € € € € € 效 效 效 Ling Ling Ling嬭哕鍦 嬭哕鍦 涓 涓 娆¤垶锷ㄣ 娆¤垶锷ㄣ 娆¤垶锷ㄣ 娆¤垶锷ㄣ 傝 傝 傝 傝 韬湴姣忎竴娆 壄杞 壄杞 傞兘钖 傞兘钖 傞兘钖 傞兘钖 浜哄湴蹇 浜哄湴蹇 浜哄湴蹇 浜哄湴蹇 浜哄湴蹇 浜哄湴蹇 浜哄湴蹇 浜哄湴蹇鏄 灏旇 灏旇 濞滀竴鐢熶腑 濞滀竴鐢熶腑 濞滀竴鐢熶腑 佽 佽 佽 佽 佽 渶缇庡湴鑸炴銆 渶缇庡湴鑸炴銆 渶缇庡湴鑸炴銆 渶缇庡湴鑸炴銆 渶缇庡湴鑸炴銆 效 效 效 效 效 效 效 效 效 效 效韬篃鏄コ浜恒傜湅鍑 傜湅鍑 杩欑 杩欑 杩欑 杩欑 涓 腑鍦発 腑鍦発 inging intent 銆 緢蹇 緢蹇 緢蹇 娓呴啋浜呜 鏉ャ 鏉ャ 鏉ャ 鏉ャ 鏉ャ 鏉ャ 鏉ャ 鏉ャ ス鍦Invalid effect plug-in ing Ling gallium plate

鈥滃ソ鎭愭 栧湴 栧湴 栧湴 呮儜锷涳紒鈥濆 呮儜锷涳紒鈥濆 濞渟 濞渟 濞渟 濞渟 濞渟 濞渟 濞渟 濞渟 濞渟 濞渟 濞渟 濞渟 濞渟 娴戣 娴戣 娴戣 娴戣 娴戣 娴戣 鏁 鏁 鏁 鏁 鏁鎯戞皵鎭粰杩 儜浣忎 儜浣忎 銆 銆 涓︻ 涓︻ 涓︻ 涓︻ 涓︻ 傛亹镐曡 傛亹镐曡 傛亹镐曡 傛亹镐曡 傛亹镐曡 傛亹镐曡 娆 娆 娆 阒 阒 阒 阒 阒 阒 阒 阒Simple

宸村皵钂效韬 紑浜嗕箣钖庛€侺ing Ling 鍗 笣姣 笣姣 夊湪镒忋 彧鏄 彧鏄 彧鏄 彧鏄 彧鏄 绗戙 绗戙 绗戙 绗戙 绗戙 ス ス ス 潵鍦 潵鍦 潵鍦洰鍦 涓嶆槸瑕佹潃姝诲 涓嶆槸瑕佹潃姝诲 涓嶆槸瑕佹潃姝诲 涓嶆槸瑕佹潃姝诲 灏旇 濞溿 ス鍙槸涓 ス鍙槸涓 ス鍙槸涓 ス鍙槸涓 ス鍙槸涓 ス鍙槸涓 ス鍙槸涓 ス鍙槸涓 ス鍙槸涓 冧竴涓眬 冧竴涓眬 冧竴涓眬 冧竴涓眬 冧竴涓眬 冧竴涓眬 冧竴涓眬 冧竴涓眬皵钂效鍦板厑璇恒€

“Second dance kill!” Seeing Baltina moving toward back. Ling Ling’s face showed a strange smile. The same charm. The same is beautiful. But let Baltina’s heart not jump in the heart.

Ling Ling’s voice has become very

At the same time, the dance steps under her feet changed, and suddenly became fierce, and a trace of killing.

“Chī! ” a path of gray thin lines appearing in the space, densely packed with the entire space, a line of silk attached to Baltina, making her look like a puppet .

“This, what’s the matter?” The other end of the gray line was connected to the twin sword in Ling Ling’s hand. Baltina found that she couldn’t move now, and her face unconsciously revealed a sigh.

“Hey said, you want to make you a real riddled hole?” Ling Ling looked at the basic movement of Baltina, a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, the right hand suddenly stroked, the azure’s twins in the hand toward Baltina The face is drawn, and Baltina can only watch, but there is no trace of resistance…

“Why don’t you kill me?” A blood flower bloomed on Baltina’s face. At this time, Baltina could only tremble slightly, and she had a big movement. After the blood sprinkled, a wound appeared on Baltina’s face. I wanted to make others riddled with holes. I didn’t expect that the final ruin was actually myself. Baltina accepted this ending.

“Hey, isn’t it cheaper to kill you like this? And, I won’t delay for too long!” Ling Ling sandwiched his twins between his fingers and then licked his own hair. After the twin dance, Ling Ling’s body has become adult-sized, not only the original long dress that can’t hide her bumpy body, and that there is no effort in it. The style, on the contrary, makes Ling Ling at this time look like a deadly beauty. .

Ling Ling’s strength has always been very strong, which is also related to her more aggressive, the battle innate talent was completely developed. And influenced by Ling Feng, her skills are much stronger than the average person. Therefore, she was able to complete the understanding of the twin dance under the guidance of Shigu. It’s just that Ling Ling doesn’t even know why he started to play Gemini’s dance. It seems to be another self, a mature and charming self, not just the body, but also the soul.

“It seems that Michelle’s sister is also very annoyed. Oh, it’s cheaper for you, let it all end!” Ling Ling turned to look at Michelle, who was struggling under the attack of the two Fire Phoenixs. There was a touch of cold on his face, then he looked at Baltina and gently put his hand on Baltina’s face.

“To tell the truth, you really… ugly!” Ling Ling voiced one and then turned around. The gray lines that had been involved in the twins suddenly rushed, and the thin lines that had been involved in Baltina. Stretched into her skin, and then cut the body of Baltina like a sharp blade.

“tsk tsk, I didn’t expect Ling Ling to be really bloody, but I like it! jié jié!” Looking at Baltina’s body and making a piece of minced meat less than an inch, Mickey gently licked it. Lick your own lips and look at Ling Ling, who is swaying in the direction of his waist and moving toward Michelle, and laughed at the evil.

“There are some spirits to help Michelle, then I will go to see Ling Feng, one-on-two, I want to see how much he can do!” Mickey saw Ling Ling moved towards Michelle over there. His body flashed, and a dark red trajectory was crossed in the air. The direction of moved toward Ling Feng fell, and poor Robert seemed to be completely forgotten by the two.

“It’s a group of guys who don’t talk loyalty at all!” Seeing that Ling Ling and Mickey didn’t think about helping themselves, Robert couldn’t help but burst into tears. “I’m easy for me? Just wasting a dead end.” So much strength, now I have to deal with one person alone… rely on, and kick? Do you know that this is the root of life? Although I am not close to female, but if I meet in the future, it will not make me feel excited, is it not? You have been scrapped! By, you still kick? Then I will let you kick!”

Seeing the other side’s legs that are constantly kicking toward him, Robert’s abandoned grievances broke out at this moment, and the book of the elements in his hand instantly turned into a sledgehammer, moving towards the face in front of him. The color of the wooden head of the big man slammed down.

The “Bang!” element of the book’s sledgehammer and the right-handed man’s right leg slammed together, and Robert, who was condescending, took advantage of the cheaper, and the big man flew out.

“Damn it, do you know why I am called a crazy magician?” Robert carried a sledgehammer and pulled his own placket to reveal the slightly white chest. “Because Laozi is a fake slang, it is rude!” ”

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