"Okay, go ahead. Don't be too afraid. Just answer the questions normally and cooperate with her research." Carlos patted Bai E on the shoulder and warned again, "Remember, be good."

"Okay instructor!"

Bai E stepped into the door under the leadership of the man with glasses. His heart was far from as peaceful as it seemed on the surface.

Carlos's attitude is very serious. The person who can be taken seriously by the sniper god must be extraordinary. He sounds like a scourge.

The name is Helen, and she must be a woman.

The academician of the Academy of Sciences must be an old thing.

If you like to dissect corpses, you must hate the psychological distortion of the world.

The old, ugly and psychopathic Obasan...

Do you want to maintain your mentality? It's really a... quite easy thing.

The woman stood up gracefully. Her white coat followed the curves of her body to outline a graceful figure. She looked over with a pair of narrow and charming eyes, "Come here."

The man with glasses who was leading Bai E was about to go in with a smile on his face, and he said at the same time, "Teacher, take the lead..."

"get out."


The door lock closed gently, and Bai E remained silent.


be good.

"Come here." Helen stood up, walked to the bed-shaped instrument that resembled the MRI in her previous life, and patted the bulkhead. "Come here and give you a full body examination first."

"Yes." Bai E obeyed obediently.

"Lie down and relax." Helen stood beside the bed, looked into Bai E's eyes as he slowly entered the cabin and said, "Relax, a certain amount of current stimulation may make your body feel strange. Numbness and soreness are normal. Yes, don't worry about it. Also, don't close your eyes. Some pictures will appear in front of your eyes later. Concentrate on observing them. You can blink and just observe them naturally. There is no need to do anything deliberately. "

The woman's voice was low and magnetic, and her explanation was clear and gentle. There was no trace of the cruelty that Carlos said.

Maybe tigers always like to tease their prey, right?

Bai E used self-restraint to tightly control his body's hormone secretion levels, trying to maintain a calm state of mind as much as possible.

"Do you understand?" Helen finally confirmed.


"Then it begins."

"Buzz~" The sound of the motor running sounded in the bulkhead, and Bai E felt that the places where the restraints wrapped around the limbs, waist and other body parts began to feel a little numb.

The needle pierced the body, causing a numbing sensation and taking away some blood.

Some dazzling scenes began to flash inside the bulkhead, about thirty centimeters away from the lying face.

They have no order at all, as if they are just some colorful and chaotic patterns mixed together at random.

After a long time, it can even make people’s heads feel swollen.

Bai E abandoned his distracting thoughts and carried out what the other party said.

The camera scans data such as facial status and eye movement, and begins comprehensive analysis.

The room was a little quiet for a while, except for the monotonous sound of the motor.

Until there was a "beep" sound, the sound of the motor's operation gradually decreased, and the messy patterns stopped playing.

"Lie down and don't move."

Helen held a fresh report and leaned on her chair to scan it up and down.

Physical fitness 13.5, Insight 11.3, Reflex 11.4

Among the individual scores that physical fitness can affect, "cell self-repair" is slightly more prominent, but it is not particularly obvious.

Comparing 95B27's data when he was born - physical strength 11, insight 10, reflex 10, the overall attributes have increased by 5.2 points in total.

It’s really a terrifying speed of improvement.

After three days of training and two consecutive battles, the sum of the comprehensive attributes that other recruits can improve will not exceed 2 points.

95B27 surpassed it by more than double.

Of course, although this improvement speed is indeed terrifying, it is also within Helen's expectation.

After all, the actual combat record achieved by 95B27 is there. It would be strange if there is no such level of basic attributes as the cornerstone.

Even compared to his performance, this attribute is still slightly low.

Is it because...the alien gene has awakened?

Compared with ordinary people who only know a little bit about it, as an expert in this field, she knows more secret details about the human body and many low-probability possibilities.

There are some xenogeneic genes from other races in the bodies of artificial humans. If an event occurs that is dominated by the awakening of xenogeneic genes, it is possible that the progress of attributes will be different from that of regular artificial humans.

Moreover, Line 95 uses orc genes. It seems somewhat reasonable that those barbarians who are keen on fighting can achieve such actual combat performance.

But... the awakening of alien genes is not only beneficial, it often also brings the bad qualities from those alien races.

If it were an orc...

The room was quiet, and Bai E was a little uneasy. He didn't know what kind of information would be displayed on the instrument report.

Helen's green fingers touched the knob on the instrument, "Continue to watch the picture."


The picture in front of Bai E played again and flashed rapidly. The seemingly meaningless and chaotic patterns changed and made people feel dizzy. At the same time, a little irritability gradually began to rise in his heart.

It seems to deliberately evoke the violent outpouring of conflict in people's hearts...

At the same time, more powerful currents are also stimulating specific parts of Bai'e's body.

[The heart applies to speed up blood pumping...]

[Pupillary application to enlarge...]

[The lungs apply for more oxygen...]

Self-suppressing rapid alarm.

Bai E's thoughts were racing.

Is this normal? Or should it be suppressed?

How should a normal person behave when encountering this kind of test? Is my performance within the scope of a normal person?

Thousands of things were spinning in his mind, but without much delay in time, Bai E made a decision——

He believed his reaction should be that of a normal person.

[open. ]

The sound of the motor slowly stopped, and Helen looked at the screen display on the instrument with slightly stern eyes.

No abnormal emotions? Even more stable than the average person's performance?

Isn't it the awakening of alien genes? Or...is it the awakening of the perfect alien gene?

It only brings the advantages of the alien gene without bearing any of its negative consequences. This situation, which only exists in theory, is also called the awakening of the perfect alien gene.

While she was making guesses in her mind, Helen was also chatting about seemingly unrelated topics.

"What did your commander say to you outside the door just now?"

While speaking, he also pressed a button on the instrument control panel.

Machines that can monitor body conditions can naturally also do some side jobs——

For example, lie detection.

Bai E's heart skipped a beat when he noticed Helen's little move.

[The heart applies to speed up blood pumping...]

[suppress. ]

He had never been so nervous, not even when he faced a mantis up close for the first time.

The unknown is the scariest thing.

I don’t know what kind of human technology this world is going to be, and I have too many secrets...

[An unknown test awaits you. Faced with the interrogation of human technology, you have many secrets in your heart and decide to tell a big lie and dance with Tzeentch? Or are you sincere and waiting to tell the whole story? 】

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