
The young Wu Beginning Emperor stepped on the clouds and jumped over with a look of excitement.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I went straight up without any preparation..."

Who knows, will these powerhouses become his potential competitors?

The Great Emperor Wushi gritted his teeth, his face was a little ugly, and there was a rare trace of fear in his always indifferent eyes. The secret realm of Kunlun Mountains, but the higher world, there are still native creatures, and there must be a large number of strong people.

Everyone was shocked. The people who can come here are all strong people who have been screened many times outside. They have seen countless killings. The skill is profound, it must be extraordinary.

That thing swam faintly, escaped from mid-air, and finally completely appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and everyone exclaimed.

"How advanced is this world... 95

The sound of the flute entered the ear, as if it would completely affect the mind of the person. I saw that the whole person had entered such a vast and ethereal realm, and seemed to have forgotten all the troubles. When everyone woke up, they saw a man dressed in a hundred The pretty woman with bird feathers was standing among them.

Could it be that... these endless beasts all have masters? Are they secretly manipulating their actions?

Seeing that the killing god did not move, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's kind of interesting, this so-called secret realm has actually given birth to a group of beasts."

in such a place?

Some contemptuous glances, when the weak have no choice.

If you go in by yourself, you will just die.

"As expected of the Beginning Emperor.

Beneath the pure white nothingness, there is still a trace of ghost-like things, like a thin film, faintly revealing endless brilliance, and upon closer inspection, those things are actually connected together, so that the whole piece of nothingness lies beneath. , all wrapped in that translucent thing.

The Great Emperor Wubei was originally a murderer, the woman's origin was unknown, but she was extremely powerful. He had already moved to kill, but when he saw the woman's indifferent eyebrows, he had a very familiar and comfortable feeling.

If the world bubble in the Kunlun secret realm can successfully win this trial, the power and transformation that they can obtain will definitely be much greater than what they imagined. Everyone whispered, looking like they wanted to try but were extremely frightened, so advanced The world bubble, the pressure that it can carry must be smaller.

In the void, a conspicuous trace was instantly drawn.

The Young Emperor Wubei glanced at them, but didn't do anything. In this unfamiliar environment, it would be too unwise to make enemies at will.

But things have come to this point, it's not his style to wince again, hurry up and get on it.

The young Emperor Wubei felt that there was a lot of mystery in this place, and when he reached out and touched it lightly, he used his skills, and the pure white brilliance flowed in his hand. After removing the shell of the big tree, I saw an empty space inside the big tree.

It turns out...is this the Kunlun native creature...

Is this the so-called chance and opportunity?

Strength is important, but life is more important.

The strong men were stunned.

They were all beasts, not a single humanoid.

"It's really a daring art master, but it's just that the strong has its own strong hands, I'm afraid I don't know how it will die...

Who is it? How can they confuse them?

This time, it also attracted the sighs of everyone.

Seeing this, the Beginning Great Emperor smiled coldly.

The young Emperor Wushi lightly tapped his toes and leaped over at once, with a blazing fire blazing beneath him.

"Kunlun Secret Realm, there is actually a world bubble?"

Suddenly, countless people hesitated and stopped in this world.

Otherwise, wait for the situation to stabilize before making plans.

Everyone looked up at the dark sky. Among the beasts, there was a green tree with luxuriant branches. The beasts only flew and coiled along it, not daring to touch it at all, as if the tree was their holy place.

There was a lot of discussion.

The young Emperor Wubei had flying black hair and a fearless face. Just as he was about to step in, he saw a vision of a hundred birds chasing a phoenix floating in the air. Countless flying birds with colorful feathers circled around a huge phoenix, accompanied by A clear whistle.

Some people said in fear that they almost dared not look directly, and quickly retreated, for fear that the battle of the strong would affect them.

However... On closer inspection, the movements of these beasts seem to be chaotic, but they have a specific trajectory.

It seems that there is only such a small one, but it hides the infinite universe and radius. It is only a millimeter in front of everyone's eyes, but it is actually a thousand miles away. Shining brightly, it seems like thousands of worlds are surging in front of you.

Besides a group of beasts, what else can you see?

Facing such a scene, Rao was also a little stunned.

Everyone was disappointed.

Everyone muttered in a low voice, and looked at the young Wu Shi Great Emperor, who was full of fighting spirit, with some fear. After all, they have already seen how powerful this guy is.

Is there still life?

The Beginning Young Great Emperor stopped slightly in the air.


There was a raging anger in the eyes of the young Wushi Emperor.

The woman's body was full of indescribable elegance. She walked up to it and lightly tapped her ten fingers, but saw such a large group of powerful people who were placed outside, stomping their feet, and a country would tremble three times. Among the strong, she only took a fancy to A Beginning Emperor.

The more primitive the place, the more good things there are, and the closer it is to the ancient prehistoric times!

That proves that the breath here is extremely primitive!

There are also fewer people who can successfully emerge from the world bubble.

Some were human-faced boa constrictors, roaring away, some were gluttonous, gigantic creatures that devoured everything around them mindlessly, and there were piranhas with their mouths open, and swarms of vulture-like things flew in the air, sending out baby sounds. Crying, constantly preying on everything around him, as if to show his dominance.

Well, it is wise to retreat at this time, otherwise, all of them will only become their own stepping stones!

Everyone looked at each other, only to see this woman with a round face, standing in the middle, with slender hands, holding a simple-looking flute lightly, dressed in burlap, wearing an incomparably gorgeous bird feather shawl, the bird feather shawl shone brightly, Guanghua surpassed that world bubble almost all at once, only to make people feel ecstatic and speechless.

A picture of infinite mystery and change that cannot be exhausted by language, it seems that the mystery of the world is all contained in such a thin film as silk.

In other words, there must be a tragic killing state inside.

The corners of his mouth twitched.

After realizing that the pressure here is not so strong, the powerhouses behind them also rushed over.

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