Bai E's expression remained unchanged, as if he was simply recalling, "He said... let me cooperate with your research."

"This is the only one?" Helen knew her reputation and didn't quite believe that this was the only one.

"Also, you have dissected many of my companions..."

"Are you afraid?"



"To be dissected is to die."

Helen raised her eyebrows lightly and stared at the instrument display interface, "Are you afraid of death?"

"I'm afraid of dying in a place like this."


"Sir, our lives do not belong to us and we have no right to waste them easily. It needs to be used for more meaningful and broader purposes. We are the sword of the city, cutting off all threats."

Commands can also be misinterpreted by emotions, and the same command will give different answers to each android.

It is also a genetic prohibition on sacrificing everything for human beings. Some artificial people show that they are not afraid of death and can die anytime and anywhere; while some artificial people do everything possible to protect themselves because they... Just represents humanity.

What do you think?

Helen became interested and looked away from the instrument display interface to Bai E's face, "It is also meaningful to be studied by me, and it is meaningful to more people."

"I don't understand the research, but I'm cooperating. If what you said is true and I think the body is more suitable, I will apply to the commander." Bai E said the words of actively seeking death as calmly as possible.

It is difficult for a knowledgeable person to imagine the world of an ignorant person. Bai E can only try his best to simulate the state of a newborn artificial human with a pure heart.

Helen's eyes flashed slightly.

This new recruit is trying to kill himself...

What he means by cooperating with the research is that living people can also cooperate with the research, so why do we need dead people?

Is this intentional? Or is it simply describing the facts?

Looking past the instrument display interface again, Helen tapped the fingertips of her right hand gently on her palm.

No flaws were detected, but the recruit's actual combat performance was indeed difficult to understand.

Then, start sorting it out from the beginning.

"I have some questions for you."

Bai E, who was lying on his back, was facing Helen who was sitting behind his head. He was naturally at a disadvantage in terms of position. He couldn't see the other person's expressions and movements, which was undoubtedly confusing. "Tell me."

"On the day the Zerg invaded the military camp, why did you leave everyone and act alone?"

"My weapons and equipment are in the rest area, I need to get them."

"Why did you break away from everyone and choose to fight alone after you came back?"

"The Zerg have surrounded them and I can't get in."

"Teammates attract attention. You can hide first. The risk of death when fighting alone is too high."

"I felt like I had to do it, and someone needed to be there to buy them time."

"Do you have confidence? Otherwise, your death will be in vain. Your actions are meaningless."

Is this impulse or judgment?

Helen stared at everything on Bai E's face with great interest. Every subtle expression had its own meaning.

[There is a trap...]

Bai E blinked lightly and had already made a decision, "This is a battlefield, and everyone's lives are equal. There are risks, but I must try. If I succeed, I can save many people."

After a certain amount of confidence, what are the remaining gamblers who leave it entirely to luck?

There seems to be no problem with this decision.

He is worthy of being the recruit that all the officers in their military region want to keep. This ability is really impressive.

Then the decision to fight the mantis alone is logical.

This kind of tactical improvisation was not her area of ​​expertise, so she didn't want to ask more questions.


"Why did you let Rose block that knife for you?"

"At that time, I was the only one who could pose a threat to that mantis. I needed to ensure that I was in good condition, and...she wouldn't die."


Underneath the calm narration is the confidence, strength, and absolute trust in his teammates.

Helen narrowed her eyes slightly, "Last question, on the frontal battlefield with the Zerg, what did you feel when the giant 'Dominator' insect appeared?"

According to the concept of 95B27, the reasons for driving a troop carrier to rescue people during the retreat are the same, and there is no need to ask anymore.

But how he did this has to make people curious. What does he rely on to be able to freely travel through the realm where giant insects almost dominate?

"The wants me to kneel."


Helen was noncommittal.

At this point, the answers of the warriors were pretty much the same, it was pure fear inspired by the body and soul.

Darkness is the only element, the rest is up to the soldiers' own imagination.

The point is...

"How did you escape from this situation? I think you should know later that except you, no other soldier can freely travel back and forth in the domain of the dominant giant insect."

"Because I'm in charge of air defense..."

"Air defense?" Helen looked startled.

"The captain gave me a task, asking me to help the battlefield block the spore mines shot by all the bugs in the air. This is what must be done... I cannot fall."


The room was quiet, but the calm state of mind was slightly rippled.

The strong sense of responsibility behind 95B27's seemingly plain words even made him transcend all fears.

On the contrary, the answer to how he intercepted all the spore mines is the most obvious——

The registration talent of 95B27 is that it can clearly see all the details at high speed, and it is absolutely unfavorable when used in shooting and interception.

It can only be said that his talent is indeed a bit terrifying.

At this point, all the anomalies displayed by 95B27 seem to have answers.

The outstanding achievements in the basic attributes of the body are most likely due to the awakening of the alien gene, and the negative emotions of the alien brought about by the awakening of the alien gene are also likely to be suppressed by his unimaginable love and responsibility.

There is a clear line of logic behind everything he does.

This mind and this journey are as clear as a mirror.

Helen's eyelashes trembled slightly as she looked at the expressionless android warrior still lying calmly on the bed.

Will he... be the perfect template that he wants?

Amazing talent, passion from the soul, and even an extremely smart brain.

Everything he showed was based on calm analysis of situation judgment and decision-making. As for the rigidity in the dialogue, it was due to the lack of information intake and obedience to orders.

He's definitely not stupid.

Perhaps as an android warrior, his only shortcoming is his psychic talent that has been deliberately suppressed... However, he has it.

Can he be chosen as the seed of the Primarch Project?

In other words, is it to choose the seed of union between him and himself?

Just like the world recorded in epic poems in the past, humans selected those excellent mutant seeds from the rice hybridization process and kept them to reproduce from generation to generation, and finally obtained the most suitable source of staple food for humans.

So is it possible to select the best template among the countless cases of random genetic mutation and copy it, and become the standard answer for all artificial human warriors?

She has been planning this proposal for a long time, but she has never had a suitable goal.

Could this be the answer?

Still need to observe more...

"Get up."

Helen pressed the switch and the bed was automatically sent out.

Bai E, who got up, saw the gentle smile on the woman's face for the first time.

"One thing I need to explain to you is that I don't like dissection."

[From the other party’s attitude of wanting to ease the relationship, you realize that you have successfully passed the test...]

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